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My book recommendations.

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I think this is potentially a good thread for everyone. Or at least anyone who wants to participate. And so…

My randomly selected favorite books are…

Mere Christianity ✝️ cs Lewis; the myth of mental illness by dr.thomas szasz; and lately pretty much anything from dr.chip Ingram…

Anyone else want to join in?
"The Christian in Complete Armour" --William Gurnall

"All things for Good"--- Thomas Watson

"The God of All Comfort"--Hannah Whitall Smith
In the same paragraph from that you just summarized, it also says, "Christian mysticism is a difficult term to define" and "Not all of what could be considered "Christian mysticism" is wrong [...]." Since you claim that Maria Valtorta was "into Christian mysticism which is not of God," what type of Christian mysticism are you referring to?
I didn't get my info from and I'm not going to justify something that is not of God. But by all means if that is what you are into you need to research its foundation. I already explained what it's all about.
Either you believe John 3:13 or you believe in Christian mysticism and follow this false prophet Maria Valtorta. That's up to you.

Again, regarding Jn. 3:13, after Eve and Adam's disobedience to God, Heaven was closed to humanity. After Jesus's obedience to God by sacrificing Himself, He re-opened Heaven to humanity, and thus up until Jesus's death, no just soul was able to enter Heaven yet.

Again, regarding Christian mysticism, in the same paragraph from that you summarized in post #8 about Christian mysticism, it also says, "Christian mysticism is a difficult term to define" and "Not all of what could be considered "Christian mysticism" is wrong [...]." Since you claim that Maria Valtorta was "into Christian mysticism which is not of God," you should show what type.

It was you in Post #4 that mentioned an angel named Azariah and upon researching this there is no angel called Azariah found in the Bible, but Azariah is found.

Initially, you said, "2 Chronicles 15:1 And the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Oded:

Azariah was not an angel."

I didn't say that the human prophet Azariah, the son of Oded, is the angel Azariah. So, did you assumed that when I said, "the angel Azariah" I was referring to the human prophet named "Azariah" just because they share a name?

I will have nothing to do with what this false prophetess has claimed about her self or any words that come out of her mouth as being anything Jesus has given her to write.

You say that without even having read Maria Valtorta's writings, or the evidence that supports her claims that she received visions, and took dictation from Jesus and other heavenly persons.
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Generally Protestant Christians do not approve of very much outside of the Bible. If someone has visions etc it’s probably going to be considered either demonic or evidence of mental illness. Some might be more generous and consider it God’s way of communicating with an individual believer at a certain time but that’s about it.
Generally Protestant Christians do not approve of very much outside of the Bible. If someone has visions etc it’s probably going to be considered either demonic or evidence of mental illness. Some might be more generous and consider it God’s way of communicating with an individual believer at a certain time but that’s about it.

Scripture has the minimum necessary for belief and how to save oneself, but also in Scripture we read that the apostle, John, acknowledged that not everything Jesus did was written. I hope other Christians would agree that the Bible is an incomplete knowledge of Jesus, and of God in general, that no one book could contain all there is to know about the eternal One, nor all that He has to say. Therefore, I believe it'd be wrong for anyone to assume that God wouldn't continue to choose spokespersons and reveal knowledge to them for all humanity. Yes, there are those who make false claims, but that's why Scripture says we must examine everything, hold to what is good, and refrain from what is evil, and that we shall know them by their fruits, and a good tree cannot bear evil fruit, etc.

Maria Valtorta is someone I wholeheartedly believe was a spokesperson for Jesus. The mountain of evidence in support of this overshadows her critics and the falsehoods about her. She was a faithful servant of Jesus for many years, and we are blessed to have been given the gifts from Him through her. Jesus wants me, you, and all souls to accept these gifts because He loves us.

If you Google Maria Valtorta, unfortunately, most articles on page 1 are ones that criticize her and her writings. I'm not being mean, just matter-of-fact, when I say they're easy to refute if you take the time to research. One article straight up fabricated things she wrote, and for some reason foolishly linked to her writings where people can see for themselves she didn't write what he claimed! Anyway, if you dig, you'll find great websites where her supporters went to great lengths to research her and her writings, and because Jesus truly worked through Her, He made sure to provide great evidence to show that He did! If you're ever interested, PM me and I'll link it all.

