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Obama's "message" to students on Tuesday


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"The U.S. of KKK A"

-Obama's pastor of 20 years

"...For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country..."

-Michele Obama

"I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody"

-Candidate Obama

"The United States is not a Christian nation"

-President Obama

Relic, as a child I heard adults knock Jimmy Carter for his policies. I understood they were not happy with them. But this whole Obama-fear is different, much deeper, much more publicized (naturally, since we have the Internet now) and I would imagine, in a child's eyes, much more scary. Jimmy Carter wasn't compared to Hitler (I don't think) or called the antichrist (I hope). If Jimmy Carter had spoken to school children about the importance of staying in school and doing their best, I doubt there would have been such a stink about showing it (optionally, I might add) in school. Children hear adults speaking about Obama and his motivational speech being some sort of tool to claim the minds of children or whatever...I can't imagine what children feel when hearing these sorts of things. People talk about this "controversial" speech as if it was about sex or something! I think people should give Obama a break and let him do his job without berating his every move, especially the good ones. And I think this speech was a good move.

If our kids are made to feel afraid our nation's leader, then what good is it in being American? Where's the pride? The freedom? The peace and security? If our kids hear respected adults compare Obama to Hitler, for instance, and then go to school and learn about the real Hitler, what do you think will go through their heads? I can't imagine how scary that would be. Adults should watch what they say in front of their children.

I'm proud to say that my children's school district gave each teacher the option and the freedom to show the speech today. I'm sorry to say that most teachers (if not all) declined.
what good is it in being American? Where's the pride? The freedom? The peace and security?

JoJo, there is no freedom, no pride, no peace, no security when you have a government and a president in agreement with then who are working to take it all way from you so that GOVERNMENT can control your every move! My mother was ripped away from her family when she was 14 years old because the "government" forced her to do community service, while the soldiers were off to war. Sound familiar? Obama is pushing for kids to do community service.
Study communism JoJo. This man is classic in his smooth talking to the masses. Hitler was very much LOVED before the people figured him out. Now I'm not saying Obama is evil like Hitler...What I am saying is that he has a smooth talk and knows what he's doing. Obama is a classic Alinsky follower. Read Rules for Radicals. Then you will see how Obama is doing things by the book... Alinksy's book. Obama studied Hitler extensively, he studied mind control, he studied Marxism and adhered to a Marxist follower... Alinsky.

Listen, when I was a child I was fearful of the commies with their threats to take away our freedom, our pride, our peace, our securtiy. This president is no patriot of America, he is a patriot of socialism and big government control. I'm sorry if you feel that you need to honor him. I refuse to honor any politician that goes against what my founding fathers intended for this country to be... A REPUBLIC. Not a socialist, not a communist, not a marxist, and not a government takeover. It's only been 8 months and this guy has done more damage to this country than any other president in office within such a short time frame. Are you are proud of that? I'm NOT proud of the way this administration is operating, no not at all.

I don't talk to young children to make them scared of the government, I talk to them to let them know that this world is not our saving grace... God is our saving grace. We need to let them know history and how it has been, is and will be with this world. And if things in this world keep up at the rate it's been going,the way is has been going.... We need to enforce the reliance on God to our children more than ever! The stories in the bible are not all so sweet... The children need to know that this world iwas and IS still full of not so good people AND Politictians... do you hide the history in the bible from them? If you do then you keep the message of saving grace of the Lord from them.. What else is salvation but saving from wicked forces set in motion? We need to teach our children that wickedness is prevalent throughout history, and yes, even today... and that there have been wicked leaders past AND present. Do they know the truth about the history of our presidents? Not all of our presidents were good leaders. Did you hide that truth from them? We must not hide that from them. What we need to do is to instill HOPE in them for better leaders, not lie to them or hide from them the fact that some presidents, yes, maybe every so often.. could be even as soon as 4 year intervals between a good leader and a not so good one... Weneed to let them know that this world is full of smooth talkers with not so good intentions. AND we need to pray that this leader be stopped from his plans to turn our country into a social order that is nothing like the REPUBLIC our founding fathers meant for it to be. We pray JoJo because there is wickedness all around us. We pray for His good will to intervene... Would we need to pray elsewise? Prayer is about intervention of His goodness to take the place of the presence of tyranny, to take the place of oppressions, to take the place of leaders who are out of line with Godliness. Have you read the book of Kings lately? God gives us good lessons there. IF the people sit idle quiet the Lord is not pleased with that. Faith without works is dead. We need to make our voice heard against the leaders that are not doing their job in accordance to what the government was set for. And children

Keep the hope alive! PRAY that God saving grace intervene in this wicked administration.

