Well, I went to Church this morning. First time in months. Just got back actually. It was a good service, the Holy Spirit was evident and present. The pastor had a good message, and spoke about Grace, works law, justification, and faith. Interesting topic. One that has been beaten to death here, and I must say, he blew the naysayers out of the water, who drone on about how one must have works to be justified. Gave plenty of scripture to back it up, but I will not go into it here. This thread is about attending church.
There was a lot of fellowship there, and very friendly people. They had donuts and coffee (praise the Lord!) and dedicated some children to the Lord. As I walk away, I see that my biggest impression left with me was the singing unto the Lord. They had good music, with good lyrics and as our voices were lifting up joyful noise unto the Lord...I had a hard time singing along. When I would sing, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I got real choked up and tearful. It's very evident that the Lord likes us to lift up our voices in Praise and Worship in song. All in all, I am glad that I attended and plan to return for that reason. I enjoyed it very much, and I'm sure the Lord did too. Thanks for the referral to this Church, Deb.