Thanks for listening, just want to pass on what was given.
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Sabé., did you save your self? What scripture did you use?

I said, "Scripture has the minimum necessary for belief and how to save oneself, but also in Scripture we read that the apostle, John, acknowledged that not everything Jesus did was written."

In other words, Scripture, or The Bible, has the minimum necessary for belief and the salvation of hearts. Am I saved? No one will know if their reward is Heaven or not until after their life has ended here on Earth. However, we do know what the road to Heaven requires, and that is perseverance in faith, hope, and love until our last breath.

At the same time, Scripture is an incomplete knowledge of Jesus, and of God in general. No one book could contain all there is to know about the eternal One, nor all that He has to say. Therefore, I believe it'd be wrong for anyone to assume that God wouldn't continue to choose spokespersons and reveal knowledge to them for all humanity. Yes, there are those who make false claims, but that's why Scripture says we must examine everything, hold to what is good, and refrain from what is evil, and that we shall know them by their fruits, and a good tree cannot bear evil fruit, etc.
Again, regarding Jn. 3:13, after Eve and Adam's disobedience to God, Heaven was closed to humanity. After Jesus's obedience to God by sacrificing Himself, He re-opened Heaven to humanity, and thus up until Jesus's death, no just soul was able to enter Heaven yet.

Again, regarding Christian mysticism, in the same paragraph from that you summarized in post #8 about Christian mysticism, it also says, "Christian mysticism is a difficult term to define" and "Not all of what could be considered "Christian mysticism" is wrong [...]." Since you claim that Maria Valtorta was "into Christian mysticism which is not of God," you should show what type.

Initially, you said, "2 Chronicles 15:1 And the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Oded:

Azariah was not an angel."

I didn't say that the human prophet Azariah, the son of Oded, is the angel Azariah. So, did you assumed that when I said, "the angel Azariah" I was referring to the human prophet named "Azariah" just because they share a name?

You say that without even having read Maria Valtorta's writings, or the evidence that supports her claims that she received visions, and took dictation from Jesus and other heavenly persons.
I'm not going to go back and forth with you on this as I already said who she was. I researched here Bio and that was enough of a red flag to know that she was not a women of God, but a self proclaimed prophetess. I would not waste my money on buying her book of heresies, but you go right ahead as you are free to believe in the heresies she proclaims to be true.
I said, "Scripture has the minimum necessary for belief and how to save oneself, but also in Scripture we read that the apostle, John, acknowledged that not everything Jesus did was written."

In other words, Scripture, or The Bible, has the minimum necessary for belief and the salvation of hearts. Am I saved? No one will know if their reward is Heaven or not until after their life has ended here on Earth. However, we do know what the road to Heaven requires, and that is perseverance in faith, hope, and love until our last breath.

At the same time, Scripture is an incomplete knowledge of Jesus, and of God in general. No one book could contain all there is to know about the eternal One, nor all that He has to say. Therefore, I believe it'd be wrong for anyone to assume that God wouldn't continue to choose spokespersons and reveal knowledge to them for all humanity. Yes, there are those who make false claims, but that's why Scripture says we must examine everything, hold to what is good, and refrain from what is evil, and that we shall know them by their fruits, and a good tree cannot bear evil fruit, etc.
Sabe'--you state: "In other words, Scripture, or The Bible, has the minimum necessary for belief and the salvation of hearts. Am I saved? No one will know if their reward is Heaven or not until after their life has ended here on Earth. However, we do know what the road to Heaven requires, and that is perseverance in faith, hope, and love until our last breath".

