Hi MEC, stepping in here from the other thread.
Well, there are some fairly clear statements for you, MEC, regarding the fact that it is crystal clear that John 1:14 is speaking of none other than Christ Himself, and that John 1 taken in whole makes it crystal clear that Jesus is the Creator.
I submit MEC, that if you are going to say that John 1:14 isn't referring to Christ, then the burden is upon you to show just who/what the word in flesh is.
One of the keys to correct interpretation of God's word is to allow Scripture to interpret Scripture. If you are going to theorize that John 1:14 is referring to any one or anything other than Jesus Christ, then you should be able to provide some solid Biblical texts to show who or what you are saying the word that became flesh is.
That's just IT. I'm not claiming the Word to be anything other than what was offered: The Word. It is YOU that insist upon personification of The Word. For IF I take the Capital W off The Word and simply offer it as written WORD or word, it becomes apparent that the word is the means of God's communication to His Creation. And His Word DID become 'flesh' in that the 'message', (communication of God), sent, WAS Christ Jesus. Whom told us from His OWN mouth that the words that He offered were GIVEN Him By The Father, (God Himself).
You have already been referred to Revelations 19:11-16, which clearly shows that "His name is the Word of God" (vs 13); the He being referred to is the "KING OF KING AND LORD OF LORDS". And, if you have any doubts that "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" is referring to Jesus Christ, you may check out 1 Timothy 6:15, and if you have any further question that Jesus is not only the Christ but God, you may also check into Deuteronomy 10:17 which shows that God is the Lord of Lords. So, either their are two Lord of Lords, or else Jesus is God.
Ok, If your explanation of understanding is indeed correct, then explain to me and others HOW it is that the ONE and ONLY God did NOT reveal Himself to His OWN chosen People? How God, who lived in the Holy of Holies was masquarading as ONE THING while in TRUTH was 'something else'? Explain how Christ NOW 'is the temple' and that lives in the hears of those that ACCEPT HIM, transforming the TEMPLE into OUR OWN HEARTS?
You might also want to study Hebrews 1 which also affirms that the world was created through Jesus. Do read the whole chapter, not just the first 3 verses. In particular, study verse 8 which states, "But of the Son, He says, 'Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever." And also, verse 10 which states, again of the Son, "Thou, Lord, in the Beginning didst lay the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the works of Thy hands."
(Or are you going to suggest that Hebrews has been mistranslated for us as well as John's gospel and Revelations. Oh yes, also that section of 1 Timothy that Gabby shared.)
Firstly. I have NEVER offered ANYTHING other than Christ BEING 'a part' of God. For the Son is MOST definitely a 'part of the Father'. But the Father and Son are SEPARATE entities. And this IS apparent in ALL that Christ offered.
Guys, God IS Love. Can you grasp this? This is NOT a 'man-made' CONCEPT. This is NOT some 'idea'. This IS TRUTH. God IS Love. That simple. There is NO LOVE except that which God IS. And the ONLY Love on this planet exist BECAUSE we were CREATED in HIS IMAGE.
No, it doesn't make me go "hmmmmm" at all that John is the only one who so clearly indentifies Christ as the Word; God incarnate, simply because it is clear from other texts in the Scriptures that Jesus is indeed God Incarnate. What makes me go 'hmmmmm' is why some try to somehow twist things around so to make it appear that John didn't say what he so clearly said, or try to hint that there is something wrong with either John or the translation of John's gospel or that the Bible isn't very reliable.