The Evils of Paper Money and Fiat Currency

Everything I have is paid for outright, and my house is self sustaining with a powerful solar system, and I have over a decade worth of food and water and medicines. I do not need money. Just a few years ago I had very little, but because I knew the timeline of God and regarding fiat currency I decided to work hard to have everything I need, and so I prepared.
So you have all your gold and silver and supplies at that location , are you ready to give it all away ?
Hi ratoncillopaisa1986
When Joseph knew famine was coming he stocked up in the years of plenty, and through his preparations all of Egypt and Israel was saved.
Yeah, I get all that. I'm familiar with that effort by Joseph to prepare to have food for an entire nation of people because of a food shortage coming. But not to take all in and then build up some wall and keep it away from everyone in their time of need. It was for the purpose of providing for others in that time of need that God was bringing on the people.
When Noah knew a global flood was coming, he built an ark in preparation.
Yes, He did, because God told him to. Are you declaring that God has told you to build up some great storehouse for yourself because God told you to? And that ark was going to be used to save some of mankind and all of the animals that move about the dry ground. Is that what your 'ark' is going to do?
And today we have knowledge of the year 6,000 that is now approaching in 2 years and whats going to happen in these final years. Foreknowledge of prophecy and preparation of what you know is going to happen is a good thing, because thats the very reason God gave us his prophecies, so that we who study his word can prepare.
I would say that in all of that, our issue is probably in 'what' we think God is expecting of us in 'preparing' for these things. I don't think running from the economic system of any nation of the earth, after all, there are a whole lot of nations on the earth, ... not just the U.S. Right? I don't see that how they may have manipulated or created their monetary system is anything that I see God giving us any particular warning, as believers to be concerned with. But that's not to say that the last days of Great Tribulation won't have terrible economic consequences around the world. I just don't think it's got anything to do with one country on the whole of the face of God's earth removing some establishment that their money must have a piece of valuable deposit, as the downfall of mankind that you seem to want to make it to be. Or the total collapse of any economic system. I do keep reminding you that there are other nations on the earth and we all use money and America was the only nation, as far as I know, to devise some scheme that we had to hold a vault of gold for our money to be any good.

God bless,
Hi ratoncillopaisa1986
Yeah, I get all that. I'm familiar with that effort by Joseph to prepare to have food for an entire nation of people because of a food shortage coming. But not to take all in and then build up some wall and keep it away from everyone in their time of need. It was for the purpose of providing for others in that time of need that God was bringing on the people.

Yes, He did, because God told him to. Are you declaring that God has told you to build up some great storehouse for yourself because God told you to? And that ark was going to be used to save some of mankind and all of the animals that move about the dry ground. Is that what your 'ark' is going to do?

I would say that in all of that, our issue is probably in 'what' we think God is expecting of us in 'preparing' for these things. I don't think running from the economic system of any nation of the earth, after all, there are a whole lot of nations on the earth, ... not just the U.S. Right? I don't see that how they may have manipulated or created their monetary system is anything that I see God giving us any particular warning, as believers to be concerned with. But that's not to say that the last days of Great Tribulation won't have terrible economic consequences around the world. I just don't think it's got anything to do with one country on the whole of the face of God's earth removing some establishment that their money must have a piece of valuable deposit, as the downfall of mankind that you seem to want to make it to be. Or the total collapse of any economic system. I do keep reminding you that there are other nations on the earth and we all use money and America was the only nation, as far as I know, to devise some scheme that we had to hold a vault of gold for our money to be any good.

God bless,

God bless,

God has told us, through prophecy. God has told us a famine and global financial collapse is coming, so obviously it is logical to then stock up on food for it, not starve.
People will show up and demand it when the time of need comes .

Indeed the scriptures tell us there will be severe looting in the world, in these final years, because the global financial collapse and famine will cause people to go out and steal and kill each other. Which is why I am armed and have a sophisticated security system and sensors everywhere and the house and windows are armored. So let them come and have a bad day. However, I am willing to share my stockpiles of food with any believer that is also obedient to the commands of God. And I am also even willing to lodge these kinds of people. We are also called to be hospitable and to share. And you will find that when you are willing to share with others and even neighbors that they will also help you.
Bitcoin is a worse form of fiat currency
Bitcoin is not fiat currency. Fiat currency is defiined as: Money that has indirect market value or is given legal tender status by government fiat. Since Bitcoin is decentralized (not run by any organization it cannot be Fiat by definition. Bitcoin acts as money and a form of payment outside the control of any one person (thus not FIAT), group, or entity, thus removing the need for third-party involvement in financial transactions.

