Brother Mike
Name the Blab and grab the take it. Amazing Word Of Faith message!
By: Brother Mike
Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Brother Mike here with one of my most amazing messages, bringing you very little understanding in the English Language (by faith, I say I know English) and Amazing Revelation from God himself.
I know at this point your excitement is getting the best of you, so lets dive into this, shall we.
Name it and claim it, Blab it and Grab it. You have what you say. This is what we are going to talk about today, a message preached by groups labeled "Word of Faith" groups. It's not exclusive to just WOF, but you have a better chance of hearing it through the Word of Faith Camps, Called "WOF" here on out.
First, lets get something Clear. WOF, is not a denomination. It is a label of a group, That believes things others don't agree with. Normally when you hear the term WOF, it's followed by something negative.
Some WOF "Groups" have actually taken to the name and started calling themselves that, some don't. As I said, it's not a denomination, it has no structure or guide lines that are followed from any main source. Your likely to hear about anything labeled "WOF" right or wrong as nothing governs the doctrine coming out of these groups.
Some theme's you might Associate WOF teaching with:
1) God wants you rich, and God wants to bless you making the preacher even more rich.
2) We are little gods, not just mere mortals. We have authority in heaven and earth.
3) God wants you healed, and faith can get you healed. No faith, no healing.
4) You have what you say, good or bad. Your words carry power.
Other common things would be what Pentecostals believe in general. WOF Groups are a branch from the Pentecostal Church.
The sad thing is, there is truth in every single one of those statements. To discount the whole statement means your missing out on something that could save your life, and change things around. The even more sad thing though is that these things are taught to gain popularity or take money from folks, and often taught with little revelation about the subject.
So, You have things that you need to hear and learn, taught with a fish that has tons of bones in them and you don't know what part is fish, and what is bone that needs spit out. We are going to talk about..............................
You have what you say. Blab it and grab it, name it and claim it.
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
(Mar 11:23-24)
Now before we go making fun of the Blab it and grab it doctrine, we have to be careful on who we are making fun of. Jesus, our Lord, the one you should be submitting to in all things said, "He shall have whatsoever he saith."
Since Jesus said you shall have whatsoever you say, then we ought to take heed, because saying things can effect every single aspect of your life, and turn deadly by the things you say, or give you victory in the things you say. To ignore anything Jesus said, would not be the brightest thing anyone could do.
Did Jesus mean that we shall have anything we say? Yes He did, your reading it in the scripture. This is not a promise, it's not a game, this is a spiritual law that will work for, or against you. What you say can mean life or death. Literally.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
(Pro 18:21)
Time to get the bones out of the fish:
One WOF teacher said.
Start creating it. Start speaking about it. Start speaking it into being. Speak to your billfold. Say, 'You big, thick billfold full of money." Speak to your checkbook. Say, 'You checkbook, you. You've never been so prosperous since I owned you. You're just jammed full of money.
What you are saying is exactly what you are getting now. If you are living in poverty and lack and want, change what you are saying.... The powerful force of the spiritual world that creates the circumstances around us is controlled by the words of the mouth.
Well, if what God hears determines to a large degree what God does, I think we need to be careful. I want to say that again. What God hears determines, to a large degree, what God does.
These are some things people hear, and often just part of what is said is taken out of context of what is said, and other things said are not mentioned. People do this all the time to make others look bad, or to make a point. Taking something out of context to make someone look bad and not mention other things they said is being a devil.
The Problem though is all these statements are not 100% correct by themselves. To me, that is a big issue, because everything we teach, ought to be as 100% correct, without having to go back and hear what we said on the subject 10 weeks ago.
There are other statements these 3 WOF teachers have made, that would make these statements more correct, but just hearing the statements themselves one would not know this.
Do we really create things with Words, are Words containers of power, Does God respond to just the things we have said, can we have anything we want to say?
The answer is NO, NO, NO and NO. That may upset some WOF folk, but it's time to grow up, and not take a few scriptures and make doctrines out of them. We need to examine all the scriptures, and ask the Lord to help us with putting it all together.
Now Jesus said, You shall have, Whatsoever you say. That is very true, and we need to reconcile that with all the things said about it. We don't ignore Jesus, based on something taught we don't like. That is just cutting your own wrist.
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