- Jun 21, 2009
- 10,783
- 414
I've recently closed a thread because of what could be seen as "Trolling" within our Christianity and Science forum. This "Moratorium on Trolling" thread is now open to encourage discussion about what I see as a need to continue an effort started by Young Earth Creation group, when a petition for the creation of a Sanctuary forum (YEC) and group was made and honored.
See: Final Post #8, in the THE MINDLESSNESS OF EVOLUTION thread (recently closed).
It just seems to me that in order to best serve all of our Members it is good to draw the line a little deeper in the sand while taking a stronger position against what could appear to be "Trolling".
Here's a Link to various answers to the question, "What is an internet Troll?" from Reference.com
Comments are welcomed and encouraged (may I say, needed) so that we may proceed, hopefully in agreement, toward a solution to a well-known issue here at ChristianForums.net.
Recall that the Christianity and Science forum is a place where everyone who enters may see the Forum Header:
Christianity & Science(10 Viewing)
Discuss science topics such as creation and evolution and how they relate to Christianity.
Discuss science topics such as creation and evolution and how they relate to Christianity.
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