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So, your reason that Mormonism is preferred among all Christians is the dividing line - Mormons believe they have the capability to be "like God" in that we can aspire to the heights of the heavens and become 'gods' ourselves. This is significant to you. Christians believe in eternity with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit when we will glorified the Lord, and not be glorified. As Christians, we aspire to be humble, but very thankful to our Lord. I have no interest in anyone ever referring to me as "Lord".

You say the one who worshiped Zeus, trees and cows would not identify himself as a Christian, but what if he did? Would you agree with him or disagree?

But it seems you've made some limitations in who you deem to be Christians or not. Kinda arbitrary, isn't it? Here are just a few things we disagree with Mormons on:

  1. mixed up belief in the Trinity
  2. God dwelt on another planet at one point & aspired to be God.
  3. Jesus was not eternal with the Father
  4. You aspire to be lifted up and be among all the gods who were once people
  5. The Book of Mormon is more holy than the Bible
  6. Polygamy (yes, they backed off to, only because they had to.)
There are many more I could cite, but I'm way past my bed time. In this six alone, you have enough to determine Mormonism has very different theology, starting out with "Who is God. How did God come to be.
You win. God bless.
The atonement of Christ was infinite. There are no sins that mankind has or ever will commit for which Christ did not suffer and pay the price of justice in full measure.

Again, I'm glad to hear you say that :)

We are all co-eternal with God (my belief), including Christ. And I do believe that there was a time when Christ was not God. But it is clear that he was God long before he was born into mortality, for he most certainly is the Creator.

I'll have to respond later to this point.

However, just so you know, I am more concerned with what you believe as a Mormon. Not what Mormon's purportedly believe.
Again, I'm glad to hear you say that :)
Well, it's always nice when we have common ground.

I'll have to respond later to this point.

However, just so you know, I am more concerned with what you believe as a Mormon. Not what Mormon's purportedly believe.
Thank you. That is refreshing. To my knowledge, just so you know, there is nothing which I believe that is not in alignment with LDS doctrine, although I hold beliefs which often touch on things beyond the limits of revealed LDS doctrine.
You win. God bless.

I'd be sorry that I struck a nerve if it wasn't my obligation as a Christian to point out false doctrine.

LW, I want to be as clear as I can. This isn't personal, and I'm not trying to take cheap shots at you. Clearly, you are a Godly person who seeks the Lord, but I feel strongly that Mormon doctrine serves as a stumbling block for you. I have no reason to doubt your integrity and no reason to believe you aren't a wonderful person.

This started out with your statement that you are a Mormon AND a Christian. I'm pointing out substantive reasons why these two faiths cannot be reconciled. The problem with Mormons and Christians coming together other one banner, in part, is that we can't agree on our litmus test for Truth. You're turning to a different Gospel than Christians do. You believe "The Book of Mormon" has more authority than the Bible, and you use it as evidence that we cannot acknowledge.

If you don't mind saying, what are some of your beliefs that go beyond Mormon doctrine?
I'd be sorry that I struck a nerve if it wasn't my obligation as a Christian to point out false doctrine.

LW, I want to be as clear as I can. This isn't personal, and I'm not trying to take cheap shots at you. Clearly, you are a Godly person who seeks the Lord, but I feel strongly that Mormon doctrine serves as a stumbling block for you. I have no reason to doubt your integrity and no reason to believe you aren't a wonderful person.
Thank you. But if the Restored Gospel is causing me to stumble, then I pray that God will make me a perfect klutz, for the light and joy that it brings to my life is limited only by my capacity to become equal to its doctrines and blessings fast enough.

This started out with your statement that you are a Mormon AND a Christian. I'm pointing out substantive reasons why these two faiths cannot be reconciled. The problem with Mormons and Christians coming together other one banner, in part, is that we can't agree on our litmus test for Truth. You're turning to a different Gospel than Christians do. You believe "The Book of Mormon" has more authority than the Bible, and you use it as evidence that we cannot acknowledge.
We simply use different litmus tests. Mine employs a very broad strip, and yours a very narrow one.

