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My best friend, my dog Amigo passed away today.


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Hello, I have been a frequent visitor to this site for months now but didn't register until today. I need some help with understanding and I apologize if I posted this in the wrong place.

A few weeks ago our dog, Amigo (12 year old American Cocker Spaniel), developed a big lump on top of his head. We took him to the vet and they inserted some drainage tubes to try and see if the swelling would go down while the medication did its thing to take care of what they thought at the time may just be an infection from a scratch or bug bite.

Fast forward 2 weeks and a couple more trips to the vet and we were told it was bone cancer causing the lump/infection and that he was probably in extreme pain so we decided right away, this morning, to have him "put to sleep".

My wife and I have never had to do something like that before and hope to never have to again! It happened so quick, almost instantly.

Now we sit here struggling with our decision, mad at ourselves for doing what we did this morning. I keep thinking who were we to "play God" and have his life taken from him, from us.

I guess I am just looking for someone other than our family to tell me we did the right thing.

He seemed to move al-right but the tumour was causing a de-formality to his head, was pressing on an eye that made it impossible to see out of and he no longer barked. Used to bark when we let him out to let us know he wanted back in.

Once the vet told us today that he was in pain, to me it was no option and we had to do it right away, to stop his suffering.

Sorry if I am rambling on but my wife and I are hurting so much right now. Who knew 12 years ago when I brought a little 6 week old pup home to my girlfriend, now wife, that it would cause this much hurt to see him go!

As a "new" Christian I am also struggling to understand God's place for animals in his heaven. Can someone point to me where in the Bible I can read about this?

Once again thanks for taking the time to read this and any answers I/we get and also sorry if I don't make much sense. Not in the best frame of mind right now.

View attachment 3272
A pic of our little buddy from a few years ago when he was healthy. Miss him so much!
I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. :sad I know how they can become such intimate members of your family.
:shame2 yes it sad when we have to put them to sleep but they arent like us who have a soul and made in the image of GOD. i miss my german shepphard. sasha.

cheyenne was a cub when we got her and she played with sasha. sasha well taught her dig holes and played with her. but sasha was also a biter at times to strangers. we tried to find her a home and we couldnt.:shame2that dog loved me. i miss her. we have a ton of pics of her with cheyenne playing. and a few by herself. enjoy the memories of that dog
We do know that there are horses in heaven because in Revelations 19:11 Jesus rode a white horse. This was a symbol of going to war. (When He came riding on a donkey it was a symbol of peace.)
If there are horses in heaven, it is also possible that there are other animals. But we are not told. In Colossians 1:19-20 We are told that by Christ all things shall be reconciled to Himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of the cross. That is pretty broad. So we will find out when we get there whether our beloved pets await us.

Our favorite Boston Terrier had a brain tumor, went into convulsions and did not come out. We knew we had to put her down but could not afford the expense of an emergency vet at 3AM on a Sunday morning. So my husband took her out in the country and shot her in the head. NEVER do that. The gun jammed on the second shot and he had nightmares about it for years. Since then I have taken our pets in when it was their time. It is never easy. We always grieve for them. But eventually we break down and get a new puppy. It will never take our dog's place. Each has its own personality.
I'm sorry to hear about your dog. :sad The decision to have them put down is a tough one to make, but it was the best option in this case.
My German Shepherd had to be put down last year due to old age and uncontrollable incontinence.
:shame2 yes it sad when we have to put them to sleep but they arent like us who have a soul and made in the image of GOD
First of all, I do not believe the Bible teaches that even we (humans) have souls - this is a greek idea which I politely suggest has been erroneously co-opted by western Christianity.

In any event, I think there is no solid Biblical basis for what I see as at least an implication on your part that animals will not a part to play in "the age to come".
As a "new" Christian I am also struggling to understand God's place for animals in his heaven. Can someone point to me where in the Bible I can read about this?
Sorry to read of your loss. I have a 10 year old Chihuahua that I love dearly.

