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Most American Gays are Christian


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Lewis W said:
Walter,I can see you don't know the Bible, or else you would not have said that. How can someone having sex with the same gender be a Christian, and the Bible forbids such acts, so what are you talking about man ? If the Bible says it, I say it.

The bible speaks against lying, stealing, coveting, jealousy, as well as revenge and other matters. What of those that commit that...likely yourself included. Does that make you any less of a christian than you claim to be?
The topic is "Most American Gays are Christian" and this topic doesn't included "Most American Drunks" or "Most American Liars" or "Most American Thieves" or "Most American Angry Persons" or "Most American Jealous Revenge Seekers".

I don't understand how the point attempted above is on topic here. I do vaguely understand that what is being said is that everybody who claims to be a Christian has at one time or another served evil Masters and were slaves to sin. I don't understand what people mean when they don't speak clearly.

If anybody wants to straight out say that Christians don't have to repent from sin to be considered saved I really need to hear it without any fancy speech. Lust is lust and anybody who continues in that sin can not in the same moment declare themselves to be a follower of Christ Jesus. This is not to say that those who are tempted are sinning. If they are resisting they are not sinning.

God commands, "Be thou holy because I am holy." I have recently given up smoking. Do I want a cigarette? Does it matter? I am not and will not smoke. Period. <a little commercial interruption from our sponsor - please continue to lift me up in prayer over this> Fair enough? Same for any sin, methinks. I very much liked Handy's posts here in thread -- they are worth listening to in my opinion.

There is no special sin that deserves a special exemption. Be holy unless it is your very favorite sin which you love and then you may certainly place that sin before Me and become an idol worshiper <---- this isn't found in the word of God. That word is a lie, and is from the devil, the father of lies.

We each need to come away from this thread asking that the Lord send support to all His children as we continue to resist sin. Praise Jesus who says, "fear not, I have overcome the world" and we know that the battle is the Lords. It belongs to Him. Yes it is good to continue to look to Him in faith - but we need also know that it is a finished work and appropriate from <THERE>. :amen

Sparrowhawke said:
The topic is "Most American Gays are Christian" and this topic doesn't included "Most American Drunks" or "Most American Liars" or "Most American Thieves" or "Most American Angry Persons" or "Most American Jealous Revenge Seekers".

I don't understand how the point attempted above is on topic here. I do vaguely understand that what is being said is that everybody who claims to be a Christian has at one time or another served evil Masters and were slaves to sin. I don't understand what people mean when they don't speak clearly.

If anybody wants to straight out say that Christians don't have to repent from sin to be considered saved I really need to hear it without any fancy speech. Lust is lust and anybody who continues in that sin can not in the same moment declare themselves to be a follower of Christ Jesus. This is not to say that those who are tempted are sinning. If they are resisting they are not sinning.

God commands, "Be thou holy because I am holy." I have recently given up smoking. Do I want a cigarette? Does it matter? I am not and will not smoke. Period. <a little commercial interruption from our sponsor - please continue to lift me up in prayer over this> Fair enough? Same for any sin, methinks. I very much liked Handy's posts here in thread -- they are worth listening to in my opinion.

There is no special sin that deserves a special exemption. Be holy unless it is your very favorite sin which you love and then you may certainly place that sin before Me and become an idol worshiper <---- this isn't found in the word of God. That word is a lie, and is from the devil, the father of lies.

We each need to come away from this thread asking that the Lord send support to all His children as we continue to resist sin. Praise Jesus who says, "fear not, I have overcome the world" and we know that the battle is the Lords. It belongs to Him. Yes it is good to continue to look to Him in faith - but we need also know that it is a finished work and appropriate from <THERE>. :amen


Okay so what you are saying is that Christians do not sin? I will believe that when pigs fly. Especially seeing as I, myself, make mistakes. My point here is simply that. How are any one of us qualified to deem who does or does not believe in or follow God to the letter when there is not one of us without sin here?

