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Obama's "message" to students on Tuesday


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OK, so I'm sure most of you have already heard about this. Well, my daughter came home today and asked me if it was alright if she watched it. Of course, my initial reaction was NO :nono

I was just glad that they were giving parents the choice to opt out of this spectacle. Well, upon my answer, my child then proceeded to slump down the wall and begin to cry. I asked why she was so upset, and she said, "I just want to see what it says."

Now I've heard bits and pieces about this thing Obama is doing, and I do not agree. I don't want my child to feel like the children are here to "serve" our president. Especially seeing the things he REALLY stands for slowly but surely be revealed. But watching her reaction to my answer gave me pause. I began to think that she may build up resentment for being sheltered from certain things, and end up rebelling when she gets older. Plus, I know other kids will be allowed to watch it, and she may get information (about what the video said) from them, which is likely to be more twisted than the actual Obama message.

Please keep in mind that my daughter is one month away from 10, and very impressionable. If I allowed her to watch this, I am not confident that she would be able to discern the good from the bad. She has many times shown me how frustrated she is, and that she doesn't "fit in". If I deny her this, am I then feeding that frustration that is already in her? Am I not trusting God to protect and care for her? Or am I doing the right thing as a Christian parent, and keeping propaganda out of my kids' minds? :shrug

I admit, I am at a crossroads with this decision. And my own frustations are building. I'm getting tired of having to make every single decision for my family on my own. Parental, financial, ALL OF IT is on me. There is a reason there are supposed to be two parents raising kids, and I do not have that. I cannot do this, and I don't want to anymore. The enemy is attacking me in my most vulnerable area: my children.

I could use some biblical input on this particular matter, if anyone can help. I have until Monday night to make my final decision. I will pray during this time as well. Thanks brethren.
ruby917 said:
OK, so I'm sure most of you have already heard about this. Well, my daughter came home today and asked me if it was alright if she watched it. Of course, my initial reaction was NO :nono

I was just glad that they were giving parents the choice to opt out of this spectacle. Well, upon my answer, my child then proceeded to slump down the wall and begin to cry. I asked why she was so upset, and she said, "I just want to see what it says."

Now I've heard bits and pieces about this thing Obama is doing, and I do not agree. I don't want my child to feel like the children are here to "serve" our president. Especially seeing the things he REALLY stands for slowly but surely be revealed. But watching her reaction to my answer gave me pause. I began to think that she may build up resentment for being sheltered from certain things, and end up rebelling when she gets older. Plus, I know other kids will be allowed to watch it, and she may get information (about what the video said) from them, which is likely to be more twisted than the actual Obama message.

Please keep in mind that my daughter is one month away from 10, and very impressionable. If I allowed her to watch this, I am not confident that she would be able to discern the good from the bad. She has many times shown me how frustrated she is, and that she doesn't "fit in". If I deny her this, am I then feeding that frustration that is already in her? Am I not trusting God to protect and care for her? Or am I doing the right thing as a Christian parent, and keeping propaganda out of my kids' minds? :shrug

I admit, I am at a crossroads with this decision. And my own frustations are building. I'm getting tired of having to make every single decision for my family on my own. Parental, financial, ALL OF IT is on me. There is a reason there are supposed to be two parents raising kids, and I do not have that. I cannot do this, and I don't want to anymore. The enemy is attacking me in my most vulnerable area: my children.

I could use some biblical input on this particular matter, if anyone can help. I have until Monday night to make my final decision. I will pray during this time as well. Thanks brethren.

I am now thinking we may keep our child home that day view the video together, which will be released on Monday; this way we can point out all the things that are good and those that do not belong in a classroom. This way as parents, we can share our family values and God's views in our environment; not the enemies.

I have the "opt out sheet" and have seen parts of the video and it is an indoctrination and is much more than reported on this opt out notice, which includes a description by the Education Secretary, Arne Duncan. Since we view it as having good and evil; everyone needs to decide how they want to handle it.

