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Mystery Babylon

The scriptures do not say all His people are in the harlot.

Revelation 18
4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.

It simply says come out of her my people meaning the people that are Christians who are in associaton with her.

Are you trying to make a division between Gods people and God's people?

It is not right to add the "All" to My people when it does not state that.

Then the voice from heaven should have stated 'some of my people' come out of her or 'those who are in her, come out of her' to suit your intentions?

I view that those statements were just as applicable to the believers of the day they were penned to the believers of today, so yes, I do try to see the universal applications of these matters rather than focus on a particular sect or location.

It is equally charming that almost no one can see the universality of the workings of EVIL and the connections therein, yet that is a universal principle in text.

AND 'naturally' NO ONE likes to see themselves being IN THE WHORE or having 'been' in the Whore. That is almost an 'automatic' or what I call 'instant self justification' reaction.

You are also welcome to describe how 'any' believer avoids being in the category of 'peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues' as that was also included in my observation. Kinda hard to remove 'believers' from at least 'one time' being in ONE of those categories.

Oh, and the James statements as well. Then maybe we can compare notes. Especially James conclusion about cursing other people made in Gods Image, because you see nearly ALL believers curse their fellow mankind to hell of some sort if they don't 'believe like themselves.' To me that IS the MARK OF THE BEAST upon their lips, which comes from their heart. One cannot HATE the IMAGE OF GOD anymore than that. So please include HOW you measure your fellow 'unsaved' man, made in Gods Image or similitude, in response so I can 'see' your 'mark.'

You might also say who/what 'you think' the Whore is if I missed it.

I don't really know why passions run so hot in these matters. These are fairly simple exchanges of data for me.

Are you trying to make a division between Gods people and God's people?

No. Are you trying to insinuate i am? You seem to do a lot of accusing smaller.

Then the voice from heaven should have stated 'some of my people' come out of her or 'those who are in her, come out of her' to suit your intentions?

Well it would have been good if it did. But it is unnecessary. It still does not say all. You cannot use scripture that was never said to support a position as if you are supporting it from scripture. You have injected the word all. That is your doing.

I view that those statements were just as applicable to the believers of the day they were penned to the believers of today, so yes, I do try to see the universal applications of these matters rather than focus on a particular sect or location.

It is equally charming that almost no one can see the universality of the workings of EVIL and the connections therein, yet that is a universal principle in text.

AND 'naturally' NO ONE likes to see themselves being IN THE WHORE or having 'been' in the Whore. That is almost an 'automatic' or what I call 'instant self justification' reaction.

Well i was once a catholic. So i believe i was under deception. But we are not talking here about the mother and her daughters we are talking about the Leader the Harlot of Babylon. You are trying to make all false religions one homogeneous mass when Scripture clearly states

Revelation 17
5 And on her forehead a name was written:


She is the Mother of harlot'S.... HARLOTS... Not singular HARLOT, but Plural HARLOTS.

So there is a distinction between Babylon the great the mother of Harlots and the other harlots who are her daughters.

You are also welcome to describe how 'any' believer avoids being in the category of 'peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues' as that was also included in my observation. Kinda hard to remove 'believers' from at least 'one time' being in ONE of those categories.

Revelation 17
15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.

Well this scripture tells us that the Harlot is a movement that is based in many different rejoins of the world. It does not state that Everyone of those peoples are members of the Harlots organization or members of her belief system. You have injected the Everyone into these scriptures where there is no Everyone to be seen.

For example the catholic church is based on many different nations, the catholic church is based in the USA but not everyone in the USA is a catholic. Many different peoples with different languages are in the catholic church, but because there are english speaking catholics that does not mean all people who speak english are catholics.

Oh, and the James statements as well. Then maybe we can compare notes. Especially James conclusion about cursing other people made in Gods Image, because you see nearly ALL believers curse their fellow mankind to hell of some sort if they don't 'believe like themselves.' To me that IS the MARK OF THE BEAST upon their lips, which comes from their heart. One cannot HATE the IMAGE OF GOD anymore than that. So please include HOW you measure your fellow 'unsaved' man, made in Gods Image or similitude, in response so I can 'see' your 'mark.'

My MARK ? You think i have the mark of the beast?

If i had the mark of the beast as you believe it to be so and you did not have the mark of the beast as you believe it to be so. Then i could go out to the shops and buy and sell but you would not be able to buy or sell anything. Because the scriptures clearly state.

Revelation 17
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

This is clearly saying that you would not be able to buy or sell anything unless you had the mark of the beast. Too many people are wrapped up in symbolic interpretation when the natural interpretation in these verses is clear.