The Federal Government needs to stay out of the State run educational system.

Ahhhh, now I understand more. Yes, my mom grew up afraid of Communists too. The "red scare" and all. Relic, is it possible that this upbringing is making people more sensitive?
JoJo said:
Ahhhh, now I understand more. Yes, my mom grew up afraid of Communists too. The "red scare" and all. Relic, is it possible that this upbringing is making people more sensitive?
Yes - a generataion or two of Americans seem to be still holding onto the outdated belief that America is in danger of becoming communist. Now yes, that would be bad, but I don't believe it's a real threat. The threat from Terrorists is much more great. I think people are over-reacting on Obama.
I was wrong on the ban in florida most of the schools did show the message, but the school district in my county showed it today.


Out dated belief? :o Oh no, :naughty It is far from that! Very far from that.

I find it very sad to see that so many of the younger generation doesn't understand the way in which the communist/socialist movement (progressives from all parties, not just the democratic party as some might think) have been operating for many many years since the early late 20's early 30's to try and transfer over our government, on a gradual basis, to a system of unlimited militarized communist/ socialist government, wanting all along to destroy our Constitutional form of government. And it started to gain momentum during the time Franklin Delano Roosevelt started to change our laws with making amendments to the Constitution by setting in place
FEDERAL social programs that would escalate into full blooded communism at a later time. WE are seeing this progression move forward now at a faster rate than ever before. I'm not saying every single president in office or every single politician that has ever been in office was in cahoots with this plan... What I am saying is that those who want to see this plan evolve and come to fruition ARE set in place and are working every chance they have a foothold in office to do so. Watch out for these progressives, they are sprinkled within all of the political parties.
The Obama administration is NOT a friend to any American patriot! If you don't understand where Obama (and his cohorts) is/are coming from and what he is up to you will not be any different than the people who were duped by Fascist leaders in the past. They use tactics that are so subtle, so seemingly good, but the real intent of their "call to service to the state" is nothing to be fooled by! Study the communist movement, the fascist movement, study Alinsky and you will see what Obama is all about. You will see what Hillary Clinton is all about, you will see where most of this Obama administration is all about! Pelosi is not excluded! she is no different! Our government has been infiltrated and if you think that to be nonsense, then remember all those who were trying to warn you about this when your very own children are slaved to a government ruled nation! stripped of their liberties, and having their every move controlled by the government! Even the census will be held by ACORN! The questions on their survey will be so personal that one would think the government will have no business asking such things but they dare do it because they want to track every citizen and keep watch on them. These discount cards you use in the grocery stores.... they are means of keeping track of how you spend your money. All charge cards you use... same thing... your PRIVACY is slowly being stripped away from you. And you think Obama is being picked on because he's the first black president or for some other reason they think it to be? Hardly my dear. Obama is a part of these progressives that want BIG GOVERNMENT TO CONTROL YOUR EVERY MOVE! Yes, the people will think it's all a good thing that he encourages community service, that he talks to children to stay in school and "don’t let your country down", etc.... You think it's harmless because you have not studied this man's history and where he comes from extensively enough. NO, I'm not paranoid. I'm seeing the pangs of the birth of a monster called communism. Those in Europe are laughing at the stupid Americans how they don't see what is happening. Even some of our members from South Africa see what is going on! And our very own younger generation doesn't see it! How sad. Too many of those who are younger than 40 something just doesn't get it. It's a sad sad time in America! :sad And all you kids do is to poo poo us older folks as if we don't know what we're talking about, as if we're still scared of the threat we had in the 60's. Oh, contrare' my dear younger generation..... Please do your homework!

Obama is just using baby steps to get to his objective... (a means to an end... Alinsky style)

Read this transcript: Obama twists.... day of 9/11 memorial and makes it into something it's not!

I truly hope you see what the older generation is trying to get across to those who just don't have a clue. :pray America really needs to wake up out of it's stupor.... out of it's mesmerized state of bing, having a sense of this huge invincible horn of plenty that will not be touched, because your horn of plenty will be stripped away from you IF you continue to trust those who say they are only looking out for you through total control of your every move via government intervention. PLEASE KNOW THIS! The Government has no business getting it's greedy tax you for everything red tape hands on YOUR business OR your children.