Another idea for you specifically, would be to go over the video on Monday, when it is posted on the Department of Education website and go over the entire video with your child so they can be prepared to know what is good and acceptable and what is not.

That is my 2 cents worth.
Nick_29 said:
What is Obama talking about? Is it education?

Tha's the wrapper anyway. It's mostly a "call" for kids to support what Obama is doing as president and encouraging the teachers to have the kids (this is in elementary anyway) write a letter to themselves on how they can "serve" Obama. Ludicrous, in my view. My 9 year old (or anyone else's for that matter) doesn't need to serve the pres. Pray for him, yes.

Can you imagine the confusion for these young ones?
ruby917 said:
Nick_29 said:
What is Obama talking about? Is it education?

Tha's the wrapper anyway. It's mostly a "call" for kids to support what Obama is doing as president and encouraging the teachers to have the kids (this is in elementary anyway) write a letter to themselves on how they can "serve" Obama. Ludicrous, in my view. My 9 year old (or anyone else's for that matter) doesn't need to serve the pres. Pray for him, yes.

Can you imagine the confusion for these young ones?
Hmmm....It's a hard situation. Normally I'd say let the kids watch it (it can't be too bad) but they're pretty young to tell the difference and make an educated decision. But then as you said, people at school will talk about it and it will become twisted. :chin
I am by bo means an Obama supporter, but I would allow my child to watch it (She is also 10), I would also have a recording of it and afterwards explain to my child the issues I did not agree with. It Could be a good lesson in helping my child discern things that she hears. Her reaction to you showed her need for you to show her trust in the values you have instilled on her up until now. BUT IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO DISCUSS IT WITH HER AFTERWARDS I want my child to understand other viewpoints so that she can understand when those viewpoints are being filtered into the Christian faith. It is a hard decision, but I wouls allow my daughter to listen to the man. I am sure she knows you do not like Obama and his policies. If you do not allow her she might rebel at some later stage. This could be that oppotunity to show her you trust her.
Ed the Ned said:
I am by bo means an Obama supporter, but I would allow my child to watch it (She is also 10), I would also have a recording of it and afterwards explain to my child the issues I did not agree with. It Could be a good lesson in helping my child discern things that she hears. Her reaction to you showed her need for you to show her trust in the values you have instilled on her up until now. BUT IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO DISCUSS IT WITH HER AFTERWARDS I want my child to understand other viewpoints so that she can understand when those viewpoints are being filtered into the Christian faith. It is a hard decision, but I wouls allow my daughter to listen to the man. I am sure she knows you do not like Obama and his policies. If you do not allow her she might rebel at some later stage. This could be that oppotunity to show her you trust her.

Do you have any children between the ages of 6-18? Obama is a complete and blatent liar. As my mother taught me growing up; you are who you hang around, which is why it is so amazing to me he ever got elected because he lied about things from the beginning and has a history of being associated with people that have very radical views and agendas. For example, Jeremiah Wright; Obama went to that church for 20 years and said he never heard such things that were played on the conservative talk shows. You cannot sit in a pew for 20 years and not know what is going on.

Rules for Radical, a book by Saul Alinsky's, is the Obama play book. Look at this exert to get the idea.

Obama has intentionaly mislead and deceived the ignorant and cannot keep a promise on the simple things, for example, he said he was getting a dog from the dog pound, but instead excepted a very expensive dog from a friend. If you cannot be trusted in the little things, then the big things are even worse. I said all that to say this. I would not wait till after the message to show my children when it will be available before they have to go back to school.

Quite frankly; the man is evil and a heretic and evokes Scripture in an effort to deceive the weak. He calls Himself a Christian; yet does not value life. He has spent more money than all previous Presidents in our entire history combined. This is part of the plan to bring the US down to make wave for the New World Order. He is also anti-Israel, which really ticks me off and I am not Jewish, but I have a heart for Israel.