As for hate of men 1 john 2 states:

1 John 2
11 But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

My mother is a catholic, i assure you i do not hate my mother. And this discussion does not need people projecting a hating attitude upon others. Doing ones best to undermine what others share by doings ones best to paint them as hate filled bigots or anti-semites is not the Way. Playing the person instead of the idea should not be the way. The objective is not to denigrate a people, or single a nation out. The idea is to give warning in the hope that some who are in deception will see it and come out of it and be saved.

I see it time and time again. people giving a hard message in love being ripped apart as being against people when in fact they are fighting to free those people from the bondage of false religion.

Ephesians 6:12
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

No we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but the evil that keeps them deceived. The Hope is that by giving warning some may see what has them deluded and come out of the Harlot, and the daughter harlotS as well.

You might also say who/what 'you think' the Whore is if I missed it.

Well i have not come to any conclusion as to the identity the Whore of Babylon. I take in all information as we get closer and closer to the second coming of the Messiah Jesus. Now if you asked me if the Talmudic based organization being discussed here is a Harlot ( remember it is not being said that ALL jews are part of this organization) then i would say yes i do believe it is a Harlot. Now that is not saying it is BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, the organization may end up being one of the daughter harlots. There may indeed be another organization even higher than the one being discussed. One that has not been revealed yet. So i will keep my options open.

I don't really know why passions run so hot in these matters. These are fairly simple exchanges of data for me.

Really? From what i have been reading it seems to me that passions are running hot in you. I suggest you read your posts before you post them and try and place yourself in the shoes of the people your directing your posts at.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No. Are you trying to insinuate i am? You seem to do a lot of accusing smaller.

Is it 'all' or some? These are questions btw, so put away the club.
Well it would have been good if it did. But it is unnecessary. It still does not say all. You cannot use scripture that was never said to support a position as if you are supporting it from scripture. You have injected the word all. That is your doing.

So, just 'some' of Gods people are called out of the whore? Which ones? Please identify the criteria of 'some.'
Well i was once a catholic. So i believe i was under deception. But we are not talking here about the mother and her daughters we are talking about the Leader the Harlot of Babylon. You are trying to make all false religions one homogeneous mass when Scripture clearly states

Revelation 17
5 And on her forehead a name was written:


She is the Mother of harlot'S.... HARLOTS... Not singular HARLOT, but Plural HARLOTS.

So, you say 'all' believers start or are in a harlot 'situation' or all? By all means delineate.
So there is a distinction between Babylon the great the mother of Harlots and the other harlots who are her daughters.

IF you wanted to say 'all christian sectarianism' is a portion of harlotry, I may give a small nod. Want that one? At some point though you 'may' have to say who is NOT thusly called out and delineate there as well.

As to multiple harlots, it would still seem they have a mother in any case. You know, one big evil family? Maybe 'Satan' as the father of those substrata harlots?
Revelation 17
15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.

Well this scripture tells us that the Harlot is a movement that is based in many different rejoins of the world. It does not state that Everyone of those peoples are members of the Harlots organization or members of her belief system. You have injected the Everyone into these scriptures where there is no Everyone to be seen.

I have a hard time eliminating 'some' people from the people thusly called out. That avenue does not seem to be available. Can elaborate, but we'll see where this goes.

For the record I will certainly agree with sub-strata harlotry, so the 'some' people get's a little closer to 'all' as well?
For example the catholic church is based on many different nations, the catholic church is based in the USA but not everyone in the USA is a catholic. Many different peoples with different languages are in the catholic church, but because there are english speaking catholics that does not mean all people who speak english are catholics.

Ah, so you are the RCC Whore believer then?
My MARK ? You think i have the mark of the beast?

No, just trying to see how many believers you may potentially condemn along the trail of these matters.
If i had the mark of the beast as you believe it to be so and you did not have the mark of the beast as you believe it to be so. Then i could go out to the shops and buy and sell but you would not be able to buy or sell anything. Because the scriptures clearly state.

Revelation 17
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

This is clearly saying that you would not be able to buy or sell anything unless you had the mark of the beast. Too many people are wrapped up in symbolic interpretation when the natural interpretation in these verses is clear.

I do not buy this matter as external, so yes, you are right in that I do view it symbolically, particularly when arriving at the barter of the souls of men. Don't recall the dollar market price on that one for some odd reason.
As for hate of men 1 john 2 states:

1 John 2
11 But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

My mother is a catholic, i assure you i do not hate my mother. And this discussion does not need people projecting a hating attitude upon others. Doing ones best to undermine what others share by doings ones best to paint them as hate filled bigots or anti-semites is not the Way.

