Isn't it sad how many people will adamantly deny Christ, but as soon as they have a problem they come running to Christians saying "pray for me/us"?
If God heals this woman, it probably won't be for her own enjoyment of her own continued life here on earth, but will be more for and example of His reality to her, her husband, and who knows how many others that will bring them to Himself. Only God knows if that will happen or not, and only He knows if anyone (not necessarily just the woman or her husband) will accept Him as a result, or just continue to mock Him after the healing's done. I pray that God heals her and that this will bring people to accept and glorify Him. But the reality is that only God knows if this will happen or not. The faith we as Christians need to have is not that God will do as we "command" but that He will do as He wills to bring glory to himself. I pray that he will heal this woman in a way that brings great glory to Him and causes those around to fall down on their knees and accept and worship Him. More important than even the saving of her earthly life is that God glorifies Himself and draws people to Him.