Douglas Summers
Matthew Chapter 13 begins the Mystery of the Kingdom in parable form by the Lord, after His rejection by His own. (The Chief religious leaders of Israel) That is what John 1: 11 is referring to when it says,"He came unto His own and His own received Him not). Chapter 12 of Matthew is the Chapter of His rejection, especially when they account His work by The Holy Spirit to Bellzebub.. The reason for the parabolic teaching is explained in (Matt. 13: 10-16). After Chapter 13 He does not preach the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven again, But preaches to the Gentiles and the Israel people preparing for His death.
Verse 1 starts out, "The same day went Jesus out of the house and set by the seaside." The symbolic meaning is that He walked out of the house (of Israel) and sat by the seaside (the sea typifies the Gentile nations of the world). Taking His place by the sea shows that our Lord was to cover a wider sphere than just the lost sheep of Israel. In Chapter 12 he teaches among the people, but starting with Chapter 13 He teaches separated from the people. The parables start out with (3)Behold a sower went forth to sow. But the original Greek text says, "The sower went out to sow" . The sower is our Lord (13:37) and He went out "of the house of Israel). This indicates the change in His ministry from the nation of Israel to those of His own. The "mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens" starts with our Lords earthly ministry, but in a wider application it is the entire age in which He is absent from the earth when the "Kingdom of the Heavens" has been left in the hands of men.(Acts 1: 8). The "Kingdom of he Heavens" is plural, covering all 3 heavens. (2 Cor. 12: 2)
Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2: 2) The first heaven. Since God has dominion over His creation, the earth is a mixture of wheat and tares. The beginning of the parables He explains to His Disciples, and others He leaves unexplained.
"The Mustard Seed" Many years ago I was taught that this parable was about the world wide reform of Christians, and that what started with the smallest seed grows world wide that everyone can rest in it's branches. But at further study this explanation is false. The mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds . It represents the start of single faith of what the lord sowed.(that part is true) but when it was left up to men to sow (acts 1:8) the mustard seed grew into a GREAT TREE. This is unnatural, for the fruit of the mustard does not grow on a tree! It comes from a bush. The tree is so big that the birds of the air can rest upon it. In these parables and else ware the birds of the air represent Satan and his minions (Rev. 18: 2; Matt. 13: 4) So the birds of the air are comfortable with false doctrines, yet in that tree there is still the true church from the faith as a mustard seed, No where in Scripture does the Lord say there is world wide conversion. In fact, He says otherwise. (Matt. 13: 24-30). Christ is calling out His Church at this time to be one new body of the two men (Eph. 2: 14-22) . Another mystery of the kingdom of the Heavens has much the same meaning. Leaven "always" represent sin and pride. Notice the women HIDES in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.(Rev. 3: 14-19) Enough for now.
In Christ
Douglas Summers
Verse 1 starts out, "The same day went Jesus out of the house and set by the seaside." The symbolic meaning is that He walked out of the house (of Israel) and sat by the seaside (the sea typifies the Gentile nations of the world). Taking His place by the sea shows that our Lord was to cover a wider sphere than just the lost sheep of Israel. In Chapter 12 he teaches among the people, but starting with Chapter 13 He teaches separated from the people. The parables start out with (3)Behold a sower went forth to sow. But the original Greek text says, "The sower went out to sow" . The sower is our Lord (13:37) and He went out "of the house of Israel). This indicates the change in His ministry from the nation of Israel to those of His own. The "mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens" starts with our Lords earthly ministry, but in a wider application it is the entire age in which He is absent from the earth when the "Kingdom of the Heavens" has been left in the hands of men.(Acts 1: 8). The "Kingdom of he Heavens" is plural, covering all 3 heavens. (2 Cor. 12: 2)
Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2: 2) The first heaven. Since God has dominion over His creation, the earth is a mixture of wheat and tares. The beginning of the parables He explains to His Disciples, and others He leaves unexplained.
"The Mustard Seed" Many years ago I was taught that this parable was about the world wide reform of Christians, and that what started with the smallest seed grows world wide that everyone can rest in it's branches. But at further study this explanation is false. The mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds . It represents the start of single faith of what the lord sowed.(that part is true) but when it was left up to men to sow (acts 1:8) the mustard seed grew into a GREAT TREE. This is unnatural, for the fruit of the mustard does not grow on a tree! It comes from a bush. The tree is so big that the birds of the air can rest upon it. In these parables and else ware the birds of the air represent Satan and his minions (Rev. 18: 2; Matt. 13: 4) So the birds of the air are comfortable with false doctrines, yet in that tree there is still the true church from the faith as a mustard seed, No where in Scripture does the Lord say there is world wide conversion. In fact, He says otherwise. (Matt. 13: 24-30). Christ is calling out His Church at this time to be one new body of the two men (Eph. 2: 14-22) . Another mystery of the kingdom of the Heavens has much the same meaning. Leaven "always" represent sin and pride. Notice the women HIDES in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.(Rev. 3: 14-19) Enough for now.
In Christ
Douglas Summers