You do understand that there is very much a LOT of that though? I try to root those positions out 'early' and discount same. No offense.

Playing the person instead of the idea should not be the way. The objective is not to denigrate a people, or single a nation out. The idea is to give warning in the hope that some who are in deception will see it and come out of it and be saved.

That is certainly part of the quest in the motion of this thread. Identification(s) and I do not discount multiple possibilities, but perhaps all pointing to a sole source in any case.

For the record I have a hard time separating ANY form of harlotry from 'demonic' activity.
I see it time and time again. people giving a hard message in love being ripped apart as being against people when in fact they are fighting to free those people from the bondage of false religion.

There are many forms of bondage.
Ephesians 6:12
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

No we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but the evil that keeps them deceived. The Hope is that by giving warning some may see what has them deluded and come out of the Harlot, and the daughter harlotS as well.

IF you did read my response I centered on that 'exact' matter.
Well i have not come to any conclusion as to the identity the Whore of Babylon. I take in all information as we get closer and closer to the second coming of the Messiah Jesus. Now if you asked me if the Talmudic based organization being discussed here is a Harlot ( remember it is not being said that ALL jews are part of this organization) then i would say yes i do believe it is a Harlot. Now that is not saying it is BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, the organization may end up being one of the daughter harlots. There may indeed be another organization even higher than the one being discussed. One that has not been revealed yet. So i will keep my options open.

And thank you for clarifying that matter, and in that I would also send a semi-nod, but when looking to the immediately preceeding scripture you cited, there may be a 'more over riding' factor available there than just the 'talmudic organization' that may also be at the core of these matters. So, do I see then the talmud or the RCC. Probably not if digging deeper.

You may understand that I see that all people inclusive of believers have 'sin' and those who commit (in thought and/or word and/or in deed) are in fact 'of the devil. Who then is the WOMAN harlot in this equation?

Really? From what i have been reading it seems to me that passions are running hot in you. I suggest you read your posts before you post them and try and place yourself in the shoes of the people your directing your posts at.

I have a very strong dislike for RCC and Jew deriding. Maybe you 'sensed' that?

These are all my fellow mankind in any case, whom I am to love regardless of their 'doctrines.' People are people and doctrines are doctrines. No one has 'perfect' doctrines nor are there people without sin.

Sinners bashing other sinners just ain't all that.


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I made a big effort to be as clear as i could with you smaller. I went the extra mile. But you refuse to see.

This discussion has never been about who sins more or who sins less. It is about ideologies of deception and about seeking out the ideology if the Whore of Babylon the Mother of harlots.

And yes i do see the RCC as a harlot, if i didn't see the RCC as a Harlot then i would still be a member of that church.

But that does not mean i see catholics as being more or less sinners than me. That is something your pasting on me and others in here.

I will do my best to do the duty of a watchman irrespective of the reactions of men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
For the record I have a hard time separating ANY form of harlotry from 'demonic' activity.

Yeah we noticed that smaller, but what I dont understand is that even after you have recognised your intellectual disability you insist on imposing the fruit of your non-sensical mindbending on the rest of the brethren on this forum.....ON EVERY SINGLE THREAD!

I have a very strong dislike for RCC and Jew deriding. Maybe you 'sensed' that?

Who has been Jew deriding?

I havn't seen any of that going on here?

These are all my fellow mankind in any case, whom I am to love regardless of their 'doctrines.'

If you really loved them you would alert them to their false doctrine so that they can wake up and come out of her. Thats just a no-brainer. Staying silent on doctrinal errors doesnt help anyone. Are we not to try the spirits?
Yeah we noticed that smaller, but what I dont understand is that even after you have recognised your intellectual disability you insist on imposing the fruit of your non-sensical mindbending on the rest of the brethren on this forum.....ON EVERY SINGLE THREAD!

Perhaps that is because most 'believers' are blind to SIMPLE FACTS.

Everyone has EVIL DESIRES to 'blame the other people' and EXONERATE themselves. This is the MARK of the HYPOCRITE in their MINDS.
Who has been Jew deriding?

I havn't seen any of that going on here?

Where the 'WHORE SITS' is peoples PLURAL, multitudes PLURAL, nations PLURAL (which flat out ELIMINATES Jerusalem or the Vatican) and tongues PLURAL.

No form of 'civil' logic can EXTACT any believer from ANY of those conditions.

If you really loved them you would alert them to their false doctrine so that they can wake up and come out of her. Thats just a no-brainer. Staying silent on doctrinal errors doesnt help anyone. Are we not to try the spirits?