Just One of Obama's Own Beloved Mentors: :verysad

[attachment=0:25hizlyt]Beloved Mentor of Obama.jpg[/attachment:25hizlyt]


Below is just a small taste of where Obama is commie-ing from what Obama is up to (where he wants to take you AND your children)...

And some of you don't mind if this man is influencing your children? :o :verysad


[attachment=0:1yyd9zry]Alinsky Rules for Radicals.jpg[/attachment:1yyd9zry]

Obama's "Universal" Service Plan - Part 1

Training a Socialist Army of World Servers

By Berit Kjos - September 2008

Background information: "Service Learning" through Soviet Brainwashing

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals | Dialectic Process | Serving a Greater Whole

Skip down toACORN, Bill Ayers or Public Allies

Also read Part 2 : Mind Change and Collective Service

Note: since the limit for urls is only 10, for a working link to all of the areas that I have marked such as being go to the source web site.

  • "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."[1] Barack Obama

    "People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve[/color].... I will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year...."[2] Barack Obama

    "The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization.... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new."[3] Rules for Radicals (excerpts here) by Saul Alinsky, the Marxist "organizer" whose disciples mentored Obama.

    Brave New World: "A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned... to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers."[4] Aldous Huxley


“These are serious times," Barack Obama said recently. "And they call for a serious debate about where we need to take the nation.â€Â[5] That's true! So where does he want "to take our nation?" How does his version of "service" fit his vision of CHANGE? And what will it cost in terms of freedom, privacy, taxes, and government control?

There's nothing wrong with the old voluntary, personal service to the poor and needy. For centuries, Christian missionaries have given their lives and comforts to serve God among the sick, hungry and dying people in distant parts of the world. Others have shown the same God-given compassion in their own communities. They demonstrated His love, shared His life-saving Truths, and brought hope as well as help to the needy.

Obama's plan is radically different. Aimed at socialist change, it would raise "religious" boundaries, limit free speech, and ban divisive truths. It must be tolerant of today's amoral values and militantly intolerant toward traditional values. And -- like the tactics outlined in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" -- it would use deception and "agitation" to create conflict, and the Hegelian/Marxist dialectic process to manipulate minds and establish the planned solidarity.[6]

Obama learned it all during his years as "Community Organizer" in Chicago.

The transforming power of "SERVICE LEARNING"

"Service learning" isn't a new phenomenon. It has been well tested by U.S. educators for more than a decade. What's new is the scale of Obama's plan. His massive system would press students and citizens of all ages in a revolutionary government-led program to change the way we think and relate to each other. A more descriptive term would be mass brainwashing! He outlines it on his official website:

  • "Expand Service-Learning in Our Nation's Schools: Obama will set a goal that all middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year. He will develop national guidelines for service-learning and will give schools better tools both to develop programs and to document student experience."[7]

National guidelines? Documenting each server? Such traditional words now have new meanings [8] and requirements unknown to the public. Service learning implies socialist indoctrination through facilitated group dialogue designed to break down barriers, manipulate minds, and build unity in diversity. All members will be monitored and tracked by massive computer networks. And all the personal attitudes, beliefs, values, adaptability, and especially resistance to the planned change -- i.e. all the countless factors that now define a person's "mental health"[9] -- will be recorded within these systems.

Does that remind you of China's dang'an -- the growing personal data file that follows each Chinese citizen through life?

It should, because America is following the well-tested footprints of Communist dictators in both China and Russia. As I pointed out in my last article on the Olympics, China is using (and testing) sophisticated American technology to advance its universal and transformational surveillance system. This fact sheds some sobering light on Obama's promise that,

  • "...we'll use technology to connect people to service.... You'll be able to search by category, time commitment, and skill sets; you'll be able to rate service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service pages to track your hours and activities. This will empower more Americans to craft their own service agenda, and make their own change from the bottom up."[10]

"Make their own change?" That may sound good, but there would be no freedom to deviate from the new guidelines. Besides, all this personal information would be available to government leaders and facilitators.