In any event, and with all due respect to others here, let me offer the following thoughts:

1. There is an unhealthy, and frankly unBiblical, notion that "man" is the sole target of God's redemptive work. This is demonstrably not Biblical, even though it may make us "feel important". Scripture teaches that all creation will be redeemed.

2. The ultimate destiny of redeemed humans (and I hope and expect animals too) is not in a non spatio-temporal "heaven" but in a decidedly physical redeemed creation. Look at Jesus! He had a body after resurrection. I am not sure where this idea of disembodied "souls" (a non-Biblical notion, by the way) floating around eternally in Heaven comes from. Yes, there is a heaven, but it is a temporary place for the redeemed dead, as they await the redemption of this physical world and the bestowing of resurrection bodies.

3. For reasons that there is not enough space to get into in one post, what "God is going to do" is notoriously difficult to predict. I choose the hopefully possibility - that God will indeed restore our lost, and loved, animals, in the world to come. No doubt, some will disagree, arguing that once an animal dies "its gone". Well, we will see, I am quite sure, that the specifically Biblical case for this is weak indeed.
First of all, I do not believe the Bible teaches that even we (humans) have souls - this is a greek idea which I politely suggest has been erroneously co-opted by western Christianity.

In any event, I think there is no solid Biblical basis for what I see as at least an implication on your part that animals will not a part to play in "the age to come".
i never even said that, what i said is that they arent redeemed. try reading on what i say without your bias.

i dont like greek thinking but the jews do believe in an idea of a bodiless existence. its where the idea of the rcc purgatory came from.

and that somehow moses and elijah and the transfiguration. was some dream. theres also a ministering by the saints.

i never said that we were going to have any body, but i do believe in a ressurection of the just and unjust. the former to life eternal. the later to eternal contempt. that implies a body to be judged in. anhilationism cant be supported either.

i used to be a jw that is what they taught and what you teach.


But it is the human soul that is both the most complex and the most lofty of souls. Our sages have said: "She is called by five names: Nefesh (soul), Ruach (spirit), Neshamah (breath), Chayah (life) and Yechidah (singularity)."2 The Chassidic masters explain that the soul's five "names" actually describe five levels or dimensions of the soul. Nefesh is the soul as the engine of physical life. Ruach is the emotional self and "personality." Neshamah is the intellectual self. Chayah is the supra-rational self--the seat of will, desire, commitment and faith. Yechidah connotes the essence of the soul--its unity with its source, the singular essence of G-d. For the essence of the soul of man is "literally a part of G-d above"3--a piece of G-d in us, so to speak.

five words for it verses three used today in the church. psyche, psuche and soma.

i dont relay on alone on theologians to do the reasearch for me. i read up on things and choose what fits best. theologicans are good but they do disagree.

i can go back and dig up some of the partial preterist i use long before nt wright and they would disagree with him.

and the jews believe the earth has a ruach.

i also have said that. the earth cries out for redemption

which the sages taught.
In truth, not just the human being, but also every created entity possesses a "soul." Animals have souls, as do plants and even inanimate objects; every blade of grass has a soul, and every grain of sand. Not only life, but also existence requires a soul to sustain it--a "spark of G-dliness" that perpetually imbues its object with being and significance. A soul is not just the engine of life; it also embodies the why of a thing's existence, it's meaning and purpose. It is a thing's "inner identity, it's raison d'être. Just like the 'soul' of a musical composition is the composer's vision that energizes and gives life to the notes played in a musical composition--the actual notes are like the body expressing the vision and feeling of the soul within them. Each soul is the expression of G-d's intent and vision in creating that particular being."1

but did god tell the doggie to mulitply and or did the animals sin? animals have no will like we do. i dont allow peta to influence my christian beliefs.go ahead and try to argue that we are the same at the cross with animals. we arent.its not a sin to eat an animal though it was gods plan originally. he will restore that in his timing. not man, nor with mans help.
What you did what from a kind and merciful heart. He went to sleep in peace. If you hadn't done his he still would have passed away but it would not have been peaceful.