Alert them to WHAT? Phony sensationalism in DISregard of SIMPLE FACT?


The call of Paul the Apostle was to DIVIDE the PEOPLES from the WORKINGS OF SATAN within them.

Those who are NOT divided REMAIN as SATAN'S WHORES.


I made a big effort to be as clear as i could with you smaller. I went the extra mile. But you refuse to see.

Refuse to see what? A MISSED attempt?

Your only attempt was to say that not ALL believers are called OUT of the WHORE. I say your attempt was not successful.

ALL of us were ONCE BLINDED by the 'god of this world' who BLINDED OUR MINDS from God in Jesus Christ.

MANKIND all are INTENDED to be THE BRIDE OF CHRIST. ALL not joined to Christ are Satans SLAVE WHORES and he SITS in the TEMPLE OF THEIR MINDS.

This discussion has never been about who sins more or who sins less. It is about ideologies of deception and about seeking out the ideology if the Whore of Babylon the Mother of harlots.


You will have and continue to have A VERY HARD TIME in making a case that BELIEVERS are NOT in those categories AT SOME POINT in their present lives.
And yes i do see the RCC as a harlot, if i didn't see the RCC as a Harlot then i would still be a member of that church.

Anyone can take ANY SECT and make your intended math work, therefore your methodoloy is NOT limited to JUST the RCC people, multitudes, nations or tongues.

Just as YOU wallow and wail the RCC, Strangelove does the SAME THING with Jewish Talmud. Therefore you are BOTH trippin.
But that does not mean i see catholics as being more or less sinners than me. That is something your pasting on me and others in here.

I will do my best to do the duty of a watchman irrespective of the reactions of men.

Well you just WATCH AWAY on them thar RCC'ers there buddy. Good luck with that...they gonna getcha!

Where the 'WHORE SITS' is peoples PLURAL, multitudes PLURAL, nations PLURAL (which flat out ELIMINATES Jerusalem or the Vatican) and tongues PLURAL.

YES the WHORE rules the NATIONS (PLURAL) which contain multitudes (PLURAL) and tongues (PLURAL) so whats your problem?

Alert them to WHAT? Phony sensationalism in DISregard of SIMPLE FACT?

Thats right smaller. Let your neighbour burn without warning them theres a fire goin off under their house.

The call of Paul the Apostle was to DIVIDE the PEOPLES from the WORKINGS OF SATAN within them.

Is there anything in the Bible you HAVN'T SPIRITUALIZED?

Those who are NOT divided REMAIN as SATAN'S WHORES.

OK so once we've DIVIDED ourselves from SATAN whats next??> Do we sit back and smoke a pipe and RELAX while our brethren sink into the quicksand of false doctrine?
OK so once we've DIVIDED ourselves from SATAN whats next??> Do we sit back and smoke a pipe and RELAX while our brethren sink into the quicksand of false doctrine?

Satan does not equal false doctrine. There you are solidly in and will REMAIN within the SPIRIT OF ERROR.

Satan does not equal false doctrine.

I never said Satan equals false doctrine. The BABYLONIAN TALMUD equals false doctrine. Lolz...

Anywayz I thought you were Mr. "Satan is responsible for ALL evil."

Arn't you contradicting yourself a touch.
I never said Satan equals false doctrine. The BABYLONIAN TALMUD equals false doctrine. Lolz...

You will claim ANYONE and ANYTHING before you 'can' set your facts upon SATAN.
Anywayz I thought you were Mr. "Satan is responsible for ALL evil."

You will claim ANYONE and ANYTHING before you 'can' set your facts upon SATAN.
Arn't you contradicting yourself a touch.

The mark of the beast IN THE MIND is very EASY to see and observe, once seen.

Such minds revolve around ANYTHING and ANYONE but SATAN. Such can NOT pinpoint these matters because of that influence upon them. These can not TELL the TRUTH because they are NOT ALLOWED to see it by that influence.


ALL believers once resided in THE WHORE OF MYSTERY BABYLON.

IF you are allowed to see this, it will become INSTANTLY clear. If not, you are not yet OUT of MYSTERY BABYLON.

ALL of mankind is CALLED by THE WORD OF GOD to be the BRIDE OF CHRIST.

In this way ALL MANKIND is in fact, scripturally speaking A WOMAN, even A VIRGIN as none of us are yet JOINED IN FULL. The Wedding DAY awaits us ALL, the WOMAN of 'the church.'

The MINDS and HEARTS of 'all' unbelievers was, is and remains BLINDED by the 'god of this world.'