No---my friend. Salvation and eternal life is the GIFT OF GOD. See below. John the Apostle said we can KNOW we HAVE eternal life right now:
"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye HAVE eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God". (1 John 5:13)

I have to agree with for_his_glory. No one needs a "spokesperson" for Christ. He has SAID all that we need to hear. Revelation warns sternly not to ADD or SUBTRACT from what has been written. Some think this refers only to Revelation. But since God KNEW Revelation would be the LAST book of the Bible I think he is referring to the WHOLE BIBLE. Do not ADD to it or SUBTRACT from it. As Jude says it is the faith "once delivered unto the saints". There is no need of further revelation through "spokespeople". Look at yourself---you are putting more value into what SHE wrote than what is IN the Bible. You are being deceived. Don't rely on HER writings----rely on the Word of God.
No---my friend. Salvation and eternal life is the GIFT OF GOD. See below. John the Apostle said we can KNOW we HAVE eternal life right now:

"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye HAVE eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God". (1 John 5:13)

In 1 Jn. 5:12-13, John says, "The one who has the Son has the life; the one who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life," not "so that you may know you have eternal life right now." Eternal life in Heaven refers to the Heaven which Jesus ascended to. And, if it was a place believers could go to "right now" Jesus wouldn't have told His believing apostles, "you can't go where I am going," (Jn. 8:21-23). As John said, if we believe we will have eternal life, but to believe doesn't mean a moment of believing who Jesus is and what He speaks, and thus we're guaranteed eternal life in Heaven, regardless of how we at from that moment onward. No. Belief in who Jesus is and what He speaks should be lifelong. That's why Jesus spoke of a day of Judgement, where God will examine how each person chose to use their God-given free will in this life on Earth until their last breath, and that those who persevered in faith, hope, and love will join Him in Heaven, and those who didn't will not. Can you say that you foresee your own future, and that of others, and know for certain that you will persevere in faith, hope, and love until your last breath?
Revelation warns sternly not to ADD or SUBTRACT from what has been written.

Jesus said there would true and false spokespersons, and He taught us how to discern between them (Matt. 7:15-20)

The following is an excerpt of a dictation by Jesus to Maria Valtorta on April 24th, 1947:

"Further: if you object that the revelation was closed with the last apostle, and there was nothing further to add, because the same apostle says in Revelation, "If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him every plague mentioned in the book" (22:18) and that can be understood for all the Revelation, the last completion of which is the Revelation by John, I reply to you that with this Work [Maria Valtorta's writings] no addition was made to revelation, but only the gaps, brought about my natural causes and by supernatural will, were filled in.

And, if I wanted to take pleasure in restoring My Divine Charity, as a restorer of mosaics does replacing the tesserae damaged or missing, reinstating the mosaic in its complete beauty, and I have decided to do it in this century in which mankind is hurling itself towards the Abyss of darkness and horror, can you forbid Me from doing so? Can you perhaps say that you do not need it, you whose spirits are dull, weak, deaf to lights, voices, and invitations from Above?" (The Gospel as Revealed to Me, or The Poem of the Man-God: Vol. V)

What's your answer to those questions?
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No one needs a "spokesperson" for Christ. He has SAID all that we need to hear. Revelation warns sternly not to ADD or SUBTRACT from what has been written. Some think this refers only to Revelation. But since God KNEW Revelation would be the LAST book of the Bible I think he is referring to the WHOLE BIBLE. Do not ADD to it or SUBTRACT from it. [...] There is no need of further revelation through "spokespeople".

The following is an excerpt of a dictation by Jesus to Maria Valtorta on April 28th, 1947:

"Further: if you object that the revelation was closed with the last apostle, and there was nothing further to add, because the same apostle says in Revelation, "If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him every plague mentioned in the book" (22:18), and that can be understood for all the Revelation, the last completion of which is the Revelation by John, I reply to you that with this Work no addition was made to revelation, but only the gaps, brought about my natural causes and by supernatural will, were filled in.

And, if I wanted to take pleasure in restoring My Divine Charity, as a restorer of mosaics does replacing the tesserae damaged or missing, reinstating the mosaic in its complete beauty, and I have decided to do it in this century in which mankind is hurling itself towards the Abyss of darkness and horror, can you forbid Me from doing so? Can you perhaps say that you do not need it, you whose spirits are dull, weak, deaf to lights, voices, and invitations from Above?" (The Gospel as Revealed to Me, or The Poem of the Man-God: Vol. V)

What are your answers to those questions?
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