i get what u guys are saying, but its confusing when the hebrews passage says He was tempted just as we are.
Ah! That's different from what I understood.
Jesus was a total human being and God the Logos at the same time.
So, having flesh, He experienced the fleshly urges of every human being.
But, being completely submitted to the will of the Father, He did nothing contrary to that will. (Jhn 5:19)
He was man as God intended man to be; controlled by the spirit and intellect rather than by the flesh through the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. (1Jo 2:16)
It was necessary for Him to be tempted but not to give in to any temptation in order that, having no sin, neither would he be subject to death. (Rom 6:23) Therefore, having voluntarily given Himself to be killed, He could not be held by death because he had not earned a death through sin. By rising bodily from death, He destroyed the power of death to hold mankind. So all mankind will be raised, bodily, from death never to physically die again. (1Co 15:21-22)
Christ had to be like us in every way in order to give himself for all of us.
If HE had been God masquerading as a man, then he would not have really died.
If he was not flesh and blood and did not really suffer but only appeared to suffer and die then he would have accomplished nothing.
A man, Adam, brought sin and death to humanity. It was necessary that a man bring eternal life as God had originally planned.
1Co 15:21
For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead.
iakov the fool