I'm trying to reduce weight, be more physically active, etc., now. I was sick, at all levels (mentally, physically, etc.) for a long time there, so now...by God's grace, I'm healthy and have what I need to eat properly, get enough exercise, etc.
even though I do need to reduce, I do have doubts about the BMI scale. I understand that there needs to be some way to help guide people in their weight goals, etc., but...surely, there's got to be a more nuanced, better scale out there than the going bmi, right?
as for the 'obesity epidemic...' I think a lot of it is because people do not have time to exercise, eat right, etc. I mean, even a lot of cities aren't as pedestrian-friendly as they could/should be. move out to more rural areas, small towns, subdivisions, etc., you -need- a car to do anything, go anywhere. people work a lot, have bills to pay, kids to raise, on and on it goes...
...sadly, a lot of the cheaper foods aren't so great for you. those foods also tend to be more readily available, and the pre-made stuff is pretty much designed to taste great, while filling you up with less than fabulous nutrition.
I don't know. people are, undoubtedly, heavier than we/they were in, say, the 50s or 60s. ive read some places that even when eating out, portion sizes in the us have gotten crazy. since obesity is apparently now a worldwide problem, I'm guessing that's happening in other countries, too.
not to sound too, too "left wing" or what have you, but I don't think its really a "personal problem," not when it affects -so- many people. when we have kids and teenagers coming down with type ii diabetes and such on a regular basis, I think its a -social- problem that will require society-wide efforts to make a difference.