Bitcoin ... also represents nothing.
Untrue. It is a digital currency with limited supply. It is a controlled invention. It is digital gold.

I already outlined how Bitcoin is superior to gold
God has told us, through prophecy. God has told us a famine and global financial collapse is coming, so obviously it is logical to then stock up on food for it, not starve.
Hey ratoncillopaisa1986

If I'm understanding the Scriptures correctly, it's going to be ok. We will be at the door of our Lord's return. Whether I have recently starved from lack of food or, more likely in the states, lead poisoning, I'll be coming up out of that grave pretty soon. Praise God!!!! No, I'm sorry friend. I don't think you're preparing for those days properly.

God bless,
So, would you be able to show me 'how' you see that somehow our unpegging our currency to the gold standard has caused this dreadful condition that you speak of?
It's complicated ... as long as the U.S. dollar was pegged to gold it was difficult to just print money and use it to pay yjrot bills because at any time the paper money could be exchanged for a set amount of gold. Once Nixon took us off the gold standard the U.S. government could just print money to pay their bills whenever they wanted. When you double the amount of fiat currency using the government printing press you devalue the money that was already out there as there is twice as much money chasing the same amount of goods and thus inflation. Now, there are other government currencies and people tend to get rid of poorer currencies if there is a better one out there and the U.S. dollar is probably the best ones out there so it's staying power is lengthened. History shows that after 80 to 120 years the world's prime currency collapses because they printed money to pay debt and to bride people to vote for them in democracies.
To date the best commodity to peg money to stop runaway inflation is gold. Bitcoin may become the new digital gold as it is superior to gold for it is decentralized whereas gold can be manipulated to a degree.

As I said, it's complicated which is good as the government can pull the wool over people's eyes longer. That's how Ponzi schemes work, till they don't.

The banks, Treasury and Central Bank get together to give value to the paper they print. The banks give IOUs to the treasury who gives the banks bonds. The banks take the bonds to the Central bank that prints money for the bonds and the banks then take the printed money back to the Treasury to pay off their IOUs. Now you have more money in the market to compete with your money, thus inflating the value of your money.
Hey ratoncillopaisa1986

If I'm understanding the Scriptures correctly, it's going to be ok. We will be at the door of our Lord's return. Whether I have recently starved from lack of food or, more likely in the states, lead poisoning, I'll be coming up out of that grave pretty soon. Praise God!!!! No, I'm sorry friend. I don't think you're preparing for those days properly.

God bless,

No you won’t. Because you have not given up the mark of the beast, which is paper money and fiat currency. At the return of Yeshua many believers are going to be shocked at the judgment when they are condemned for not obeying the commands of God in the Torah of Moses, which includes the commands regarding money. This is why many are called, but few are chosen. Only very few will be saved. In fact, we already know the number. Only 144,000 people will inherit the kingdom of God and will rule with Yeshua for 1,000 years, out of all the billions that have existed. There’s very limited seating.
However, I am willing to share my stockpiles of food with any believer that is also obedient to the commands of God. And I am also even willing to lodge these kinds of people.
So hordes of unarmed people are scaling your fences , how will you know who serves God and who does not ?
Someone who serves God doesn’t scale other peoples fences to steal.
What if the ones who are scaling your fences are only doing so out of desperation and are going to knock on your door and beg for food ?
But maybe you are just going to slaughter the men, women and children who try breech your fortress .
What if the ones who are scaling your fences are only doing so out of desperation and are going to knock on your door and beg for food ?
But maybe you are just going to slaughter the men, women and children who try breech your fortress .

