tissue- i do not for myself find the issues of marriage and homosexuality to be controversial, they are parts of life that we deal with and make decisions on and that should be as christians by the word of God.
Also I personally do not have a problem with other christians disagreeing with me, HOWEVER as christians our disagreeing should always, as much as is possible be based on what we at this time understand the word of God to say and teach on the matter, not just on culture or history or tradition. The reason for this being that we are told over and over that it is the will of God, that as His united body that we be of ONE MIND. If we each decide that our perameters of reasonings are going to be outside of the word of God, then we are doing our own thinking, instead of letting the word of God renew our minds bringing them into unity together.
As for your original topic, you did not originally specify that you did not want bible answers, so i adressed your topic with a bible answer. I will expand on that here to get back on topic somewhat.
Marriage between a man and a woman, causes both people to become ONE flesh.- This goes beyond this simple fact as well, because the word is clear if you are joined to a harlot you become a harlot, on the other hand if a husband or wife becomes a believer, their faith sanctifies their spouse, so the crossing over of effects of people becomming ONE flesh are numerous.- Now in the word of God we see that sin brings curses, and if something is naturally bad for you and brings a curse on you it is not good for you.-
Now the union sexually of a man and woman makes them one and out of that comes LIFE into another whole person.- but the union of two men or two women brings no life, it brings vanity. Nothing good comes forth from that naturally speaking. Beyond that it is clear that the sexual workings of two men together brings the curse upon them. The human male body was not made to accept that system of sexuality and because of that, many activities they engage in together are harmful physically to their bodies and can cause life long damage. So now not only is their union VAIN< producing no life or possiblity of it, but it causes harm to one or both people.
God knew it was not good for man to be alone, and so he made man a wife. Not a friend, not a pal, not a man but a wife. He not only made him a wife but he could have formed the wife likewise out of the dust but He did not, He took FROM adam to make her. And he made us the weaker vessel by nature. Our job is to be a HELP meet unto our husbands. When you have two men, there is no help meet and when you have two women you have no stronger vessel, no headship.