Look at other facets of Obama's plan. Each would involve group training in dialectical thinking (NEW THINKING). An article titled "A New Era of Service" quotes Obama:

  • "I will call on a new generation of Americans to join our military.... I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots, and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their efforts connected to a common purpose."[2]

Meanwhile, each crisis -- real or contrived -- will be used by today's "change agents" to raise the dissatisfaction, passion and justification needed to speed the planned change.[11]

"We are on the verge of a global transformation," said David Rockefeller. "All we need is the right major crisis..."[12]

  • [Note: To understand the history and practical details of "Service Learning," please read [urll]Serving a Greater Whole(BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS)[/url]]

Obama's training in revolutionary change

Thomas Sowell understands this transformation well. "As a young political leftist, I saw the left as the voice of the common man. Nothing could be further from the truth," he wrote in his book aptly titled Is Reality Optional? He continued,

  • "Running left-wing movements has always been the prerogative of spoiled rich kids. This pattern goes all the way back to the days when an over-indulged and affluent young man named Karl Marx combined with another over-indulged youth from a wealthy family named Friedrich Engels to create the Communist ideology.

    "The phoniness of the claim to be a movement of the working class was blatant from the beginning. When Engels was elected as a delegate to the Communist League in 1847, in his own words, 'a working man was proposed for appearances sake, but those who proposed him voted for me.' It may have been the first rigged 'election' of the Communist movement but it was certainly not the last.... The anointed have always wanted to create their own kind of people, as well as their own kind of society."[13]

Already influenced by the Communist poet, Frank Marshall Davis, Obama attended the elite Punahou School in Hawaii. He studied at prestigious universities such as Columbia and Harvard. His rise to power was funded by rich, liberal men and foundations. They sought his talents and used his rage to facilitate change.

As a "community organizer," Obama was supported by The Woods Fund, a wealthy left-wing foundation. So were Bill Ayers and two radical training organizations founded by Alinsky's disciples: "The Center for Community Change" and "The Midwest Academy."[14]

  • "Bill Ayers... was a 1960s leader of the homegrown terrorist group Weatherman, a Communist-driven splinter faction ofStudents for a Democratic Society [Seevideo]. Characterizing Weatherman as 'an American Red Army,' Ayers -see video) summed up the organization's ideology as follows: 'Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.'

    "Today Ayers is a professor of education and a Senior University Scholar at the University of Illinois. ... In his 2001 screed, Fugitive Days, Ayers recounts his life as a Sixties radical... his terrorist campaign across America, and his enduring hatred for the United States. 'What a country,' Ayers said in 2001. 'It makes me want to puke.'"]

    Obama's 'Weatherman' Connection: "Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate in April 2001, as reported here. They lived within a few blocks of each other in the trendy Hyde Park section of Chicago, and moved in the same liberal-progressive circles."

Read the rest of this article here:

Obama's "Universal" Service Plan - Part 1 Training a Socialist Army of World Servers

Politics should never be something a child should have to concern him or herself with. My parents felt this themselves and wrote notes for my younger siblings specifically stating that they have no desire for their children to watch the speech.

Were my boy old enough, he would not be watching it either. Encouraging little ones to get their education and complete it is one promote self help is another. It is the president's job to serve the country and do his best to stand for the people....not the people to stand for him.....

I am sorry.....these are just my thoughts. They are not meant to hurt anyone.
I sent him to school and decided, why not, he is 9 years old and won't remember a word of it anyway, besides when FOX News is on and Obama lies; I just point out the lie and show the truth, then ask him what God thinks about those that lie? Great teaching moments.
Here's something your daughter might want to know. It's about how the real controllers behind Presidents, are the powerful lobbiests and banking groups. You might want to take a look at it first. I have evidence on the stock market that shows it's totally rigged. Specialists that set the prices are allowed to trade in the very stocks they set the prices in.
It's just the opposite side of the story so some gullible people don't think that a President controls everything. They are really controlled. ... re=related
P.S. I am not suggesting this video is necessarily fully reliable either. It does present the possibility that these eloquent speakers may just be manipulators for the agenda of others. People around the world really need to beware of those that are smooth speakers...but not promise keepers.
UPDATE - Re: Obama's "message" to students on Tuesday



The 3 R’s in the Age of Obama:

Rappin’, revolution & radicalism

By Michelle Malkin •
September 25, 2009 03:18 AM
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009

[attachment=1:kyzz58bh]boorg oma.jpg[/attachment:kyzz58bh]

When the White House announced plans for the president’s nationwide address to schoolchildren two weeks ago, worried parents were dismissed as “kooks.†We pointed to the subtext of “social justice†activism rampant in American classrooms. It’s time for a big, fat Told You So.