In the unbelieving JEW this is called THE SPIRIT OF SLUMBER that was put UPON THEM. This shows that SPIRIT OF SLUMBER was not, IS NOT them, but A SPIRIT of SLEEPING SLUMBER.

This is in fact the 'god of this world' UPON SUCH blinded ones that makes them SLEEP.

In this way it is 'the god of this world,' YES SATAN who is upon ALL SUCH WOMEN. In this way ALL SUCH remain Satan's SLEEP MATES, his WHORES.

All believers are CALLED OUT OF THIS WHOREDOM and are called into CHRIST.

Spiritual WHOREDOM existed LONG BEFORE John the Apostle penned those WORDS.

In the OLD TESTAMENT this WHORE is shown as well:

Hosea 4:12
My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

Hosea 5:4
They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God: for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known the LORD.

Yes, the WHORE was YOU.

IF you do not see YOU WERE SATAN'S BLINDED WHORE, then you REMAIN such. A WHORE OF SATAN will never claim to have had an indiscretion, but will LIE like ALL WHORES DO.

The SPIRIT OF WHOREDOM is in the MIDST OF ALL unbelievers. It is A WOMAN meant for JESUS CHRIST, who is BLINDED to HER TRUE HUSBAND by HER CURRENT husband, Satan.

The SEA this WOMAN arises from is the SEA OF CONFUSIONS...and she is the INSTRUMENT of confusions and EVERY EVIL WORKING, which we see DEMONstrated IN ALL FALSE DOCTRINES of ALL MANKIND-who is in fact a WHORING WOMAN.

The subsection HARLOTS of this mother are EVERY FALSE SECT of christianity, of blinded JEWS, or BLINDED Islam, or in ANY who are OUT by blindness, meaning ALL mankind.

There is your WHOLE and UNdivided WORLD. It is not the 'world' we see with our eyes, but the WHOLE WORLD joined to SATAN, the BLINDER who makes PAWNS of all WOMEN, mankind.

The BEAST is not A NATION, but THE MAN of SIN, THE son OF PERDITION. Uh, yes, that would be again SATAN.

11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The GREAT CITY is MYSTERY BABYLON. This is CONFUSION upon the minds of ALL mankind who are and remain UNDER the SPIRIT OF SLUMBER and of ERROR.


2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

Unclean and hateful BIRDS are the THOUGHTS OF EVIL that continuously FLY AROUND in the MINDS in the BLINDED WHORES of Satan.


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You will claim ANYONE and ANYTHING before you 'can' set your facts upon SATAN.

I have no beef with individuals or flesh and blood. I love all men too. But the ANYTHING I do want to....and I WILL expose. The evil organisations, the ideas, the doctrines, must have the veil lifted from them to show the brethren the truth and come out of her.

I WILL wrestle against the evil powers. I WILL wear my WHOLE armor of God. I WILL speak boldly and persevere for the saints no matter how much you try and DERAIL every thread where the members try to discuss these things. And using the Word of God as my SHIELD I WILL wear my breatplate of righteousness.

I WILL take my sword of truth and ATTACK with it!

And with that, I leave you alone again smaller....and depart our communications with these words.....


6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God:

6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

6:19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

6:20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

6:21 But that ye also may know my affairs, and how I do, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, shall make known to you all things:

6:22 Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.

6:23 Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

6:24 Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.
Refuse to see what? A MISSED attempt?

Your only attempt was to say that not ALL believers are called OUT of the WHORE. I say your attempt was not successful.

ALL of us were ONCE BLINDED by the 'god of this world' who BLINDED OUR MINDS from God in Jesus Christ.

MANKIND all are INTENDED to be THE BRIDE OF CHRIST. ALL not joined to Christ are Satans SLAVE WHORES and he SITS in the TEMPLE OF THEIR MINDS.


You will have and continue to have A VERY HARD TIME in making a case that BELIEVERS are NOT in those categories AT SOME POINT in their present lives.

Anyone can take ANY SECT and make your intended math work, therefore your methodoloy is NOT limited to JUST the RCC people, multitudes, nations or tongues.

Just as YOU wallow and wail the RCC, Strangelove does the SAME THING with Jewish Talmud. Therefore you are BOTH trippin.

Well you just WATCH AWAY on them thar RCC'ers there buddy. Good luck with that...they gonna getcha!


May you be forgiven for twisting my words and bearing false witness against me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
May you be forgiven for twisting my words and bearing false witness against me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You can claim what you want. IF I made specific critique of your positions that were not factual, you are welcome to POINT THAT OUT as a fact, rather than an assertion apart from fact.

