- Feb 18, 2018
- 646
- 86
Called it in March 2020 concerning mandate and where the agenda would go. Also, called the whole genetic modification stuff and that it was coming to humans, back 2017.
Mar 07, 2020#1
HOAX IN THAT IT WAS NOT A NATURALLY OCCURRING EVENT. IT WAS DELIBERATELY RELEASED! From it will come the Mark of the beast. Israel will have the "Vaccination" ready soon . News Flash they already have it, they have to allow the scenario to play out to its full extent .The vaccination will be mandatory ! Those who get it will receive the Marker on their DNA they will have a stamp of approval put on their hand or forehead which shows you are "vaccinated". Those who refuse this 'Vaccination" will be ostracized and even greater will not be permitted to buy or sell .WATCH! This is all an elaborate HOAX. The Man of Sin will be revealed very soon. Religious leaders and kings will encourage the Vaccination, children will not be able to attend school without . As I said this last 62 week period of Daniel from the time of the END of the 70th week, with the 71st anniversary began the 62 weeks. I did not say it Daniel did. All pertaining to the end began to unfold within the 62 weeks which this Corona Virus Hoax is taking place in. All the rest too will. There will be Vaccination stations globally and Israel ( Rothschild OWN and re-established Israel that is) , as I said , is where the Mark of the Beast would come from . It is going to be a terrible 2020 with many hardships for the righteous moving forward. Grace will be given to those who are to be kept from the hour which is upon us. That simply means the righteous will be kept from becoming corrupted . The mark of the Beast is not a chip as many state but a "Vaccination " and an indelible stamp upon the skin will be the proof that you have received it. The economy will crash from this Hoax and schools will close and people will be out of work. YOU WATCH! I am told I am many things (all bad) and that TRUMP is God's president , yeah Trump is part of that strong delusion given to people who do not simply LOVE TRUTH -PURE TRUTH not mixed with what men want as their own truth!
2 Thessalonians 2:
The Man of Lawlessness
9The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, 12in order that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.…
Mar 07, 2020#1
HOAX IN THAT IT WAS NOT A NATURALLY OCCURRING EVENT. IT WAS DELIBERATELY RELEASED! From it will come the Mark of the beast. Israel will have the "Vaccination" ready soon . News Flash they already have it, they have to allow the scenario to play out to its full extent .The vaccination will be mandatory ! Those who get it will receive the Marker on their DNA they will have a stamp of approval put on their hand or forehead which shows you are "vaccinated". Those who refuse this 'Vaccination" will be ostracized and even greater will not be permitted to buy or sell .WATCH! This is all an elaborate HOAX. The Man of Sin will be revealed very soon. Religious leaders and kings will encourage the Vaccination, children will not be able to attend school without . As I said this last 62 week period of Daniel from the time of the END of the 70th week, with the 71st anniversary began the 62 weeks. I did not say it Daniel did. All pertaining to the end began to unfold within the 62 weeks which this Corona Virus Hoax is taking place in. All the rest too will. There will be Vaccination stations globally and Israel ( Rothschild OWN and re-established Israel that is) , as I said , is where the Mark of the Beast would come from . It is going to be a terrible 2020 with many hardships for the righteous moving forward. Grace will be given to those who are to be kept from the hour which is upon us. That simply means the righteous will be kept from becoming corrupted . The mark of the Beast is not a chip as many state but a "Vaccination " and an indelible stamp upon the skin will be the proof that you have received it. The economy will crash from this Hoax and schools will close and people will be out of work. YOU WATCH! I am told I am many things (all bad) and that TRUMP is God's president , yeah Trump is part of that strong delusion given to people who do not simply LOVE TRUTH -PURE TRUTH not mixed with what men want as their own truth!
2 Thessalonians 2:
The Man of Lawlessness
9The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, 12in order that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.…