This is really pathetic. Thought this was supposed to be a Christian forum...and all that is being seen here is a bunch of mudslinging.
NooneSpecial said:
Okay so what you are saying is that Christians do not sin? I will believe that when pigs fly. Especially seeing as I, myself, make mistakes. My point here is simply that. How are any one of us qualified to deem who does or does not believe in or follow God to the letter when there is not one of us without sin here?

This is really pathetic. Thought this was supposed to be a Christian forum...and all that is being seen here is a bunch of mudslinging.

Don't put words in my mouth. That is called a "Strawman" argument and it is wrong. If you wish to misunderstand what I am saying fine - but you may not misquote me.
Sparrowhawke said:
NooneSpecial said:
Okay so what you are saying is that Christians do not sin? I will believe that when pigs fly. Especially seeing as I, myself, make mistakes. My point here is simply that. How are any one of us qualified to deem who does or does not believe in or follow God to the letter when there is not one of us without sin here?

This is really pathetic. Thought this was supposed to be a Christian forum...and all that is being seen here is a bunch of mudslinging.

Don't put words in my mouth. That is called a "Strawman" argument and it is wrong. If you wish to misunderstand what I am saying fine - but you may not misquote me.

You would be just as guilty there then. For I never said at any point in time that a sin should be overlooked. So to each their own. Strawman my foot...
NooneSpecial said:

You would be just as guilty there then. For I never said at any point in time that a sin should be overlooked. So to each their own. Strawman my foot...

I don't understand you. Oh? You mean I am guilty just like you? Okay. No problem. I would also assume that you have confessed your sin (as I have) and that you are not willing to continue willingly in sin (same as me).

Peace? But not "to each their own" - For you my prayer that your unintentional sins be covered by the blood of Jesus and that you may receive from God more than you expect. I ask that the Lord be continuously giving life to you.

I've never accused you of saying a sin should be overlooked. Read again.

NooneSpecial said:
There is no special sin that deserves a special exemption.

Oh? Pardon the sound of that then. It was not at all directed at you. Read my first response to this thread. My reference was to that and not to you. Pardon me for the sound of it though as I can see now why you could have taken it that way.

NooneSpecial said:
Lewis W said:
Walter,I can see you don't know the Bible, or else you would not have said that. How can someone having sex with the same gender be a Christian, and the Bible forbids such acts, so what are you talking about man ? If the Bible says it, I say it.

The bible speaks against lying, stealing, coveting, jealousy, as well as revenge and other matters. What of those that commit that...likely yourself included. Does that make you any less of a christian than you claim to be?
What are you talking about, do you know ? :confused
Lance_Iguana said:
I'm not repenting for something he gave me.

In my opinion, this quote is what this whole thread boils down to. Almost every person who has posted in this thread has said that they have sinned and have repented for their sins. That is one of the basics of our faith. REPENTANCE We were all born into a sin nature (and each of our sinful desires are different), however,our desire to be more like Christ should cause us to be sorry for our sins. God's Word says homosexuality is a sin but the majority of the gay community will tell you it is not. Are most American gays Christian? I don't know, that's between them and our Lord Jesus.

westtexas said:
Lance_Iguana said:
I'm not repenting for something he gave me.

In my opinion, this quote is what this whole thread boils down to. Almost every person who has posted in this thread has said that they have sinned and have repented for their sins. That is one of the basics of our faith. REPENTANCE We were all born into a sin nature (and each of our sinful desires are different), however,our desire to be more like Christ should cause us to be sorry for our sins. God's Word says homosexuality is a sin but the majority of the gay community will tell you it is not. Are most American gays Christian? I don't know, that's between them and our Lord Jesus.

why cant i in my response to him keep it that simple.

westtexas said:
Lance_Iguana said:
I'm not repenting for something he gave me.