I have no beef with individuals or flesh and blood. I love all men too. But the ANYTHING I do want to....and I WILL expose. The evil organisations, the ideas, the doctrines, must have the veil lifted from them to show the brethren the truth and come out of her.

I WILL wrestle against the evil powers. I WILL wear my WHOLE armor of God. I WILL speak boldly and persevere for the saints no matter how much you try and DERAIL every thread where the members try to discuss these things. And using the Word of God as my SHIELD I WILL wear my breatplate of righteousness.

I WILL take my sword of truth and ATTACK with it!

And with that, I leave you alone again smaller....and depart our communications with these words.....

I just haven't made sense of beating slaves SL. That's all. That to me is quite pointless.

We overcome Satan when we LOVE our neighbors as ourselves. There are other matters to observe in judgments that do not revolve around what you think you have found or are fighting.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal nor are they carnally deployed.


I just haven't made sense of beating slaves SL. That's all. That to me is quite pointless.

We overcome Satan when we LOVE our neighbors as ourselves. There are other matters to observe in judgments that do not revolve around what you think you have found or are fighting.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal nor are they carnally deployed.

Take your case here please nmwings:

God calls His Holy city sodom and egypt but it cant be babylon? Lolz. ok man.

Lets here you out in that thread, Bring it.
OK, "man." :rolleyes2 But just so you know, it's Ms. nmwings....
I generally like to read thru all the posts in a thread before putting my 2 cents in, but since you dared me to "bring it," Strangelove, I'll do just that.

This compels an inevitable conclusion: Israel of today and tomorrow is the same symbolic woman once chosen as God’s unique bride but ultimately divorced and cast away because of her spiritual adultery.Israel is that “Mother of Harlots†John saw on the beast of Revelation 17 and 18.
Dr. Strangelove, if this theory is correct and consistant with the rest of Scripture, than will you please explain Jer. 33:24-36, which says:

"Have you not observed what this people (you, Strangelove, and those who hold to "Replacement Theology") have spoken, saying, 'The two families (the House of Israel and the House of Judah = i.e. the Jewish people) which the Lord chose, He has rejected them'? Thus they despise My people, no longer are they as a nation in their sight. Thus says the Lord, 'If My covenant for day and night stand not, and the fixed patterns of heaven and earth I have not established, then I would reject the descendants of Jacob and David My servant, not taking from his descendants rulers over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But I will restore their fortunes and will have mercy on them."

Because the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars of Heaven stand as witnesses AGAINST the foolish notion that God divorced Israel! Not to mention the fact that it puts a rather large hole in his/your theory that Jerusalem (Israel) is the "Mother" of Harlets, since this false doctrine is a major leg on which it stands.

By no means am I implying that Israel has not made mistakes and played the harlot..... but certainly no more than what the church does today! God chose these people to be examples for us... when they follow His commandments, they're blessed. When they don't, they wander in the Wilderness! So before we start pointing fingers at the "Chosen" People, maybe we should look in the mirror! Have we not made the same mistakes they made? Do we not follow the commandments of men, rather than the commandments of God?

Did Israel play the harlot? Yes. Is she the "Mother" of harlots? I think not.

Back to the topic of Mystery Babylon.......I encourage you to look at this: :yes
OK, "man." :rolleyes2 But just so you know, it's Ms. nmwings....
I generally like to read thru all the posts in a thread before putting my 2 cents in, but since you dared me to "bring it," Strangelove, I'll do just that.

Yes Maam! Bring it!

Dr. Strangelove, if this theory is correct and consistant with the rest of Scripture, than will you please explain Jer. 33:24-36, which says:

"Have you not observed what this people (you, Strangelove, and those who hold to "Replacement Theology") have spoken, saying, 'The two families (the House of Israel and the House of Judah = i.e. the Jewish people) which the Lord chose, He has rejected them'? Thus they despise My people, no longer are they as a nation in their sight. Thus says the Lord, 'If My covenant for day and night stand not, and the fixed patterns of heaven and earth I have not established, then I would reject the descendants of Jacob and David My servant, not taking from his descendants rulers over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But I will restore their fortunes and will have mercy on them."

Because the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars of Heaven stand as witnesses AGAINST the foolish notion that God divorced Israel! Not to mention the fact that it puts a rather large hole in his/your theory that Jerusalem (Israel) is the "Mother" of Harlets, since this false doctrine is a major leg on which it stands.

Ahhhh the old doozer "replacement theology". Brilliant. Yes, I suppose the Apostle Paul was the same?