As for our pets in eternity I'm with Drew I simply don't see that the scriptures are clear. However, here is one that shows us that at some time in the future there will be animals present with us. Some teach this is His Kingdom to come,

Isaiah 11

<sup class="versenum">5 </sup>And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

<sup class="versenum">6 </sup>The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

<sup class="versenum">7 </sup>And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

<sup class="versenum">8 </sup>And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

<sup class="versenum">9 </sup>They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if our loving Father has made provision for our pets as He knows how much they mean to us.

God Bless
What you did what from a kind and merciful heart. He went to sleep in peace. If you hadn't done his he still would have passed away but it would not have been peaceful.

As for our pets in eternity I'm with Drew I simply don't see that the scriptures are clear. However, here is one that shows us that at some time in the future there will be animals present with us. Some teach this is His Kingdom to come,

Isaiah 11

<SUP class=versenum>5 </SUP>And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

<SUP class=versenum>6 </SUP>The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

<SUP class=versenum>7 </SUP>And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

<SUP class=versenum>8 </SUP>And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

<SUP class=versenum>9 </SUP>They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if our loving Father has made provision for our pets as He knows how much they mean to us.

God Bless
i never deny this. i was going to quote this but theres no clear yay or nay on animals being raised. ie dead animals. would you all want to meet all the animals you ate?
Hello, I have been a frequent visitor to this site for months now but didn't register until today. I need some help with understanding and I apologize if I posted this in the wrong place.

A few weeks ago our dog, Amigo (12 year old American Cocker Spaniel), developed a big lump on top of his head. We took him to the vet and they inserted some drainage tubes to try and see if the swelling would go down while the medication did its thing to take care of what they thought at the time may just be an infection from a scratch or bug bite.

Fast forward 2 weeks and a couple more trips to the vet and we were told it was bone cancer causing the lump/infection and that he was probably in extreme pain so we decided right away, this morning, to have him "put to sleep".

My wife and I have never had to do something like that before and hope to never have to again! It happened so quick, almost instantly.

Now we sit here struggling with our decision, mad at ourselves for doing what we did this morning. I keep thinking who were we to "play God" and have his life taken from him, from us.

I guess I am just looking for someone other than our family to tell me we did the right thing.

He seemed to move al-right but the tumour was causing a de-formality to his head, was pressing on an eye that made it impossible to see out of and he no longer barked. Used to bark when we let him out to let us know he wanted back in.

Once the vet told us today that he was in pain, to me it was no option and we had to do it right away, to stop his suffering.

Sorry if I am rambling on but my wife and I are hurting so much right now. Who knew 12 years ago when I brought a little 6 week old pup home to my girlfriend, now wife, that it would cause this much hurt to see him go!

As a "new" Christian I am also struggling to understand God's place for animals in his heaven. Can someone point to me where in the Bible I can read about this?

Once again thanks for taking the time to read this and any answers I/we get and also sorry if I don't make much sense. Not in the best frame of mind right now.

View attachment 3272
A pic of our little buddy from a few years ago when he was healthy. Miss him so much!
I'm so sorry. :sad

You did the right thing. God allows us to kill healthy animals for food, so I don't see how anyone could make an argument that it's wrong to put a suffering animal out of its misery. A few years ago I used to have an incredibly sweet dog named Fezzik, who loved everyone and everything. He was always happy. Sadly, he started having health issues though, including seizures, and after one, he never seemed to get better. He couldn't walk without help, and he seemed sad. We waited a few days because he had recovered from his other seizures just fine, and that entire weekend I sat and slept right next to his bed. But during the night he would start crying every so often until I helped him roll over. Monday morning my mom and I took him to the vet and after being told there was little chance he would get any better we had him put to sleep. It broke my heart. The sweet, silly doggy my family got when I was just eight years old only lived to be seven. I was in the room with him when he passed away, and I would never want to go through something like that again, but I know that it was the best decision for him. Just like the decision you made was the best one for Amigo.


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