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[__ Prayer __] My Sense of Smell


So, it's been since last summer since I could smell anything at all.

I have put a bottle of straight bleach under my nose...nothing.

I have completely lost my sense of smell.

I do need to go back to my GP and...I don't know, get a referral to a specialist or something.

One might think that losing the sense of smell isn't all that big of a deal...not like losing one's eyesight for instance...but it's amazing once it's gone how much of an impact it is.

For instance, food tastes really bland and kind of funny. I had a peanut butter cookie the other night and honestly, if I had been blindfolded, I would have been hard-pressed to say exactly what it was that I was eating. A cookie, yes, consistency and overall sweetness would have clued me in that it was a cookie...but no sense of it being a peanut butter cookie. Unless I'm eating something that is over the top spicy...I really can't taste much, except to determine if it's salty or sweet or bitter etc.

The lemon taste I had for a while is gone (thank goodness!!!) but sometimes I will just carry a "taste" in my mouth that has nothing to do with anything I've ate or was within my environment. For instance for a good several hours yesterday I "tasted" cigarette smoke...don't ask me why, I've never smoked a day in my life. It's bizarre and to tell the truth, unsettling.

It also is making it hard for me to cook for my family. I never realized how much one needs a sense of smell to cook. The tongue tastes basic things: sweet, salty, bitter, sour...but it takes the olfactories to gain an enhancement of flavors...and I've lost that. Now I'm either over-spicing foods, or not putting in enough so that things taste bland. My hubby, sweet man that he is, told me dinner last night was delicious...the kids are more honest, they didn't like it much because it tasted really bland. I put the salt and pepper on the table and everyone salted the casserole down and added a liberal amount of pepper as well. Being a good cook for my family is important to me and it really hurts and depressing me that I'm failing in this right now.

Another thing is that I do have asthma. And, there are certain things that trigger asthma, many of these things would have smell as a sort of advance warning. The other day I had a full-blown asthma attack...the sort that caused me to stop breathing, and need the rescue inhaler for ...and I have no idea what triggered it. I must have been around something that caused it to happen, but I have no idea what it is. It's possible that my daughter had some perfume on a shirt that I gathered up for laundry...I just don't know.

Anyway, I'm calling my GP back and am going to see if there is anything further that can be done.

Please pray for me in this...this is really a lot worse than what I thought it would be. If I can get the sense of smell back, it would be really cool.

If it's gone and gone forever, I need to know and need to deal with that. And, that won't be easy.:sad
I'll be praying for you.

I can relate about the not being able to smell. I cannot smell at all and I think it was due to some complications when I was really really young, so, I've never been able to smell my whole life. If it is gone forever (which I hope it's not) just know that someone else on the forum knows exactly what that's like. You can PM me anytime if you want to talk.
handy did you have a stressful year last year? Did something traumatic happen to you? Did someone die close to you or something like that? Soon as I thought of you and prayed I got a feeling like there has been trauma and this might be stress related. I am probably wrong lol.

a big stressful or traumatic event can make your body do strange things.
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It sure could be allergies... or medication side effect or allergic reaction to one that is causing this. Praying that you find the solution soon.

I'd begin a list of things you can recall about last summer and since... little by little. It could even be a change in toothpaste or breath mint. :eeeekkk
Dora, if you're like me and a lot of people, you've scoured the internet for answers to this problem. My guess is that when you first caught on to this issue, you thought not much of it. Understandably, you've become very anxious about this.

My prayer is that you feel His Peace and let things play out.

This could be so many things, and you just don't know what lab test or diagnostic test will shed light into what has happened. I was going through a crisis situation roughly 8 years ago when I was losing feeling in my arms and legs. They checked out everything, and were headed toward a diagnosis of MS. I could hardly walk upstairs in our house. One day my primary care doctor realized my B-12 was depleted in my system. Once I started on B-12 shots, my condition was completely normalized within 4 days!

My point in going into this is that you never know what might have caused this. Allow the professionals to do what they do best. I pray something does yield a reversible cause. I pray for this healing, but I pray you put this in God's Hands, that He would use the hands of a physician to discover what's wrong. If you feel the internet is only heightening your anxiety about this, I pray you can let it be.