Final note: Deuteronomy 6-
6 "These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7 "You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. 8 "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead."

Deuteronomy 11-
18 "You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. 19 "You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. 20 "You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of your sons may be multiplied on the land which the LORD swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens {remain} above the earth.

Proverbs 22:6-6
6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

I feel better, thanks!

Apparently, there is another thread that was previously started on this very topic. Now it appears that keeping up with this topic is making me go back and forth from one thread to another. :confused

Abusing School Kids With Pro-Obama Propaganda

As I wrote in the other thread.... I have no problems with encouragement... What I do have a problem with is (it was said in some article) that the questions the Department of Education came up with for the children to answer and then write a letter to themselves are contreoversial. The teachers would thereafter hold these letters until some later time to be presented to the children and the children would be held accountable for what they wrote. To me, THAT is outrageous, especially asking elementary school children to do such a thing and then be held accountable for it at some later time (as if it is something of utmost importance ( ? ) :shrug What an absurdity!

However(as absurd as that supposition may seem) , Handy(a member of this forum) presented the original presentation from the Department of Education and the wording is somewhat different (that is not to say that I agree with it, but it is just to share the information with you here) ... If any of you are interested you can view it by clicking the link I've provided above for the other thread on this very same topic.

Please keep in mind that my daughter is one month away from 10, and very impressionable. If I allowed her to watch this, I am not confident that she would be able to discern the good from the bad. She has many times shown me how frustrated she is, and that she doesn't "fit in". If I deny her this, am I then feeding that frustration that is already in her? Am I not trusting God to protect and care for her? Or am I doing the right thing as a Christian parent, and keeping propaganda out of my kids' minds?

Such a young and IMPRESSIONABLE age .

I remember when I was that age.... I wasn't watched closely enough and ended up getting molested by some perv in the neighborhood. :sad Do you blame me for not trusting anyone? And before that, I was severely abused with punishments from teachers that had no right to punish me for such minor things. Not knowing my time tables well enough in 4th grade. and previous to that in 1st grade a nun beat me for not giving the same answer as my sister in class regarding if we attended sunday mass. And I won't even tell you what happened to me in 5th grade. :sad

I'm telling you.... Today, the teachers aren't allowed to hit children but they sure do implant FAR LEFTIST thoughts into their heads that are just as damaging. Please take every precaution to protect your child from the minds of these people who do not agree with your Christian beliefs and go about teaching children perverse things that are way out in left field somewhere.

I think you should be concerned over what the teacher has to say to your child AFTER the viewing and what impressions will the teacher give in following the curriculum the Department of Education has created as a follow-up to the message from Obama.

What the schools are implanting in our childrens brains is of utmost concern. Teaching our children that two men being together in a relationship and two women being together in a relationship and how to wrap a cucumber with a condome is quite startling to me! And even the moral and sex education curriculum for ELEMENTARY school children is alarming, let alone the stories they are allowing into the classroom for reading period.

I'll tell ya, school is NOT like it used to be when I was attending public schools. Today parents MUST be very concerned as to what the teachers are saying to the children and what materials are being presented to them!

Some teachers are so far left liberal it is frightening! I've even come across some teachers that have no qualms about teaching children all about so called harmless variety of NEW AGE practices and things as if it would be totally harmless in the impression it leaves upon the children, let alone their advocacy for gay rights and bizzare sex education methods.

Sorry, but these days, IF you are concerned for your child YOU must be on top of these issues and teach your children what YOU believe about these matters BEFORE the teachers, or anyone, makes that FIRST IMPRESSION. That way, your child will be able to say yay or nay to any situation that is contrary or in agreement with your views on the matter.

