We are to know the signs of the times, which will cause us to be comforted as we LOOK up for our redemption draws near!
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.Revelation 13:16-17
He causes all . . . to receive a mark: Under the government of the beast and his associate, all will be given a mark. Without the mark, one will not be able to participate in the economy (no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of his name).
This is a uniform currency, one that will have to be decided among all nations of the earth, one that we are moving quickly toward as the global economies seek a single unit of measure to buy and sell with! Euro, Amero... etcetera.
Since the ancient Greek word for mark (charagma) isn’t generally applied to people, some have taken this as a symbolic mark. But a literal mark, needed to buy or sell, is certainly conceivable and practicable.
The technology to give people a mark that enables them to buy and sell in the electronic economy is available today. There are many different ways it could happen.
One interesting possibility from a company named Applied Digital Solutions, which is developing a product called “Digital Angel.†Digital Angel is a microchip implanted in the body powered by the body’s own biomechanical electricity and able to communicate with satellites. This is from a real, legitimate company whose stock is traded on major exchanges. The company tested of their technology in October 2000. In a press release, Digital Angel’s Dr. Peter Zhou commented: “I’m particularly excited about Digital Angel’s ability to save lives by remotely monitoring the medical conditions of at-risk patients and providing emergency rescue units with the person’s exact location. I also see great potential for Digital Angel in the area of ‘location-aware’ e-commerce. This is a whole new wireless and Web-enabled frontier in which a purchaser’s actual location is integral to making a successful sale or providing a valuable, location-critical service.†I
And from their website:
Digital Angel GPS and RFID products are utilized around the world to save lives, ensure the safety of our food supply, reunite loved ones and improve the quality of life. We are a leading developer of technologies that enable the rapid and accurate identification, location tracking, and condition monitoring of what is important to people. Applications of our products include identification and monitoring of pets and fish with our implantable RFID microchips, identification of livestock with our ear tags, GPS based search and rescue beacons for aircraft, ships, boats, and individuals.
It isn’t hard to see how this kind of “mark†can become commonplace, simply as the logical step in the course of the electronic economy. Digital Angel’s slogan is also interesting: “Digital Angel: Technology that Cares.†:eyebrow
It is a wise child of God who sees the events coming down the pike and LOOKS UP! :yes
Take courage redemption is coming... bonnie :amen