And I pray that this will one day be a victory story your family will draw strength from for a very long time.
Well, I'm back from my GP. He is going to refer me to a ENT specialist. Since the loss was so rapid and not due to any head trauma, my GP gives an "optimistic" 50% chance that I might get my sense of smell back.

Hopefully the ENT can be even more optimistic than that.

Thanks for the prayers everyone...I truly hope and ask God that I don't have to live the rest of my life with no sense of smell.
Dora I have been putting up with a lost of smell for about 10 years. It is from polyps which I have had removed 2 times. I have some smell now because I am taking Prednisone, now when I finish taking it in about 3 days my smell will go away again. And you can't take Prednisone all the time because of the side effects. I have chronic sinus problems.
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My appointment with the specialist is on Monday. Hopefully, he'll have some answers for me.
While I think it's important to have any such change checked out by an MD... the use of the herb ashwagandha has a tendency to aid the sense of smell. (It's a natural "cortisone" from God :) )
I haven't heard of that, Gazelle...I'll go to the doctors and seeing what he has to say, but I'll definitely keep it in mind. Thanks for sharing.
Well, went to see the specialist today and he did a couple of tests there in the office...and then ordered an MRI...

Cha-ching, cha-ching.

This really does have to be checked out...I'm beginning to think we're going to pay thousands of $$$$ just to find out there's nothing that can be done about it.
MRI's are needed I have had many over my sinus issues and 2 sinus operations. But I get mine done at the VA and it does not cost me one red cent for anything, even the operations. Dora there are some Sinus forums that you can google and discuss your problem with other with the same thing.
Well, that didn't go so good.

I went in for an MRI today to try to discover the reason for the loss of smell.

I've had an MRI before, as well as two CT Scans. Didn't particularly like them as I am mildly claustrophobic. But...I've had them...they're really no big deal.

For some reason today, I had, for the first time in my life, a full blown panic attack in the machine. The tech pulled me out and allowed me a little time to pull myself together, then had me lay back down. This time he put a cloth over my eyes so that I couldn't see the closeness...and I made it all the way through the scan.

Unfortunately, he wasn't finished. The doctor had asked that contrast dye also be used, and the tech explained that I would have to continue laying very still while he injected the dye, then I was going to have to go back into the machine for another 15 minutes. He might as well said, "For the rest of your natural life."

I simply couldn't do it. I actually started crying like a baby. It was very embarrassing, especially since I knew there is no reason to be afraid or anything. He tried his darndest to talk me back into the thing, but I just couldn't do it.

He was hopeful that the doctor would be able to see what he needed to see with what had been done. Hopefully he will be, because even if I could bring myself to get another MRI...I doubt we can afford it.

GARRR I'm so frustrated with myself. :grumpy
Dora i am so sorry you had to go through that. And it is something you must do alone.... Not talking about Dora not have the Lord with her. Silly of me but i feel just like i did when my baby had to have a EEG wish i could take it for ya.... :sad
Thanks Reba...I did everything I could think of, singing "I Will Call Upon the Lord" and reciting "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"...that got me through the first part...but when I found out I wouldn't be able to get off that table, even for a bit and had to sit still, be injected with dye and then go back in for another 15 minutes...I failed.

The good news is that the Dr.s office called and they were able to read some things and now will have me on the same meds Lewis spoke of...after I finish the meds he'll send me in for a CT Scan...not looking forward to that either, but it's a little better than the MRI.

I was sharing with friends on Facebook and found out that one of my friends was in an MRI tube and there was a complete power failure and she was stuck in it until they could pull her out manually. How horrible would that be.
Well, after 2 full days of the steroid and an antibiotic big enough to choke a horse, I came home from work today, gave Steve a hug and realized I COULD SMELL HIM!!!!!!!!

YAY! Lewis, you seem to have nailed it buddy, it seems as if it was just a really bad sinus infection.

Praise God. We went for pizza tonight and I couldn't believe how wonderful it tasted as well. Things simply taste better when you can smell them!

Thanks for all the prayers folks!