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Most American Gays are Christian


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Coming Out Spiritually by Christian de la Huerta said:
" ... gay people are, among other things, forced to mediate across the gap between their sexuality and spirituality, a divide straight Christians do not have to negotiate.

What?!? Huh?? What's that you say?
"Straight Christians" don't have to fight against sexual sin? That's rubbish. Pure rubbish. There is only one path. Sorry, Charlie, there is no special path for secret sauce special sin. All sin is sin. Sexual sin is sexual sin. Jesus is our only plumbline. Period.

Sparrowhawke said:
Coming Out Spiritually by Christian de la Huerta said:
" ... gay people are, among other things, forced to mediate across the gap between their sexuality and spirituality, a divide straight Christians do not have to negotiate.

What?!? Huh?? What's that you say?
"Straight Christians" don't have to fight against sexual sin? That's rubbish. Pure rubbish. There is only one path. Sorry, Charlie, there is no special path for secret sauce special sin. All sin is sin. Sexual sin is sexual sin. Jesus is our only plumbline. Period.


I would agree with you...I would have stated the above a bit differently.

I think what they are trying to say is that what a homosexual person would deem as "normal" sexual relations is considered a sin in their faith giving them somewhat of a unique challenge in navigating through this "divide". Of course all people have sexual sin / temptation but with homosexuals it is quite unique.
I strongly disagree that any type of sexual sin is "unique".
The requirement for repentance is not rhetoric.

2Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

This is not rhetoric. We are to be made the righteousness of God. This does not allow us to continue in sin (any sin) and say, "Praise God who has made me to be sinner and keeps me to be a sinner". If there is no turning from sin, then "grace" that is falsely proclaimed is in reality empty. There is no hope if we can not be delivered from sin. If our only hope is to be comforted while we continue to sin a more honest creed would be, "eat, drink and be merry --for tomorrow we die."

Did God leave the Children of Israel in Egypt? I think no.


PS. you made a typo, right?
"...homosexual person would deem as "normal" sexual relations is considered a thin in their faith..."
--I don't understand the use of the word "thin" in this sense and think you meant to type something else?
Most American Gays are Christian, I don't believe somebody had the nerve to say that big fat lie.
Lewis W said:
Most American Gays are Christian, I don't believe somebody had the nerve to say that big fat lie.
From the forum's gay resident......................I agree. Most people I've met in the community avoid Christianity because of the Fundamental Conservatives that won't leave them alone. There are Gay Christians, and a nice number of them are, but the majority of the community is not Christian. Though Based on the same things Most people proclaiming Christianity as their faith aren't based on actual teachings.

I'd say its about at 4:6 with 4 proclaiming Christianity and 6 claiming non religious or another religion.
Sparrowhawke said:
I strongly disagree that any type of sexual sin is "unique".
The requirement for repentance is not rhetoric.

2Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

This is not rhetoric. We are to be made the righteousness of God. This does not allow us to continue in sin (any sin) and say, "Praise God who has made me to be sinner and keeps me to be a sinner". If there is no turning from sin, then "grace" that is falsely proclaimed is in reality empty. There is no hope if we can not be delivered from sin. If our only hope is to be comforted while we continue to sin a more honest creed would be, "eat, drink and be merry --for tomorrow we die."

Did God leave the Children of Israel in Egypt? I think no.
i agree, and will now leave this thread as we have beat this thing to death.


PS. you made a typo, right?
"...homosexual person would deem as "normal" sexual relations is considered a thin in their faith..."
--I don't understand the use of the word "thin" in this sense and think you meant to type something else?
Aero_Hudson said:
[quote="Lewis W":2cg0q7ul]Most American Gays are Christian, I don't believe somebody had the nerve to say that big fat lie.

Are you saying that because someone is gay they cannot be a Christian?[/quote:2cg0q7ul]
Yup, that is what I am saying, why don't you read Romans 1.
Let's not overlook...

Rom 1:27 and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.
Rom 1:28 And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;

Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

1Ti 1:9 as knowing this, that law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and unruly, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
1Ti 1:10 for fornicators, for abusers of themselves with men, for menstealers, for liars, for false swearers, and if there be any other thing contrary to the sound doctrine;

1Co 6:9 Or know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men
Lewis W said:
[quote="Aero_Hudson":3e9t6htf][quote="Lewis W":3e9t6htf]Most American Gays are Christian, I don't believe somebody had the nerve to say that big fat lie.

Are you saying that because someone is gay they cannot be a Christian?[/quote:3e9t6htf]
Yup, that is what I am saying, why don't you read Romans 1.[/quote:3e9t6htf]
Then those who are Fat, ever stole in their life, ever lied, or ever sinned can't be a christian. :tongue
Yup, that is what I am saying, why don't you read Romans 1.[/quote]
Then those who are Fat, ever stole in their life, ever lied, or ever sinned can't be a christian. :tongue[/quote]
That statement you just made, does not have anything to do with the topic at hand. I go with what the Bible says not what humans say. The word of God says no, and that is it.
researcher said:
Let's not overlook...

