- Feb 19, 2016
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I looked out the back door and Noah came to mind.
Anyway; We had heavy rains last night and early this morning, which created a flood on the patio because the gutter was plugged up. Now this has happened before, many times, but I just kept hoping the problem would go away; which was really quite foolish, because way down not so deep inside I knew that wasn’t going to happen. The truth is I was just making excuses because I didn’t want to go up on the roof and do what needed to be done; Clean out the gutter! Well as usually happens in cases like this, my better half (that lady who has my missing rib) again informed me ever so nicely, “The patio is flooded, I am afraid the drain to the street is plugged. By which she meant it was going to cost a fortune to get it roto-rootered or whatever.
Well that last part, which she didn’t say but I surmised, got my attention.
I finally went out to the garage, got the heavy ladder (which I dreaded) proceeded to the backyard and fought the heavy thing until I finally got it up against the patio roof, went up on the roof and got the job done. Truth told, it wasn’t half the job I thought it would be. Truth told I had just been too lazy to do what I ought to have done when the problem first came to my attention; months ago.
Does anyone else have that problem?
Prov 6:6-11 “Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise,
Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer
And gathers her provision in the harvest.
How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest
Your poverty will come in like a vagabond, And your need like an armed man”. (NASB)
A hard word sluggard but a good word.
It sounds bad and gets our attention. God uses it for a good reason too. He uses it because we are all; every man, Jack, and Jill of us; we are all sluggards. We all put off something, don’t we? We all put off till tomorrow something we could have done today. We all have some way of justifying our action, or inaction. Myself, I put off the gutters; “after all why do the gutters on such a sunny day when I can lounge in the sun and read a good book (and probably get a sunburn too); I’ll get it done tomorrow.”
What is it you tend to put off until tomorrow?
The lawn mowing, the dishes, the wash, the car tuneup, the oil change; be honest, even you. And those are just the everyday, mundane things of life. Are there any really important things you put off another day? Are there a matters of life and death you put off till another day? Before you answer that question, I want you to think; what are those really important things that are a matter of life and death? Well, there is the fire escape plan; the plan for you and your family escapee in the case of fire, for instance. I am sure you have not put that off. Then there is the life insurance plan, the vacation plan, or the medical plan. There are many plans such as these to consider and I’ll bet most of you, especially those with adequate incomes, do not put off these things.
Now let’s us talk about the thing that nearly everybody in the world puts off.
How many of you have a plan for eternity? The young say, “What me worry; lots of time.” The middle aged say, “Lot of time for that, I’ve got a family to raise.” The old say, “Next Sunday.” Yeah we all have a good (in our own mind) reason to put off the matter of our eternal destiny to another day. A shame too, because it is a fact that very few ever find the right time to consider eternity. Jesus said it, I only repeat it”
Matt 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (NASB)
Yes, indeed; there are but few who find it; and why is that? A lot people, even people in the church, don’t find it even though they have been told many times by the preacher that they ought to be looking for the narrow gate, they just put it off till a more convenient time. A lot of people not in the church don’t bother looking for the narrow gate because they don’t really believe there is such a thing. There is another category of people; those who, though they may have the testimony of God’s creation, need more; they need the testimony of another human being, a human being that cares about them, someone who cares whether the person next to them in the crowd goes to hell or not.
Rom 1:20-21 “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” (NASB)
They are, definitely, they are all without excuse! But what is your excuse Good Christian? What is your excuse for not seeing to it that everyone in that vast milling crowd of humanity out there hears the Gospel? You Good Christian, have you ever heard of the Great Commission? If you claim to be a true Christian and you are in a fact a true Christian I know that you have heard or read at one time or the other, The Great Commission. If you haven’t, please, I beg you, look it up. It does not just ask us, it requires us, to inform the world of the Gospel of Christ. We are also required to love our neighbor as ourselves, commanded to do so. One who loves his neighbor would surely not let his neighbor fall into a pit without warning him of his danger, would he? That being the case, why would anyone let his neighbor go to hell without warning?
Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today, and you may thereby save a soul from hell. Today is the day to begin doing what we should have done yesterday. We must not put it off any longer.
Oh, heavenly Father, convict us of our sin in this matter. Give us the strength and the fortitude and the ability for the task which you have given us. Amen.
Lawrence Blair