- Jun 21, 2007
- 10,028
- 99
Felix... from the site that you linked...
Again from the website that you linked to:
Of the 40 who did experience a positive benefit, we must note that the desire was diminished, not eliminated... sexual fantasies were less frequent, not non-existent, they gained control over sexual urges, not have those urges completely disappear.
Thanks for sharing the link... it has proven my point that loss of testosterone does not eliminate all sexual urges making it impossible for a eunuch to have sexual desires. :nod
Most eunuchs simply had their testes either removed or damaged... pretty much the same thing we do with our steers... And, the process with a young bull, which involves either cutting the testes out or putting a rubber band around the testes until they simply stop growing and become nonfunctional, does NOT elimanate sexual behavior in the animal... I've seen many of our steers sniff the cows, become excited in the presence of a cow in heat, even mount the cow... They also show all the other "intimate" behaviors of cattle that don't involve procreation... nuzzling, licking, rubbing necks... Damaged testes does not remove all sexual urges, nor does it remove the even more basic urge of all social animals, man included to not "be alone"... Even with damaged or completely removed testes, the desire for sex and intimacy is still present...
Which is exactly the testimony of the women of the harem... Most were isolated to the harem for the rest of their lives, never to see any man except their husband and the eunuchs... With the large harems, many of the wives and concubines wouldn't even see their husband past their wedding night, except for one or two times... In that culture, wives were basically slaves, having 100's of wives wasn't for the sultan to be sexually involved with them... they were simply a show of his wealth and power. As with all humans, the sultan would have his "favorites"... and the mother of his first born generally held a special status... However, wife number 284 or 407 could figure once she entered the harem to experience sex once with her husband and possibly never see another man again for the rest of her life. Except the eunuchs. This led to rampant lesbianism within the harem and a lot of intimate contact between the eunuchs and the women... It makes perfect sense... the human need for companionship and intimacy is exactly why God created woman in the first place. No one, even a eunuch, finds it good to be alone. The eunuchs and women developed intimate relationships, some of them lasting years and years. Adulterous on the part of the wives and risky... death was the punishment if caught... but it did happen whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
You were on a far better track when you stated, "Because, sexual temptations CANNOT be overcome EXCEPT through the Holy Spirit."
This is where the Christian should look for the controlling of sexual urges, especially one called to life-long service for the Lord in a manner which would preclude a husband from being a real husband to his wife... A husband's duty is to provide for his wife and children, to be the leader in his home, and to fulfill his wife's physical desires... Something a man who spends his life traveling throughout the world, rarely if ever coming to his "home"... can do. Sometimes the family can accompany the evangelist or missionary... but not always... Especially back in the time when being an evangelist or an apostle was apt to get one thrown in prison, or killed out right.
So, it is very sensible that some men (and some women for that matter) will heed the call of God to never marry, to live the life of a eunuch, one whose entire existence, even the physical, is devoted to the Master. Such a one will have sexual temptations, and as you yourself stated,"sexual temptations CANNOT be overcome EXCEPT through the Holy Spirit."
Through the Holy Spirit, a eunuch for the Lord can certainly overcome not only sexual temptations... but also the overwhelming need for intimate companionship, for having a soul-mate, a person with whom one can be fully "one" with...
The Holy Spirit is present with any born-again Christian... so there is no need for any man to mutilate himself in such a manner. To do so would be to deny the Spirit's faithfulness to bring us through temptation and it really wouldn't have the effect that was hoped for... things might be diminished, but not eliminated.
Unless someone has specific questions to ask me that I haven't already addressed or brings forth a new point of view that hasn't already been discussed at length, this will be my last post on this thread as well. It's been an interesting discussion... but now it's simply getting repetitive and now that it's crystal clear that no one is open to changing their mind regarding this issue...myself included... there's really no point to keep going on about it.
There is a big difference between can reduce and always eliminates...When used on men, these drugs can reduce sex drive, compulsive sexual fantasies, and capacity for sexual arousal.