Rom 1:27 and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.
Rom 1:28 And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
If you post the entire chapter, you wold notice that these "men" where partaking in an idol worship ritual. This passage also says "unatural" This means these "men" where straight males that went gay. To be honest, Its not very common to find Gay males within the gay community that used to have active heterosexual sex relations.

researcher said:
Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Did you know that wearing modern lended filber clothing and what consists of most US diets are just as bad. :yes

researcher said:
1Ti 1:9 as knowing this, that law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and unruly, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
1Ti 1:10 for fornicators, for abusers of themselves with men, for menstealers, for liars, for false swearers, and if there be any other thing contrary to the sound doctrine;
No sadomasochism in the bedroom then. Gay men don't all hurt each other in acts of sex. Neither do they all commit sodomy for sexual practices. There is quite a few gay males that don't exactly like that brand of sex

researcher said:
1Co 6:9 Or know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men
Then no one can go to heaven, for we are all sinners. Also The Codex and original scrolls was aimed at male slave boys who where quite common in Rome, and not a shot at homosexuals. ;)

Haven't you ever noticed that the bible says nothing about Homosexual women?
while i have discussed this before with lance, and know his beliefs, and will observe , i suggest that all concerned remember that the truth can stated in love.

Lewis W said:
Yup, that is what I am saying, why don't you read Romans 1.
Then those who are Fat, ever stole in their life, ever lied, or ever sinned can't be a christian. :tongue[/quote]
That statement you just made, does not have anything to do with the topic at hand. I go with what the Bible says not what humans say. The word of God says no, and that is it.[/quote]I have, and guess what, if you would stop isolating one line of text you will notice the entire chapter was about Idolatry, orgies, and lieing about your position with God. These "men" told Paul they where Christians, then they were caught doing unchristian things. That is why God gave them up. ;)
Lewis is right. Scripture sides with him. The thin line seems to be that you lie once, you ask for repentance , you turn and stop lying. This is not true for a "homosexual". They live their lives according to this sin. If you lust after the same gender and then live a life constantly acting on that sin, how can you say you have given you life over to God?
Blazin Bones said:
Lewis is right. Scripture sides with him. The thin line seems to be that you lie once, you ask for repentance , you turn and stop lying. This is not true for a "homosexual". They live their lives according to this sin. If you lust after the same gender and then live a life constantly acting on that sin, how can you say you have given you life over to God?
No, he took a line out of context that "looks" like it is against homosexuals. When in reality, the entire chapter was agaisnt Idoltray. If I want to play the same game I could make it look like God Hates Women, or pull some WBC bull and make it look like God hates America, Sweden, Santa, etc.

Pulling one line out is dangerous. The entire chapter/book needs to be looked at. Other wise I'll start pulling things out of Leviticus and prove that no one here can inheritate the kingdom of heaven based on cleanliness laws.

Don't forget Romans 1 and 2 talked about the position of Women, Slaves, Government, and pretty much states that Leviticus is still completely valid. ;)
If you post the entire chapter, you wold notice that these "men" where partaking in an idol worship ritual. This passage also says "unatural" This means these "men" where straight males that went gay. To be honest, Its not very common to find Gay males within the gay community that used to have active heterosexual sex relations.
Lance, I have met 3 transvestites that are fathers.
Lance_Iguana said:
[quote="Blazin Bones":1grtd3l6]Lewis is right. Scripture sides with him. The thin line seems to be that you lie once, you ask for repentance , you turn and stop lying. This is not true for a "homosexual". They live their lives according to this sin. If you lust after the same gender and then live a life constantly acting on that sin, how can you say you have given you life over to God?
No, he took a line out of context that "looks" like it is against homosexuals. When in reality, the entire chapter was agaisnt Idoltray. If I want to play the same game I could make it look like God Hates Women, or pull some WBC bull and make it look like God hates America, Sweden, Santa, etc.

Pulling one line out is dangerous. The entire chapter/book needs to be looked at. Other wise I'll start pulling things out of Leviticus and prove that no one here can inheritate the kingdom of heaven based on cleanliness laws.

Don't forget Romans 1 and 2 talked about the position of Women, Slaves, Government, and pretty much states that Leviticus is still completely valid. ;)[/quote:1grtd3l6]
It is against homosexuals, what book are you reading ?
Lewis W said:
[quote="Lance_Iguana":1oyak2ye][quote="Blazin Bones":1oyak2ye]Lewis is right. Scripture sides with him. The thin line seems to be that you lie once, you ask for repentance , you turn and stop lying. This is not true for a "homosexual". They live their lives according to this sin. If you lust after the same gender and then live a life constantly acting on that sin, how can you say you have given you life over to God?
No, he took a line out of context that "looks" like it is against homosexuals. When in reality, the entire chapter was agaisnt Idoltray. If I want to play the same game I could make it look like God Hates Women, or pull some WBC bull and make it look like God hates America, Sweden, Santa, etc.

Pulling one line out is dangerous. The entire chapter/book needs to be looked at. Other wise I'll start pulling things out of Leviticus and prove that no one here can inheritate the kingdom of heaven based on cleanliness laws.

Don't forget Romans 1 and 2 talked about the position of Women, Slaves, Government, and pretty much states that Leviticus is still completely valid. ;)[/quote:1oyak2ye]
It is against homosexuals, what book are you reading ?[/quote:1oyak2ye]Romans chapeter 1. Just like you. Don't read one line, read the entire chapter. I have several times because it is the most popular chapter to pull on homosexuals. If you pull out a bible from the 1940s you'll notice something, Homosexual nor men who do harm with another man appear in the Bible. What apears is the original context which where Greek words that roughly translates to young male Sex servant and an unknown word that there is no known meaning. :)


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