Oh, and since I didn't answer your question from above, if a person believed that Zeus or a cow were Christ, and called himself a Christian, I would accept him as a Christian. That wouldn't mean that I agree with him, or that I could relate with him on certain issues—even key issues. But my spirit and relationship with God would sustain no damage in extending such a hand of fellowship. None at all. Christ's message is not about pushing people away, it is about drawing people in—all people:

[Christ] doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation. Behold, doth he cry unto any, saying: Depart from me? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, buy milk and honey, without money and without price. Behold, hath he commanded any that they should depart out of the synagogues, or out of the houses of worship? Behold, I say unto you, Nay. Hath he commanded any that they should not partake of his salvation? Behold I say unto you, Nay; but he hath given it free for all men; and he hath commanded his people that they should persuade all men to repentance. Behold, hath the Lord commanded any that they should not partake of his goodness? Behold I say unto you, Nay; but all men are privileged the one like unto the other, and none are forbidden. (2 Ne. 26:24-28)
If Christ can sit and dine with sinners, I can allow the hypothetical man above a place in my "Christian" circle, which doesn't belong to me in the first place.

If you don't mind saying, what are some of your beliefs that go beyond Mormon doctrine?
You know, I can't think of a one right now. The Restored Gospel allows for such liberty in thought that sometimes I'm only aware of them when I'm talking to people about my faith. We'll be going along and I'll have to pause and hold my tongue (I am careful about inserting such beliefs into discussion about the Restored Gospel, depending on the person with whom I'm speaking). And it's late here, so my brain is shutting down. That will have to wait for another day.

God bless.
What I don’t understand is: why are Mormons (LDS) not examined here and in
Mormonism and Christianity (Mike & proveallthings) by what their ‘scriptures’ say? In other words, why is no one actually examining the BOM; Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine of Covenants; and the Inspired Bible. Each one has numerous errors and self-contradictions. It is the ‘inspired' teachings of this church, not the people themselves (including the person of Joseph Smith himself) which should determine their status as a candidate for a truth-based religion.

(And in a side note: I wonder why a one-to-one discussion examining ‘errors’ of the NWT [JW Bible, the only Bible not allowed to be used here] is also not allowed.)

"It is a sad spectacle, and one that brings discredit on the Christian message, when those who profess to believe that message belie their profession by fighting among themselves or caricaturing others, rather than engaging in respectful discussion through which all sides might just learn something."--John C. Lennox
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Because most Christians don't consider Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses to be Christians. The Mormon issue has already been discussed and I'm betting the non-trinitarianism of the JWs is what gets them the boot. I don't necessarily believe that trinitarianism is a requirement for Christianity but I'm in a very small minority on that point.
(And in a side note: I wonder why a one-to-one discussion examining ‘errors’ of the NWT [JW Bible, the only Bible not allowed to be used here] is also not allowed.)

Because the NWT has been systematically altered to support JW doctrine. With a Mormon, we have the additional books that we can point to with error. JW's are taking the NWT to be the Word of God. You are attempting to replace the Word with something that has differences small in number but huge in meaning. John 1:1-3 attempts to strip Jesus of His Divinity in the NWT with a few altered words, for example.

This thread is not about JW's or the NWT, so further discussion off the topic of Mormonism will be deleted as "off topic".
Well gee, I guess if says so it must be true. They are, after all, the supreme authority on all things divine.

Actually, your first sentence here is quite accurate, even though it was meant in sarcasm. The term Christian is not something we received from God, but from those who were nonbelievers. It is a term that comes from men, not God, therefore it's definition must come from the institutions of men. The Biblical term for those who were members of the true church of Jesus Christ is "saints".
Actually, your first sentence here is quite accurate, even though it was meant in sarcasm. The term Christian is not something we received from God, but from those who were nonbelievers. It is a term that comes from men, not God, therefore it's definition must come from the institutions of men. The Biblical term for those who were members of the true church of Jesus Christ is "saints".

I don't recognize's authority in this matter. Mormons are not Christians.
Technically, even with that they aren't Christians. It all depends on whether the Jesus they believe in and claim to follow is the Jesus of the Bible. And he isn't.

So where do you get the authority to be the one who gets to decide for the rest of the world which biblical interpretation of Jesus is the one and only true one? Mormons believe just as confidently as you do that their biblical interpretation of Jesus is the correct one. There are many “Christian†religions who use the same Bible as you, who disagree with the Trinitarian tradition. What unique claim to God’s authority do you have that all the others don’t, in saying your understanding of Jesus is the only correct one?
There are many “Christian†religions who use the same Bible as you, who disagree with the Trinitarian tradition.

Not all of them have supplemented the Bible with extra-Biblical writings claiming to be of divine origin.