There’s a doorbell in the front of the house. Otherwise introducers run the risk of death as permitted by the Torah,

If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him.
Exodus 22:2
Listen up all you people of Venezuela and all you people of Argentina and also all you people around the world dealing with financial problems. No one else is at fault for your financial troubles and your financial collapse but you individually. Paper money and fiat currency always leads a nation to ruin and financial collapse, and it is everyone’s acceptance of paper money and fiat currency that keeps it circulating. If everyone right now stopped accepting paper money and fiat currency as money, and exchanged it all for food and drinking water and necessities and property and gold and silver, it would stop circulating, and everyone would retain value in the possessions they have now materialized into something true and tangible. And can continue using their commodities and gold and silver to continue buying and selling, without any loss in value and without the damage of inflation. The value of paper money and fiat currency is merely an illusion and has not intrinsic value and a bill imprinted with a $1 is intrinsically no different than a bill imprinted with a $100, so the governments and central banks of the world take advantage of this lack of intrinsic value and deliberately issue this form of money, to then slowly devalue it without people taking much notice, to then slowly cause inflation of prices, to then slowly cause people to need to acquire debt to pay for everything as prices becomes absurdly expensive. The banks slowly become the owners of everything through debt. It is the greatest ponzi scheme of theft the world has ever seen, and every government and central bank on the earth is in on it. Around 100 years ago or even 50 years ago it was easy for someone with minimum wage to pay for their house with only just a few years of work, whereas today it takes someone at minimum wage around 20 or 30 years to pay for their house entirely. This is the overall damage of inflation caused by paper money and fiat currency, which has impoverished the entire world, making it difficult to buy things especially without debt. It was common for our grandparents and great grandparents to own their properties outright without mortgages, but today with the younger generation it is now common for them to rent and have roommates, or live with their parents, or semi own a house with a mortgage debt against it. It’s because everything now is more expensive, as a result of paper money and fiat currency. It is the root of all evil. Before its inception around 100 years ago, money was gold and silver, for thousands of years, since the beginning of creation. Gold and silver is good money, because it is rare enough to be valuable, but common enough to be money. And because its value is based on its weight, its value is true and not an illusion like it is with paper money and fiat currency, and 1 ozt of gold is truly less than 100 ozt of gold. Its true value then causes stability of prices in a society, and a house purchased at 10 ozt of gold can be expected to cost the same 100 years later. That is not the case with paper money and fiat currency. Around 100 years ago 1 ozt of gold was around $21 USD and now today in December 2023 it is around $2,062 USD. This is a massive devaluation of fiat currency. And other currencies of the world exhibit more tremendous devaluations, like for example the Colombian peso, COP. Around 100 years ago 1 ozt of gold was around $21 COP, now it is around $7,998,863 COP. This is a more massive devaluation of fiat currency. It’s not that the value of gold has gone up, because 1 ozt of gold today is the same 1 ozt of gold tomorrow, its that the value of paper money and fiat currency has gown down astronomically, and buys less and less over time. It is a modern day debasement of money, which in former times the Romans did by reducing the silver percent of their denarius. But the mere paper and mere numbers that humanity buys and sells with today is a worse debasement of money. Although the banks try to control inflation and keep it low so people do not notice that they are slowly being robbed, it eventually backfires and destabilizes, and enters a state of hyperinflation. It is like a bubble, that keeps rising and rising, until it bursts. Somewhere something cracks, and causes it to burst and collapse. And it all collapses like a domino effect. Which thing brings ruin to a nation. Money is like an artery to a nation. But when the money itself collapses, the nation also collapses. People cannot buy nor sell. Workers cannot work. Markets become empty. Famine comes and people go hungry. Public services become interrupted. People begin stealing and looting. Everything just collapses. Venezuela is just an example of what happens when hyperinflation comes. And Argentina is following in its footsteps. And many other hyperinflations have happened in other nations of the world in the past, always bringing ruin to a nation. And its going to happen to all nations of the world, to fulfill what is written by the prophets. Ezekiel prophesied, “they will cast their silver into the streets, and their gold will become an unclean thing, and their silver and gold will not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Master”. Ezekiel 7:19. Back then money was gold and silver. So he wasn’t telling us that people today would literally be throwing their gold and silver on the streets, but that they would be throwing their paper money on the streets, because it has become worthless. This has already happened in Venezuela and will happen again to the entire world when all fiat currencies enter a state of hyperinflation. And then will be fulfilled the words of John in the book of Revelation, “the merchants of the earth weep and mourn for her, because no one buys their merchandise anymore”. Revelation 18:11. The final collapse of the global financial system will happen because of the destruction of Vatican City, who clandestinely is the true prostitute of Babylon of Revelation. Her destruction will cause all fiat currencies in the world to enter a state of hyperinflation, because all central banks of the world that issue paper money and fiat currency to all humanity trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome. And because of all these reasons is why paper money and fiat currency is the true mark of the beast of Revelation, cursing anyone who accepts it as money. The only way to lift the curse and figuratively remove the mark of the beast is by getting rid of all paper money and fiat currency and renouncing it once and for all. It is a true test of belief and obedience in our time. And because this evil form of money that impoverishes the entire world only circulates by the mutual consent and approval of everyone that accepts it as money is why everyone who accepts it as money deserves to be punished because of it. So again I say, do not blame others for your financial troubles and financial collapse, blame yourself, because you bring ruin upon yourself by continually accepting this form of money to buy and sell. The following are quotes from the founding fathers of the US and past philosophers that also taught about the evils of paper money and fiat currency. It’s not just a matter of religion, its also a matter of common sense, that any money that has no true intrinsic value will eventually lead a nation to collapse. Paper money and fiat currency is just not good for you and for any nation, and eventually brings severe harm and famine and death.
Paragraphs are your friend.
I've read that the Israeli government wants to put an end to currency in Israel and has been working to that end for at least a decade now.
I've also read that Benjamin netanyahu want to give everyone in Israel a microchip and he says he will enact legislation to that end.