If you can call my theology that then am I allowed to call yours Hebrew roots? Can I take a wild stab and say 7th dayer?

How do I explain your ancient Old Testament verse above? It's quite simple. THE NEW TESTAMENT! Have you read it? It's very good. It explains exactly how there are no privalages left regarding flesh and that all who believe in CHRIST are the children of PROMISE and in fact are the SEED of Abraham. The descendants.

Romans 9:8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

Whoa (**double take**) did you read that correctly. Yes you did. And I've got literally dozens more verses like that. The racial Hebrews are NOT the children of God anymore. No maam. And thats coming from a racial Hebrew. The Body of Christ is the seed now and they are the inheritors of the promise according to scripture. Get it? Flesh profitteth nothing. It will get you! Do you believe that Ms.Wings?

6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the
words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

6:64 But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.

6:65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.

The hebrews / jews / house of Isreal / Judah call them what you will..have NO PLAN B. They have the same choice as the rest of us. Christ.

Everything pointed to JESUS. From day one. If you want to call the entire New Testament "replacement theology" (especially the book of Galatians) then so be it. I dont see it as a derogatory term in the slightest.

By no means am I implying that Israel has not made mistakes and played the harlot..... but certainly no more than what the church does today! God chose these people to be examples for us... when they follow His commandments, they're blessed. When they don't, they wander in the Wilderness! So before we start pointing fingers at the "Chosen" People, maybe we should look in the mirror! Have we not made the same mistakes they made? Do we not follow the commandments of men, rather than the commandments of God?

God chose these people to be examples for us??'ve got that all wrong. God chose these people to show us how fallen humans are DOOMED to fail and be sinners! the Hebrews broke the laws IMMEDIATELY...LOLZ! Moses hadn't even got down the mountain with the laws when his people were worshipping a golden calf! How is that an example? They fouled up the law ev...ery step of the way. And who can blame them? It's IMPOSSIBLE to keep the law! They never managed to follow the commandments!

You can go back to the beginning if you like. He laid down the law to Adam and he messed up within a millisecond. Cheers Adam. Now there is death for all. But God is merciful indeed. He planned in his infinate wisdom for Jesus to come so He planned the whole thing through the bloodline with the people carrying the LAW and the ONE who would pay the price for the constant transgressions.

In what type did God make the unconditional promise to Abraham? FAITH...not law.....FAITH. And so after all the roaming and wilderness and slavery etc etc what was the end conclusion? NO ONE CAN OBEY THE LAW. Man can NEVER keep his end of the covenant. It's not possible. That is what god showed us with the Hebrews.

so when it came time for Jesus to come on the scene...He did what no-one else could do. In fact what ONLY God could do, which is to lead a perfect sinless life according to God's Own impossible standard, so that not only is our sin debt paid, we receive His Righteousness to our ACCOUNT BY FAITH.


The Final and Only Promise is One Covenant. Jesus Christ. Amen. If your so called "Chosen people" want to go to Jesus they will be saved, if they dont they will perish like their ancestors did in the wilderness. Remember...only a remnant entered the promised Land.

I know the law-keepers don't like the Pauline epistles. Well let's have your say on the matter. Were his letters brought to us by the Holy Spirit or are they false? Are you preaching a different Gospel than his?

Did Israel play the harlot? Yes. Is she the "Mother" of harlots? I think not.

Back to the topic of Mystery Babylon.......I encourage you to look at this: :yes


Yes I'm quite familiar with the clever decoy that is Rome as the Whore. I was there in my research only 1 year ago. Dead certain in my ways. Until someone pointed out this verse:

11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

So was our Lord crucified in Rome or in Jerusalem??

Then I realised that Jerusalem has 7 hills too.
It's referred to as the Whore or harlot or fornicater THROUGHOUT scripture. Rome never referred to that way.
It's priests wear purple.
It controls the nations through finance.
And all the other factors discussed here and in this earlier thread:

Back over to you Ms.Wings :)
Ahhhh the old doozer "replacement theology". Brilliant. Yes, I suppose the Apostle Paul was the same?
If you can call my theology that then am I allowed to call yours Hebrew roots? Can I take a wild stab and say 7th dayer?
I suppose you refer to Apostle Paul because you think he somehow supports this false doctrine. He does not. And yes, you are correct in your assumption that I have shirked the church from my shoulders and have returned to Christianity’s “Hebrew Roots.â€

How do I explain your ancient Old Testament verse above? It's quite simple. THE NEW TESTAMENT!
The sun rising and setting every day testify AGAINST your theology and what it tells you the New Testament says! What your theology does is call the living God a liar each time that sun rises! Read it again! Jer. 33:24-36"Have you not observed what this peoplehave spoken, saying, 'The two families which the Lord chose, He has rejected them'? Thus they despise My people, no longer are they as a nation in their sight. Thus says the Lord, 'If My covenant for day and night stand not, and the fixed patterns of heaven and earth I have not established, then I would reject the descendants of Jacob and David My servant.â€
Even Yeshua (Jesus) confirmed this in Matt 5:17 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.†Heaven and earth are still here, which testifies that God has changed nothing.