In my opinion, this quote is what this whole thread boils down to. Almost every person who has posted in this thread has said that they have sinned and have repented for their sins. That is one of the basics of our faith. REPENTANCE We were all born into a sin nature (and each of our sinful desires are different), however,our desire to be more like Christ should cause us to be sorry for our sins. God's Word says homosexuality is a sin but the majority of the gay community will tell you it is not. Are most American gays Christian? I don't know, that's between them and our Lord Jesus.

Let me break this down to its simplest form then.

You can choose to commit murder, you can choose to steal, you can choose to eat until you can't move. You can choose to have an abortion. You can choose to end your own life. You can choose to smoke a cigarette. You can choose to hold anger against someone. You can choose to worship idles.

Now, when I see a guy my brain tells me he is either Hot or not. When it tells me he is hot, where was my choice? Sin takes choice, if I have no choice, there is no sin. I don't choose to think guys are hot, my mind tells me they are hot. I didn't actively try and choose to be gay, I am gay.

Since I'm not having sex with other men, I'm not sinning since that is a choice. I chose not to. Now even though I'm not doing that somehow the mere fact that since I still find men attractive means I'm sinning.

explain to me how exactly that is sin. I'm not saying bring out a passage, I'm saying explain to me how that is of evil intent. Since the purpose of sin is of humanly nature. I see no difference between this and straight attraction. If my attraction is bad, then straight attraction is bad since it operates on the same principle. Explain to me why straight people don't have to become Asexual, but Gay men have to become straight.
Lewis W said:
NooneSpecial said:
[quote="Lewis W":1bvbrc26]Walter,I can see you don't know the Bible, or else you would not have said that. How can someone having sex with the same gender be a Christian, and the Bible forbids such acts, so what are you talking about man ? If the Bible says it, I say it.

The bible speaks against lying, stealing, coveting, jealousy, as well as revenge and other matters. What of those that commit that...likely yourself included. Does that make you any less of a christian than you claim to be?
What are you talking about, do you know ? :confused [/quote:1bvbrc26]

Could ask you the same question seeing as you seem to know so much more about the bible and act as though you are holier than others.
Lewis W said:
Walter,I can see you don't know the Bible, or else you would not have said that. How can someone having sex with the same gender be a Christian, and the Bible forbids such acts, so what are you talking about man ? If the Bible says it, I say it.

It is you who do not understand the Bible my friend. You mean to sit there and tell me that Christians don't sin? Don't fall? Jesus Himself said we would fall.
I am not talking about homosexuals who willfully sin in the sense that they claim to be christians and make no attempt to align their lives with God's demand for obedience. I know God does not demand we clean up everything in our lives all at once if we cannot handle it. He works with us to eliminate the most severe sins first.
It is the height of arrogance to exclude those from the fellowship whom God is calling.

On a side note, please do not throw statements around like "don't understand the Bible". Take heed thinking you stand, lest ye fall.
walter said:
Lewis W said:
Walter,I can see you don't know the Bible, or else you would not have said that. How can someone having sex with the same gender be a Christian, and the Bible forbids such acts, so what are you talking about man ? If the Bible says it, I say it.

It is you who do not understand the Bible my friend. You mean to sit there and tell me that Christians don't sin? Don't fall? Jesus Himself said we would fall.
I am not talking about homosexuals who willfully sin in the sense that they claim to be christians and make no attempt to align their lives with God's demand for obedience. I know God does not demand we clean up everything in our lives all at once if we cannot handle it. He works with us to eliminate the most severe sins first.
It is the height of arrogance to exclude those from the fellowship whom God is calling.

On a side note, please do not throw statements around like "don't understand the Bible". Take heed thinking you stand, lest ye fall.
Why are you twisting what I said read Romans 1, man, I'll say it one more time, read Romans 1. Let me tell you something man, don't take anything I say and twist it. And else where Paul says that the effeminate can't even get into heaven, so what are you sitting up there talking about ? I say what the Bible says. So what are you saying man ? How are you going to be a homosexual in your heart, or a practicing homosexual, and call your self a Christian, I ain't trying to hear that. I am tired of people taking the Bible and watering it down. If you don't like my answer, don't answer it when you read it. Because I will not give you a softer more gentler answer, when the Bible is not giving you a more softer gentler answer, it is what it is.
Lewis W said:
walter said:
[quote="Lewis W":272ye309]Walter,I can see you don't know the Bible, or else you would not have said that. How can someone having sex with the same gender be a Christian, and the Bible forbids such acts, so what are you talking about man ? If the Bible says it, I say it.