Given these steps by the Israeli government,would you say that it would be better to have an implantable microchip used for buying and selling instead of currency?

"That is, technology that has not been used before and is allowed under the legislation we shall enact," he clarified.
Hi Shilohsfoal

PM Netanyahu doesn't actually use the word microchip. He says that a sensor be put ON children... Personally, I think the idea, for what he wants to use it for, protecting children, needs some more study. But it really doesn't necessarily support the claim of the title here about microchipping.

God bless,
Hi Shilohsfoal

PM Netanyahu doesn't actually use the word microchip. He says that a sensor be put ON children... Personally, I think the idea, for what he wants to use it for, protecting children, needs some more study. But it really doesn't necessarily support the claim of the title here about microchipping.

God bless,
The sensor that would be put into the person would be a microchip.
It would have to be very small .Something a body would except.I remember the Israeli military was one of the first customers of the digital angel.They been using them for a long time.

I would say security is also at the top of Israels plans now.
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The sensor that would be put into the person would be a microchip.
It would have to be very small .Something a body would except.I remember the Israeli military was one of the first customers of the digital angel.They been using them for a long time.
As far as the article you posted, that's all speculation. I'm not into speculating about the evils that people will be doing as the end approaches. I know, based on the words of the Lord that it will be bad. I expect it to come. And I am watchful of its coming. But I try to stay away from unfounded speculations without making clear that everyone knows that I'm only making some speculative statements.

You know, statements that start with "I wonder what it would...". Speculative ruminating needs to be identified as such. The article says that Mr. Netanyahu made statements indicating that he'd like to find a way to put sensors ON children's bodies to keep track of their positions. That's what the article claims were his words. Those words would not indicate that he is necessarily talking about microchipping.

Now, he could be, but unless you've got him saying 'in' or using the word 'microchip' or 'put under the skin', then so far it could be something as simple as a charm to be worn around the neck like our 'First Alert' fobs for our elderly. Or socks imbedded with traceable threads. And if it's for the purposes of keeping Israeli children safe in Israel, and the majority of Israeli parents are fine with it, then I'm also all for it. It's their nation and their people and their children and they get to rule over them as they see fit. All I can say is that the Israeli government seems to be fairly responsive and responsible to its citizens. If it does turn out to be that this is some microchip ploy to gain or increase their control over their people for some wicked scheme? Then it could be that this has some relation to the Scripture's explanation of 'taking a mark', but we're not there yet. And, if I find that written in the Scriptures, then I know it's going to happen. The Scriptures aren't telling me about this 'mark' in hopes that I can stop it. They're telling me about it so that I can gauge the time of the end.

God bless,