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Ushering in the One-World Religion
By Wendy Griffith
CBN News Reporter
The summit was endorsed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan who said "the future of the world depends on women."
CBN.com ? GENEVA, Switzerland ? A one world government and a one world religion ? it may just sound like fiction from the popular "Left Behind" novel series. But some Christians say this scenario may be closer than most people think.
Earlier this fall in Geneva, hundreds of spiritual and religious leaders met at the United Nations for a peace summit. And although all the major faiths were there, including some who claim to represent Christianity, it was clear that Jesus was not invited.
The event was actually the first ever UN summit of women religious leaders. Mournful cries could be heard emanating from one of the meetings as more than 500 women from more than 70 countries came to talk about ways to achieve world peace. Most were from "Eastern religions" ? Buddhists, Taoists and Hindus.
And a woman named "Amma," who is known as the "hugging saint," came with her own band of followers. She claims to be able to impart "divine love and wisdom" in her hug. She said, "It's not only hugging but it is also imparting that spiritual principal into people, so to have them know who they are, so once you know that, peace will spontaneously happen."
Honorary Chair Shirley MacLaine, known for her adventures into New Age, did not show, but several celebrities did, including Linda Evans, Lindsay Wagner and Linda Gray of "Dallas" fame.
Gray said, "I was raised Catholic, I bless that base, I think if you have a strong religious base where, whatever it is, then you branch out from there, or expand on it."
The summit was endorsed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan who said "the future of the world depends on women."
As the women gathered near the banks of beautiful Lake Geneva, Bawa Jain, one of the organizers and one of the few men present, said, "And behold the power of women, look at that, the rain stopped, (laughs) this is the power of women, a true demonstration here."
Bawa Jain then led the women in a chant for peace. "Say it with me three times, ?No more violence, No more violence, No more violence,?" he said.
Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative, said, "The thunderclouds of war gather around us, the sky grows dark but it never does envelope us. In a few moments we will light a single candle, and from that candle many will receive the light and that light will shine in the darkness."