It is you who do not understand the Bible my friend. You mean to sit there and tell me that Christians don't sin? Don't fall? Jesus Himself said we would fall.
I am not talking about homosexuals who willfully sin in the sense that they claim to be christians and make no attempt to align their lives with God's demand for obedience. I know God does not demand we clean up everything in our lives all at once if we cannot handle it. He works with us to eliminate the most severe sins first.
It is the height of arrogance to exclude those from the fellowship whom God is calling.

On a side note, please do not throw statements around like "don't understand the Bible". Take heed thinking you stand, lest ye fall.
Why are you twisting what I said read Romans 1, man, I'll say it one more time, read Romans 1. Let me tell you something man, don't take anything I say and twist it. And else where Paul says that the effeminate can't even get into heaven, so what are you sitting up there talking about ? I say what the Bible says. So what are you saying man ? How are you going to be a homosexual in your heart, or a practicing homosexual, and call your self a Christian, I ain't trying to hear that. I am tired of people taking the Bible and watering it down. If you don't like my answer, don't answer it when you read it. Because I will not give you a softer more gentler answer, when the Bible is not giving you a more softer gentler answer, it is what it is. [/quote:272ye309]

I think you use the Bible as an excuse to vent your anger and...dare I say it?...hate?
I hope this is not the case but you seem awfully upset.
yeah I did get upset because you were twisting what I said, I say what the Bible says on this issue, so why don't you take it up with God and not me, and I don't hate gays, I love them too, have them in my family, and I am still friends with many, and I still hug them on the street when I see them, and they are still wrong, because the Bible says so.
Lewis W said:
yeah I did get upset because you were twisting what I said, I say what the Bible says on this issue, so why don't you take it up with God and not me, and I don't hate gays, I love them too, have them in my family, and I am still friends with many, and I still hug them on the street when I see them, and they are still wrong, because the Bible says so.

I agree they are wrong when it comes to their lifestyle. However, I know for a fact that a gay man or woman can be a christian if they cried out to God sincerely and God gave His promise to save them. After that I leave it to God to worry about whether they are going to overcome that particular sin. I will never sit in judgement of another's salvation, no matter what the besetting sin is.

A lively debate to be sure, and I apologize for making you think I was twisting your words. I sometimes write too fast for my own good and have a tendency to leave things out and not explain myself fully.

No hard feelings? :)
Sorry Walt for getting hot headed. But yes they can be saved if they truly repent, take a look at Donnie McClurkin, and how God has brought him out of that lifestyle, and now Donnie is a power house for the Lord. Read about Donnie's rape by 2 different family members, and it caused him to become confused so he turned gay for awhile. But look what the Lord has done for him, he is world renowned and a pastor of his on church, and has his on show on TBN, and a national radio show 5 days a week. But anyway read his interviews about being gay. ... _76770627/

This one is a real good interview ... rkin/1785/
Lewis W said:
Sorry Walt for getting hot headed. But yes they can be saved if they truly repent, take a look at Donnie McClurkin, and how God has brought him out of that lifestyle, and now Donnie is a power house for the Lord. Read about Donnie's rape by 2 different family members, and it caused him to become confused so he turned gay for awhile. But look what the Lord has done for him, he is world renowned and a pastor of his on church, and has his on show on TBN, and a national radio show 5 days a week. But anyway read his interviews about being gay. ... _76770627/

This one is a real good interview ... rkin/1785/

Thanks Lewis, and yes, all things are possible with God! :)

I'll check this out! :)


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