Again from the website that you linked to:
So out of 48 males, 8 males did not experience diminished desires, less frequent sexual fantasies and did not gain greater control over sexual urges.In 1981, in an experiment by P. Gagne, 48 males with long standing histories of sexually deviant behaviour were given medroxyprogesterone acetate for as long as 12 months. Forty of those subjects were recorded as to have diminished desires for deviant sexual behaviour, less frequent sexual fantasies, and greater control over sexual urges. The research recorded a continuation of this more positive behaviour after the administration of the drug had ended, with no evidence of adverse side effects, and recommended medroxyprogesterone acetate along with counselling as a successful method of treatment for serial sex offenders.[11]
Of the 40 who did experience a positive benefit, we must note that the desire was diminished, not eliminated... sexual fantasies were less frequent, not non-existent, they gained control over sexual urges, not have those urges completely disappear.
Thanks for sharing the link... it has proven my point that loss of testosterone does not eliminate all sexual urges making it impossible for a eunuch to have sexual desires. :nod
Most eunuchs simply had their testes either removed or damaged... pretty much the same thing we do with our steers... And, the process with a young bull, which involves either cutting the testes out or putting a rubber band around the testes until they simply stop growing and become nonfunctional, does NOT elimanate sexual behavior in the animal... I've seen many of our steers sniff the cows, become excited in the presence of a cow in heat, even mount the cow... They also show all the other "intimate" behaviors of cattle that don't involve procreation... nuzzling, licking, rubbing necks... Damaged testes does not remove all sexual urges, nor does it remove the even more basic urge of all social animals, man included to not "be alone"... Even with damaged or completely removed testes, the desire for sex and intimacy is still present...
Which is exactly the testimony of the women of the harem... Most were isolated to the harem for the rest of their lives, never to see any man except their husband and the eunuchs... With the large harems, many of the wives and concubines wouldn't even see their husband past their wedding night, except for one or two times... In that culture, wives were basically slaves, having 100's of wives wasn't for the sultan to be sexually involved with them... they were simply a show of his wealth and power. As with all humans, the sultan would have his "favorites"... and the mother of his first born generally held a special status... However, wife number 284 or 407 could figure once she entered the harem to experience sex once with her husband and possibly never see another man again for the rest of her life. Except the eunuchs. This led to rampant lesbianism within the harem and a lot of intimate contact between the eunuchs and the women... It makes perfect sense... the human need for companionship and intimacy is exactly why God created woman in the first place. No one, even a eunuch, finds it good to be alone. The eunuchs and women developed intimate relationships, some of them lasting years and years. Adulterous on the part of the wives and risky... death was the punishment if caught... but it did happen whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
You were on a far better track when you stated, "Because, sexual temptations CANNOT be overcome EXCEPT through the Holy Spirit."
This is where the Christian should look for the controlling of sexual urges, especially one called to life-long service for the Lord in a manner which would preclude a husband from being a real husband to his wife... A husband's duty is to provide for his wife and children, to be the leader in his home, and to fulfill his wife's physical desires... Something a man who spends his life traveling throughout the world, rarely if ever coming to his "home"... can do. Sometimes the family can accompany the evangelist or missionary... but not always... Especially back in the time when being an evangelist or an apostle was apt to get one thrown in prison, or killed out right.
So, it is very sensible that some men (and some women for that matter) will heed the call of God to never marry, to live the life of a eunuch, one whose entire existence, even the physical, is devoted to the Master. Such a one will have sexual temptations, and as you yourself stated,"sexual temptations CANNOT be overcome EXCEPT through the Holy Spirit."
Through the Holy Spirit, a eunuch for the Lord can certainly overcome not only sexual temptations... but also the overwhelming need for intimate companionship, for having a soul-mate, a person with whom one can be fully "one" with...
The Holy Spirit is present with any born-again Christian... so there is no need for any man to mutilate himself in such a manner. To do so would be to deny the Spirit's faithfulness to bring us through temptation and it really wouldn't have the effect that was hoped for... things might be diminished, but not eliminated.
Unless someone has specific questions to ask me that I haven't already addressed or brings forth a new point of view that hasn't already been discussed at length, this will be my last post on this thread as well. It's been an interesting discussion... but now it's simply getting repetitive and now that it's crystal clear that no one is open to changing their mind regarding this issue...myself included... there's really no point to keep going on about it.