We cannot wait until the child is exposed to issues from off the streets or now-a-day in school! I don't mean to scare anyone. What I do mean to do is bring to the foreground what precautions must be taken to keep our children from being "indoctrinated" into a belief that the parents disagree with... REMEMBER....FIRST IMPRESSIONS are difficult to erase... Since the schools have become so polluted with far left agendas... the schools know it, and so does the president! He is an Alinsky teacher and follower! This man knows that FIRST IMPRESSIONS are lasting and hard to break. This man knows the ins and outs of brainwashing and manipulation! He studied it extensively! And the Department of Education is not far behind in allowing far leftist beliefs enter into their curiculum.

May I suggest ... that IF you are so concerened, that YOU show up to school with your child and insist on sitting through the speech with her and insist on sitting through the FOLLOW-UP "LESSON" in which these children will be asked to participate in answering questions and writing personal letters to the president in how they can Help him.
Take a day off of work IF this matter is of such importance to you and you want to know what is being, firstly, impressioned upon your child by the president, AND the teacher, afterward.

Relic said:

Apparently, there is another thread that was previously started on this very topic. Now it appears that keeping up with this topic is making me go back and forth from one thread to another.

Sorry, my purpose of this thread was to seek advice as a parent.
Relic said:
Sorry, but these days, IF you are concerned for your child YOU must be on top of these issues and teach your children what YOU believe about these matters BEFORE the teachers, or anyone, makes that FIRST IMPRESSION. That way, your child will be able to say yay or nay to any situation that is contrary or in agreement with your views on the matter.

May I suggest ... that IF you are so concerened, that YOU show up to school with your child and insist on sitting through the speech with her and insist on sitting through the FOLLOW-UP "LESSON" in which these children will be asked to participate in answering questions and writing personal letters to the president in how they can Help him.
Take a day off of work IF this matter is of such importance to you and you want to know what is being, firstly, impressioned upon your child by the president, AND the teacher, afterward.


The point of this thread is that I am concerned. Maybe I am misinterpreting you, but you seem to question that. Your emphasis of IF I am concerned. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I sense bitterness and sarcasm in this response from you.

Childhood tramas are scarring, I get that. I'm sure many people on this forum have a few stories they could tell. And at the pace the world is going, we that are parents have to step it up in watching over our children and teaching them to discern the wordly ways from the godly ones.

In learning that this message will be available to view on Monday is helpful. I plan on taking a look at it. Maybe even watching it with my child then, instead of at school, depending on how I feel after seeing it. That way I CAN be there and explain things to her. We'll see.
Your emphasis of IF I am concerned. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I sense bitterness and sarcasm in this response from you.

:confused Why are you so concerned over the emphasis used on the word IF? That is not what I had hoped to relay as being the important point of the message.

I hope you are not reading into my post as being of no significance because you see me as placing too much emphais on the word IF or that you think me to being a bitter and sarcastic person. THAT I am not. And my message was written in a general sense not personally directed at you specifically, although IF you chose to heed the advice and information within, you are very much welcome to do so also. No offense intended to anyone. What I am, is someone who has much concern (not unlike many here) over where the secular system has set in place, and has now grossly entered into infiltrating our governmental positions, some being of the "Alinsky followers". They are very slick at using mass manipulation not much differently than did Hitler with his following... Not to say these people will use murder tactics as did Hitler, but the manipulation of mind-set is not much different in which they are intending to persuade the masses through slow and steady deceptive methods of manipulation. I don't know you at all, and I'm not suggesting that you are ignorant of any of these things... But when one studies the History of Obama AND of Hillary, they will see quite clearly what is going on and has been brewing for the longest of time from within our political system AND the Department of Education.

Don't assume that I am putting you down or that I am a bitter person. What I am doing is just sharing thoughts and information. You can accept what you want or reject what ever you want from it,. but please don't start using personal presumptions about me just because I shared some of my past. Maybe I should have mentioned that I have long forgiven them? So I will add further comment about that now... I have long forgiven those who were so ignorant to have beaten and molested me in my childhood. My Christian beliefs don't stop me from having compassion for those who don't know any better. My prayers have long been said.

