SyntaxVorlon said:
Featherbop said:
Having matter not pop out of thin air tells that it was created at a point.
Seriously. Saying something exists but was never made, never had a beginning, and can't be destroyed, is ludacris. Illogical. stupid.
So the fact that matter does not pop out of nothing means it was popped out of nothing?
This is a complete departure from logic.
The matter/energy in the universe is constant, there is a finite and unchanging amount of stuff in the universe. This is observed fact.
You are saying that matter can be destroyed. There is no process that can de-exist matter/energy. Unless you can show a process by which matter/energy can be destroyed, you are making an unsupported positive claim.
Its a huge cop out to say "well ugh its always been there."
Thats avoiding the answer. Somebody tell me how it got there. There is no such things as "its always been there", for matter. Its an assumtion, and a poor one at that.
So it's a huge cop out to say what is obvious from what we know to be true? It's the basis of virtually ALL science and science works. Your claim would mean that all of science is wrong and the universe is COMPLETELY different from the pervailing theories that explain it. The fact that science works makes your claim so improbable as to be laughable.
Stop copping out and answer the question. No double standards. No dodging.
99.99999999999999999999% certainty to .00000000000000000001% probability is not a double standard. Your argument is possible, I'll give you that, but it's also probable that water is dry, iron is extremely unstable and that your brain has a Schwartzchild radius, but those are still more likely than your claim.[/quote:f2cc9]
What I said about matter being destroyed was that I thought it could be destroyed. But isn't it that matter is energy, and M&E can not be destroyed, but changezs form only. No matter how you slice the apple, it doesn't indicate that matter is eternal. Unless you're biased....
Also, that the amount of energy is constant does not prove, or even suggest matter was eternal.
that matter does not pop out of thin air does not show matter has always been here.
There is no way to prove either way. anyone who says they can prove matter is eternal or not eternal is either lying or has no clue that they can't do it. Science can not prove that matter is eternal or not.
Science is not the field for this job.
Saying matter is eternal and giving no explanation howe its there is a copout and a dodge. Noone ever answers this, becuase they can't.
If science claims it knows matter is eternal, or thinks that it seems that way, sounds like a conspiracy maybe......Not that science is a cxonspiracy, but its been turned into a tool for atheists.
Anyway, I'm hopelessly looking for the answer to "If matter is eternal, how did it get there?"