Solo said:
"He's a jackass." <quote from Obama>
It takes one to know one?! :shades
please, sometimes, i have been guilty of this and was reminded of my leadership in the military as a young private i always complained that the leadership was screwed up. When i got the rank of cpl, and mainly sgt, i found how it isnt easy, things come at you from different angles you wing it at times. i dont think in politics its all that different. it isnt unreasonable to say that if you think you can do better run for office. I'm not saying that we shouldnt critiicise the president but give him some slack.
This is coming from a person who thinks much of what obama is doing is bad for the country, but i want to be fair also and believe or not give him a chance to suceed. He is our president. If you were leading the country is that too much to ask!