So please, just because I place emphasis on the word IF doesn't mean you should take offense to that. No insult intended to anyone.

Also, I avoid using sarcasm because it only leaves confusion as to whether the person is serious in truly believing what was said or not about what they wrote.

I am a 57 year old grandmother with lots of good and not so good memories and experiences to share. I have two grown children of my own, ages 33 and 23, and have a precious grandchild that I have as much concern for over this matter as any young parent would.

I pray the Lord help everyone concerned to find a satisfactory and speedy reslove. :pray

ruby917 said:
Relic said:
Sorry, but these days, IF you are concerned for your child YOU must be on top of these issues and teach your children what YOU believe about these matters BEFORE the teachers, or anyone, makes that FIRST IMPRESSION. That way, your child will be able to say yay or nay to any situation that is contrary or in agreement with your views on the matter.

May I suggest ... that IF you are so concerened, that YOU show up to school with your child and insist on sitting through the speech with her and insist on sitting through the FOLLOW-UP "LESSON" in which these children will be asked to participate in answering questions and writing personal letters to the president in how they can Help him.
Take a day off of work IF this matter is of such importance to you and you want to know what is being, firstly, impressioned upon your child by the president, AND the teacher, afterward.

The point of this thread is that I am concerned. Maybe I am misinterpreting you, but you seem to question that. Your emphasis of IF I am concerned. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I sense bitterness and sarcasm in this response from you.

Childhood tramas are scarring, I get that. I'm sure many people on this forum have a few stories they could tell. And at the pace the world is going, we that are parents have to step it up in watching over our children and teaching them to discern the wordly ways from the godly ones.

In learning that this message will be available to view on Monday is helpful. I plan on taking a look at it. Maybe even watching it with my child then, instead of at school, depending on how I feel after seeing it. That way I CAN be there and explain things to her. We'll see.

Whoo everyone calm down; you were just looking for some advice and hopefully you have some; just remember you can see it before your child has to and that should help you determine what course of action is best for you and your child. God bless and I will pray that the Lord uses this for good as Romans 8 speaks:
"28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
My advice as a parent? Refrain from dissing the president in front of your kids. I don't know if you are or not. I'm just saying this in general. Aren't we to teach our children to respect authority? I can't imagine how my children would feel about their country if they heard all of the things being said on this forum alone.

I want my children to be grateful to live in America, comfortable in their security. If my kids thought that I didn't want them to hear the president's "controversial" speech in school, surely they would doubt their privileged status as an American. And quite frankly, I think the only reason the speech is controversial is because so many people made it that way with their paranoid assumptions. I truly believe Obama's intentions are similar to other presidents' -- to encourage children to do well in school so they can grow up to be responsible AND patriotic citizens. What's so bad about that????

I don't mean to offend. Truly I don't. I just think parents are overreacting and by doing so are teaching their children to be afraid of their leader. I don't think this is right. :shame
jojo the school districts are overeacting as well? Yes it should be in the hands of the parents, but most of the state of Florida isnt showing it live. They are allowing the alterative of allowing parents to watch it at another location with thier kids, if its just encouraging them do to better ok, say so first, but like many others i find it a little odd that president obama wants the kids to write a letter stating what they can do yet be held accountable.

Ruby, my daughter is the same age as your daughter, maybe a year older. As a parent I am concerned about a lot of things that my daughter is exposed to. I believe in creation, yet they teach evolution at school. Our president was charged and went to court on rape charges, he was also involved in a fraud case that was withdrawn after political interferance. My daughter has little or no respect for him.
Whether your daughter listens to him or not she will still get the message from him from her friends from the news from adults having discussions. My personal views on Obama are clear. I believe he is a snake, cunning and sly. I could write an essay on him, but I still pray that he will find God and redemption through Jesus Christ. I think it is better to let your daughter listen to him and discuss it with her afterwards. The USA is becoming a facist goverment, it is better to educate and warn our children about these dangers.
What message are we sending our kids when we talk this way? This is America, a democratic nation, with a fairly elected president. What message are we sending our kids when we speak of the president of the United States with disdain, hatred and fear? Our children should feel proud and grateful to live in America. Heaven knows there are thousands, if not millions, of children who would beg to trade places with our own.

