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Mystery Babylon

The original postings even with my spelling errors are below. From the poster & myself Elijah.... and surely one can understand an rhetorical remark that is no question or in need of any question mark?? And my remarks ring with satire for only the purpose of highlighting the subject & bibical verses. A tongue in cheek type of remark which most can quickly 'see'!


So are you saying Peter wasn't referring to Jerusalem when he mentioned Babylon in his epistle?

If not then what city was he referring to?

You've got it all wrong Elijah. I wasn't saying that your position was the Mother of Harlots is Jerusalem....only that you admit Peter was referring to Jerusalem as Babylon in that epistle...which is the only logical conclusion.

Unless you can explain how he wasn't? Can you?
2. It would destroy three of the ten kingdoms (Daniel 7:8). The Roman power destroyed the Heruli in A.D. 493, (2) the Vandals in A.D. 534, (3) the Ostrogoths around A.D. 538.
The papacy was not responsible for the destruction of any of those kingdoms. Do you have historical evidence of this?

The other seven are, still, with us today - Germany, France, England, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Switzerland.
The idea that the modern nations of Europe are direct descendents of seven specific 5th/6th Century Germanic tribes is incredibly anachronistic and ignores all of the many migrations and genealogical shifts that took place in Europe over the past 1400 years. Good luck proving that Spaniards are Visigoths.

7. It would exercise power over all kindreds, tongues and nations (Revelation 13:7). The nations of the world send ambassadors to this Roman church/state!
How does receiving ambassadors indicate that the Roman church/state has “power over all kindreds, tongues and nations”? Greece receives ambassadors too, but that doesn’t mean Greece has power over all kindreds, tongues, and nations.

9. It was to continue in world domination for 1260 years (Rev 13:5; Dan 7:25). 42 months x 30 days to the Bible month = 1260 days or years (Ezekiel 4:6). After defeating the Ostrogoths, she reigned until 1798 A.D.
The papacy did not dominate the world, let alone Europe for 1260 years. A basic reading of papal history would show you that.

10. It would receive a mortal wound (Revelation 13:3). On February 10, 1798, Napoleon's general, Berthier, entered Rome and took Pope Pius V1 captive (Revelation 13:10). Napoleon decreed, that, at the death of the Pope (in August, 1799), the Papacy would end. "Half Europe thought...that without the Pope, the Papacy was dead."
But this is a ridiculous idea since Pius had already decreed that the future papal election should be held in the city with the most cardinals present. So think about it, Elijah; if Napoleon or the French Directory actually tried to end papal elections in Rome, they could only do so in French-controlled territory. What was to keep the cardinals in non-French territories from assembling and electing a new pope in exile? The answer is nothing. And that’s precisely what happened; Pius VI died on August 29, 1799, and on November 30, 1799 a conclave met in Venice and began the process of choosing a new pope. The process actually took less time than many other papal elections of the past.

In Christ,

Of course....Babylon the Great is not just referring to the physical city Jerusalem, it's mainly referring to the Temple Cult (pharisees/Zionism). They are the ones who make that Great City the Whore, not the physical mud and bricks.

The Woman is the evil religion.

You step off the physical city of Jerusalem when it suits ya though eh? lol

No physical city can be THAT BABYLON.

The habitation of DEVILS is PEOPLE.

All have sin and sin is OF THE DEVIL.

The WHORE sits on PEOPLE.




How can you be so sure you are right?

You admit you only have partial vision.

You admit you have antichrist, satan, darkness + mark of the beast dwelling within you. Maybe they are clouding your judgement.


All do. Some are led by God to be honest about their sin being of the devil.

If a man isn't honest, God will keep them locked OUT. And rightfully so.


You step off the physical city of Jerusalem when it suits ya though eh?


Infact I've always put the onus on the people not the location. The Temple Cult Pharisees / Global zionism.
All do. Some are led by God to be honest about their sin being of the devil.


Nope. It's only you with the indwelling antichrist/mark of beast/darkness/satan.

The rest of us are simply redeemed sinners. Full of the light of the Holy Spirit. You can repeat your 'sin is of the devil' mantra ad infinitum for all I care. It doesnt = Satan dwelling inside us.

You'll have to wallow around blindly in darkness solo Mr.S.

Have a good one!
Nope. It's only you with the indwelling antichrist/mark of beast/darkness/satan.

You are certainly welcome NOT to see your own sin connected to the DEVIL.

I have not been led to deny the fact. Sorry.

The rest of us are simply redeemed sinners. Full of the light of the Holy Spirit. You can repeat your 'sin is of the devil' mantra ad infinitum for all I care. It doesnt = Satan dwelling inside us.

Nah, Strangelove, an EVIL THOUGHT from the TEMPTER?

Never happened. Never will.

Yeah, there is a TRUTHFUL believer. :lol

You are certainly welcome NOT to see your own sin connected to the DEVIL.

I have not been led to deny the fact. Sorry.

Have never nor will ever deny such a thing. Tsk tsk smaller...more twisting of words. I notice you've been accused of lying (yet again) over in the Calvinist thread.

Is there a daily quota of dishonesty you need to fulfill for your indwelling devil to be appeased? :angry

Common christian malady.


Common Zionist tactic.

Have never nor will ever deny such a thing. Tsk tsk smaller...more twisting of words. I notice you've been accused of lying (yet again) over in the Calvinist thread.

Well, you better get over there for the pile on then eh?
Is there a daily quota of dishonesty you need to fulfill for your indwelling devil to be appeased?

Nah, I just like to be honest about things 'personally.' That seems reasonable for a believer to do.
Common Zionist tactic.


Yeah, you and the Vatican conspiracies do have a LOT in common.

It's ALWAYS the other guys.

Nah, I just like to be honest about things 'personally.' That seems reasonable for a believer to do. need to be honest with other people too not just with your darkness within.

“Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not grace.” (Karl Barth) need to be honest with other people too not just with your darkness within.

“Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not grace.†(Karl Barth)

That's the enjoyable portion of God:

Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

Ezra 9:8
And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.
That's the enjoyable portion of God:

Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

Well done for scripturally proving yourself wrong again. Darkness is made light. No darkness left.

Heres smallers revised version:

Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light [but....leave some darkness behind] before them, and crooked things straight [but still a little crooked]. These things will I do [partially] unto them, and not forsake them [Well.....kinda].

Well done for scripturally proving yourself wrong again. Darkness is made light. No darkness left.

Heres smallers revised version:

Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light [but....leave some darkness behind] before them, and crooked things straight [but still a little crooked]. These things will I do [partially] unto them, and not forsake them [Well.....kinda].


When you are totally light then you can come and save me, K?

In the meantime I have no use in making such claims.

When you are totally light then you can come and save me, K?

In the meantime I have no use in making such claims.


11:34 The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

11:35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.

11:36 If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light.

Hold on Smaller!!

I'm a comin'

11:34 The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

11:35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.

11:36 If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light.

Hold on Smaller!!

I'm a comin'


My blessings for all such reaches.
