elijah23 said:
I think the purpose of religion is to develop a relationship with the Lord. The Pharisees, and I am no expert on the Pharisees, seemed to me to make the mistake of devoting themselves not to developing a relationship with the Lord, but to following a long list of useless rules. If so, are there Christians today that make the same mistake?
Oh yes I think there are. We have plenty of well meaning Christians ready to tell us all how to live sin free and call us out for our inequities. Some seem to have neat little equations for us all to follow.
Religion is a word to me that suggest an organized thought. I prefer the word relationship. In terms of Christianity a relationship suggest that God meets us where we are as individuals. It's a one on one relationship and while we may all believe in the salvation of Christ, it is important to understand and respect that we are all in different relationships with Christ based on where we are in our individual journey. As brothers and sisters in Christ that does not mean that my journey is any more or less than yours.
Don't get me wrong, there are essential Christian doctrines, but beyond that we are all on different personal journeys for Gods grater purpose.