I say Christians stop crafting hypothetical scenarios based on fear-filled gossip and speculation. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and direct us with wisdom and discernment. Each of us should pray for the ability to recognize the difference between discernment and irrational fear.
JoJo said:
What message are we sending our kids when we talk this way? This is America, a democratic nation, with a fairly elected president. What message are we sending our kids when we speak of the president of the United States with disdain, hatred and fear? Our children should feel proud and grateful to live in America. Heaven knows there are thousands, if not millions, of children who would beg to trade places with our own.

I say Christians stop crafting hypothetical scenarios based on fear-filled gossip and speculation. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and direct us with wisdom and discernment. Each of us should pray for the ability to recognize the difference between discernment and irrational fear.
:thumb :approve :thumbsup

JoJo said:
What message are we sending our kids when we talk this way? This is America, a democratic nation, with a fairly elected president. What message are we sending our kids when we speak of the president of the United States with disdain, hatred and fear? Our children should feel proud and grateful to live in America. Heaven knows there are thousands, if not millions, of children who would beg to trade places with our own.

I say Christians stop crafting hypothetical scenarios based on fear-filled gossip and speculation. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and direct us with wisdom and discernment. Each of us should pray for the ability to recognize the difference between discernment and irrational fear.

Here is one thing I agree with you on in regard to this issue.... "As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and direct us with wisdom and discernment. Each of us should pray for the ability to recognize the difference between discernment and irrational fear."

Fear has nothing to do with this JoJo. It has a lot to do with the character of this man AND the character of any politician holding a variety of the most important positions in our government.

This is a Republic, NOT a Democracy.

Jimmy Carter was elected fairly and he turned out to be one of the worst presidents we've ever had AND is now a globe trotter who speaks in favor of the Palestines that are Hamas governed, and says Israel is no different than an apartheid. He went around with a a smile on his face has said that there is no Israel. "It's a Palestine." Carter, reciting by rote Palestinian propaganda and lies that also make up the anti-Israel campaigns on American college campuses and in some churches has been doing this since 2001. Oh such a wonderful representative of the United States of America... NOT! He does NOT deserve my honor nor does he deserve my repsect. He is a traitor as far as I am concerned.

I will NOT honor any traitor, or Commie president or any politician who is a traitor to our REPUBLIC. This nation was founded as a Republic Nation NOT a Democracy, Not a Totalitarian, Socialistic, Communistic one, and NOT as a Marxist Nation.

Notice the difference between Democracy and Republic, I hope you haven't forgotten the difference... please do NOT confuse the two.

Our Founding fathers did NOT trust Big Government, they left England because of Governement control OF the people! Never forget that. They left because of having their liberties taken away... BIG Governement wants to CONTROL THE PEOPLE....
Obama Health CARE is just the tip of the iceburg. And Any president that I do not trust because of what he stands for (government control OF the people) will not gain any of my respect in talking to my children, grandchildren.

Why people insist on teaching their children to "honor" a president or any public official as if they are worthy of that honor is beyond my understanding. What convinces you into thinking that we must honor our leader no matter what... while all along these so called leaders are going about government business creating havoc, being against the common hard working people, being in favor of their own interests, in Favor of BIG Government, wanting Governmnet Control OF the people? The list of what these traitor Politicians greedy motives are goes on and on. I will NOT give honor to any TRAITOR of the Republic FOR the American people, and I will NEVER expect my children to respect or give honor to them who are traitors of it. NEVER.



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