The universe being eternal would mean no creator was required, and that would be logical wouldn't it?The universe by itself, being eternal, without God having made it eternal, is not logical.
Then how does an atheist explain it being eternal? Its not like God, who is supernatural, and is eternal. the atheist comparison of God to matter is not a good comparison, as far as the eternal aspects are concerned.
Surely if we believe that matter is not created or destroyed it only changes form, then an eternal universe fits this? The matter was spread out and due to gravity and other natural laws formed into more solid forms. The universe doesn't have to be supernatural to be eternal, just ever changing. The big bang theory I heard was compressed matter reaching critical mass blows outwards, all the matter always existed just was in a different form from what it is now.
changing form, gravity pulling it to where it currently is, movement from other cosmic events.The matter could not have been always there. How did it get there?
If it is natural as believed then there doesn't have to be a purpose.Why is it there?
If its eternal, it doesn't have a cause it always was and always will be just in differing form to what it is now.What caused it to exist?