I had to procure an EIN before Amazon would deal with me but I did and they told me it is available for preorder now in the Electronic Format. It was due to be released this past Monday, but I did not have an Employer Identification Number and they will do nothing about publishing without it. I notice that they ask if I got it in the last sixty days, so I think I will be a couple f months before I draw any royalties.
The book is a Novel length manuscript, but it came in on the short end of that 70,00 to eigthy thousand word range in the neighborhood of 73,000 thousand.
The book is written in second and first person fiction because , although I was some part of every event written about in the book, I spent better than forty years trying to forget what happened and to get those nightmares out of my bed. And if I knew their names now, many were the young Officers that were the best Pilots this old man ever had the honor to crew for and to fly with. If the Amazon ITs get the bug out of their cover Designer, It will publish as a paperback as soon as they can get it in the presses.
The ebook for your tablets, laptops and desktop computers will sell at $2.99 and don't want to hurt anyone on the paperbacks either but I can't give it a price until they fix the bug.
The title is a Young Man's Journey to War and subtitled The Real Vietnam. I'll teach you about hanging outside the aircraft in flight, how far out of the door you must be to use a machine gun with Butterfly Triger systems and you can ride along as we dodged B40 Rockets.
Those that have read the rough, unedited, copy have told me I did well. I don't know, I just left abojut three quarters of the content out to keep it Noval length.