Out of the spotlight, politicized lessons continue to supplant core academics.

At the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington Township, N.J. earlier this year, schoolchildren were instructed to memorize a paean to Barack Obama. A video uploaded to the YouTube account of Charisse Carney-Nunes, author of the children’s book “I Am Barack Obama†and a self-described Harvard Law “schoolmate†of the president’s, showed students lined up in the auditorium snapping their fingers and chanting in unison:

Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said all should lend a hand to make the country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today, equal work means equal pay.

Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said take a stand, make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black and white, all are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
Yeah! Barack Hussein Obama

…Hello Mr. President, We honor you today
For all your great accomplishments, we all do say hooray
Hooray, Mr. President you are No. 1
The first black American to lead this nation

Acknowledging the historic nature of Obama’s presidency (“the first black Americanâ€Â) is one thing. Deifying him with creepy spiritual references (“red, yellow, black and white, all are equal in his sight†is cribbed from the famous hymn “Jesus Loves the Little Children;†cheering “you are No. 1â€Â) is quite another. Burlington Township (NJ) school officials said Thursday the recording and dissemination of the video was “unauthorized,†but acknowledged that the Obama praise session was part of the students’ official curriculum.

Carney-Nunes’s Obama book was on prominent display during the students’ performance. It is a tool, she says, that “allows children to see themselves through the inspirational story of President Obama growing up as an ordinary child asking, ‘Who will change the world? Ultimately, he realizes that he will.’†Seeing everything through the lens of Obama, as his incessantly self-referential United Nations speech demonstrated, is a trademark of the perpetual Obama campaign.

This O-cult lesson is exactly the kind of junior campaign lobbying activity that White House officials planned around the president’s education speech. Alert parents and administrators called out the Department of Education’s activist, Obama-centric education manuals before the event. Federal officials altered the language. Obama delivered an innocuous speech. But on cue, education radicals goaded students to engage in political activism.

White House and Hollywood moguls launched a “Get Schooled†initiative this month with Obama that urges students to lobby for higher teacher pay and to embrace the rallying cries “Know Your Rights†and “Change the System.â€Â

At the New Trier High School in Northfield, Illinois, educators followed up on President Obama’s address with a 45-minute “extended adviser†discussion last week to explore “the significant messages inherent in his speech.†Illinois writer/blogger Tom Blumer reports that “parents were not informed on a timely basis as to what was going to happen, and were given no specific instructions on how to have their child opt out of the ‘discussions.’†The school’s principal and assistant principal sent out suggestive questions focused on Dear Leader’s Do Something missives:

* Why do you think President Obama listed the responsibilities of teachers, parents, and the government before discussing your responsibility for your education?
* What are you “good at†and what do you have “to offer†your family, friends, and community?
* In the speech, President Obama spoke of some of the steps of Effective Effort. Identify them, using direct quotations from the text to support your assertions.
* Respond to President Obama’s final questions for you: “What’s your contribution going to be?…â€Â

In addition to radical White House Teaching Fellows like Chicago high school educator Xian Barrett (an outspoken charter school foe who founded a “Social Justice Club†and bussed students to protest) and Michelle Bissonnette, a Los Altos, Calif., teacher who is “focused on developing my leadership as a more culturally and racially conscious educator,†the White House has embraced controversial homosexual rights’ advocate Kevin Jennings as “Safe Schools czar.†Jennings founded the controversial GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network), which aggressively pushes sexually explicit, age-inappropriate books and lesson plans on alternative lifestyles.

Lost in all the chanting for change is the core commitment to impart actual knowledge. For progressives in the Age of Obama, setting high academic standards is secondary to the self-improvement of the “whole child†and “service†to the cause of social justice.

Out: Readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmetic.

In: Rappin’, revolution, and radicalism.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Photoshop: Leo Alberti

- end of article -


Note: for all related links that are inserted into the original article please visit Michelle Malkin's web site for an more indept review and be sure to click on the links in the article.

I ended up reading the trabscript of the speech a few days after it aired. My kids never saw it or read it. I am glad it never turned into a huge problem, and they didn't seem to mind missing it in the end. Big time praise report, and thanks to all who offered up advice. :biggrin

I read about this little ditty, Relic. The song (ugh) :verysick

Thanks to all. Much love and God bless.


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