How do I explain your ancient Old Testament verse above? It's quite simple. THE NEW TESTAMENT! Have you read it? It's very good. It explains exactly how there are no privalages left regarding flesh and that all who believe in CHRIST are the children of PROMISE and in fact are the SEED of Abraham. The descendants. Romans 9:8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
Whoa (**double take**) did you read that correctly. Yes you did. And I've got literally dozens more verses like that. The racial Hebrews are NOT the children of God anymore. No maam. And thats coming from a racial Hebrew. The Body of Christ is the seed now and they are the inheritors of the promise according to scripture. Get it? Flesh profitteth nothing. It will get you! Do you believe that Ms.Wings?
Your theology has twisted what 2 verses above has already explained. Roman 9:6-7, says, “Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.†This says that Israel will not be made up of only those physically born into the nation…. Gentiles who are GRAFTED ONTO THE VINE through Messiah AND His commandments are also considered Israel. And on the flip side, not everyone physically born into Israel (Abraham) will be a part of Israel. This is completely consistent with all other Scripture. He simply says that no distinction will be made between a native-born believer and a grafted-in believer! It says NOTHING about the native-born believer not being counted as a child of God. This does NOT say what your theology tells you it says! Your theology tells you that ALL Israel is no longer the children of God, the church has replaced Israel, and the sign of the covenant in the “rotting flesh†profits nothing! That is FALSE!

If you want to call the entire New Testament "replacement theology" (especially the book of Galatians) then so be it. I don’t see it as a derogatory term in the slightest.
I call your theology’s way of twisting and perverting Scripture around to MAKE it say what it WANTS it to say, “Replacement Theology†- not the New Testament when allowed to stand on its own.

What you don’t seem to realize is that when you cast off God’s chosen people, as your theology does, you effectively curse yourself! Gen 12:3 “And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.†God separated Israel from ALL the nations and entered into a perpetual covenant of marriage with them. Who are you to undo what God has done? Umm … uh-oh. That didn’t come out right. Please forgive me! :pray I attack your theology, and not you personally. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.†So let me rephrase that… Who is your theology to undo…. no that doesn't sound right… By what or who’s authority does your theology think it has to circumvent and undo what the Creator of all things has set into existence for all of eternity?
And no, the New Testament does not change that either. Again, your theology tells you that it does. You may not see it as a derogatory statement as I do, but the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will set us both straight on Judgment Day.

God chose these people to be examples for us??'ve got that all wrong. God chose these people to show us how fallen humans are DOOMED to fail and be sinners! the Hebrews broke the laws IMMEDIATELY...LOLZ! Moses hadn't even got down the mountain with the laws when his people were worshipping a golden calf! How is that an example? They fouled up the law ev...ery step of the way. And who can blame them? It's IMPOSSIBLE to keep the law! They never managed to follow the commandments!
So your theology says. But God says in Deut. 5:33, “You shall walk in all the way which the Lord your God has commanded you, THAT YOU MAY LIVE and that it may be WELL with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you will possess.â€

Deut. 30:20 “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you LIFE (obedience) and DEATH, (disobedience) the BLESSING (life) and the CURSE (death.) SO CHOOSE LIFE (obey) IN ORDER THAT YOU MAY LIVE, you and your descendants, by loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, that you may live in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers…â€

Deut 30:12 "For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach.â€

Matt 11:29-30 “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Your theology says the Law was given to “show how fallen humans are DOOMED to fail.†But the Living God says it gives us "life" and “blessing.†Your theology says “it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep," but the Living God says "His yoke is easy.†There is a huge chasm between what your theology says and what the Living God says. One of them is LYING.

In what type did God make the unconditional promise to Abraham? FAITH...not law.....FAITH.
Gen. 26:5 “….by your descendants all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes and My laws."

It seems Abraham was Torah-observant WAAAAAAY before Mt. Sinai! HMMMM. :chin

OOPS! I guess I'll have to wrap this up on a seperate post, cuz its too long! :eeeekkk See below...... :waving