The Evils of Paper Money and Fiat Currency

Are you making all your transactions for goods in silver and gold ? You know , power bill , water bill , garbage pick-up , taxes , groceries , gasoline , car payment , on line purchases , phone bill , ISP , etc . ?

Everything I have is paid for outright, and my house is self sustaining with a powerful solar system, and I have over a decade worth of food and water and medicines. I do not need money. Just a few years ago I had very little, but because I knew the timeline of God and regarding fiat currency I decided to work hard to have everything I need, and so I prepared.


Hi Fastfredy0
In what way? I mean, the economy is reasonably strong, and has been for most of that period of time. People seem to be able to afford, for the vast majority of us, to live reasonably comfortable lives. I'm just not seeing this 'things have gone downhill since' attitude or effect that you're referencing. So, would you be able to show me 'how' you see that somehow our unpegging our currency to the gold standard has caused this dreadful condition that you speak of? BTW, you do realize that no other nation has their currency pegged to some mineral element, and, I mean, for the most part they seem to be, again for the most part of their economic lives, doing well.

What is it that we've loosed that is destroying our economy by removing some legal requirement of men that our currency be somehow valued by a mineral? I'm just curious. Because I actually live out here in the real world and I'm not feeling it.

God bless,

It is an illusion of wealth, because most everyone are indebted. There are many people in the US driving in nice cars and living in nice houses, but they are all indebted to have it. Around 100 years ago or even 50 years ago it was common for people to be able to buy their houses outright with only 2 or 3 years of work. Whereas today it takes around 20 to 30 years of work to be able to buy your house outright. That the overall damage of inflation that people do not realize. And eventually paper money and fiat currency collapses, because it is like a bubble. Eventually something in the system cracks, and it all comes tumbling down, because the value of fiat currency is imaginary. It just vanishes via hyperinflation, and returns to its true intrinsic value, which is zero. Right now everything may seem okay, but it actually isn't, and when it collapses it will cause entire nations to collapse.
"Now go!" Jesus said to him. "Sell all that you have and give it to the poor. Then come and follow me."

God bless,
But his great wealth proved too important in his heart, and he turned and walked away... sad.

God bless you,
"Now go!" Jesus said to him. "Sell all that you have and give it to the poor. Then come and follow me."

God bless,

Stocking up on food and water and necessities and having a house and having what you need to exit the financial system is not a sin. It is smart. Even the believers in the book of Acts continued to live in their houses where they assembled and broke bread and drank wine, whereas the disciples of Yeshua had a higher calling and were instructed to sell everything to be apostles going house to house to preach the new gospel of Yeshua, as special envoys of Yeshua. Not everyone had that same calling. Whereas refusing to exit the financial system today, while even having just 1 penny to your pocket is indeed a sin, because you haven't renounced fiat currency. This is why the prophecy regarding the mark of the beast says that all humanity would receive the mark, the rich and the poor, the great and the small, which has already happened, because all humanity has accepted an evil form of money to buy and sell with. Which is paper money and fiat currency, that even the homeless today have it.
Hi ratoncillopaisa1986

What happens to money isn't really something that God's word seems to concerned with. How we were going to get to have money over the coming centuries doesn't seem to have been too important for any of the instructions He left us with. Except to be joyful in returning some of it to Him. Using it to help others. Jesus told the rich young man to give the proceeds of his wealth to the poor.

Yes, one day the money system may collapse in America. It might collapse in Great Britain or France. We've certainly seen a lot instability in various national economies over money in the Latin American nations. Yep, the love of money is the root of all sorts of evils. But it's going to be with us. And as has been already mentioned, it's much easier to live in todays time with money.

Now, maybe that's all Satan's idea to get us comfortable using money for trade. But again, I have a hard time with this understanding when I read all of the Scriptures that seem to speak about us having money and how we are to use our money. Whether or not our money supply is somehow tied to some magical value of some other commodity, I honestly can't see the sense in that. I imagine that's a big reason as to why the practice was ended. It was a practice that only the U.S. economy was using and it really didn't make any sense that we'd have to keep some block of pretty heavy metal off in some vault in the middle of Kentucky for every dollar that was running around out there. And yes, still today, if I want to convert my money into gold... I can. The central bank won't do it for me, but I can buy gold. It doesn't really have to have the signet seal of the sitting President on it to be gold and do be able to transfer my dollar value into a corresponding gold value.

I honestly don't get this obsession with 'how' the value of our money is determined. Or that suddenly because we've changed the way that we value it, which pretty much follows every other economy on the face of the earth, how that's going to create some particularly bad ending because of that change. Yes, I do know that the ending is going to be bad. I'm just not sure that some main contributing factor is going to be that somewhere back there we changed how we valued our money, or how, as a government, we brought on this destruction because we removed the system of gold reserves for our money.

Tell me. What reserve does Great Britain have stored up in vaults to back up their money? How about Russia? Got anything on Canada? List for me, all the nations that have some sort of reserve object kept safely in a vault somewhere to use as a guarantee that you can always take their money and get this great and valuable commodity out of the vault in place of it... if you'd ever want to.


God bless,
Hi ratoncillopaisa1986

What happens to money isn't really something that God's word seems to concerned with. How we were going to get to have money over the coming centuries doesn't seem to have been too important for any of the instructions He left us with. Except to be joyful in returning some of it to Him. Using it to help others. Jesus told the rich young man to give the proceeds of his wealth to the poor.

Yes, one day the money system may collapse in America. It might collapse in Great Britain or France. We've certainly seen a lot instability in various national economies over money in the Latin American nations. Yep, the love of money is the root of all sorts of evils. But it's going to be with us. And as has been already mentioned, it's much easier to live in todays time with money.

Now, maybe that's all Satan's idea to get us comfortable using money for trade. But again, I have a hard time with this understanding when I read all of the Scriptures that seem to speak about us having money and how we are to use our money. Whether or not our money supply is somehow tied to some magical value of some other commodity, I honestly can't see the sense in that. I imagine that's a big reason as to why the practice was ended. It was a practice that only the U.S. economy was using and it really didn't make any sense that we'd have to keep some block of pretty heavy metal off in some vault in the middle of Kentucky for every dollar that was running around out there. And yes, still today, if I want to convert my money into gold... I can. The central bank won't do it for me, but I can buy gold. It doesn't really have to have the signet seal of the sitting President on it to be gold and do be able to transfer my dollar value into a corresponding gold value.

I honestly don't get this obsession with 'how' the value of our money is determined. Or that suddenly because we've changed the way that we value it, which pretty much follows every other economy on the face of the earth, how that's going to create some particularly bad ending because of that change. Yes, I do know that the ending is going to be bad. I'm just not sure that some main contributing factor is going to be that somewhere back there we changed how we valued our money, or how, as a government, we brought on this destruction because we removed the system of gold reserves for our money.

Tell me. What reserve does Great Britain have stored up in vaults to back up their money? How about Russia? Got anything on Canada? List for me, all the nations that have some sort of reserve object kept safely in a vault somewhere to use as a guarantee that you can always take their money and get this great and valuable commodity out of the vault in place of it... if you'd ever want to.


God bless,

This is where most Gentile believers fall short, they think the "word of God" does not include the Torah of Moses. In the Torah of Moses are all the commands of God, and it definitely also includes money. "You shall not have false weights and false balances" is about money, because weights and balances were used to buy and sell with. The equivalent of a false weight and false balance today is paper money and fiat currency. It is forbidden currency, because through it humanity is robbed and impoverished. And it is the approval of everyone that keeps it circulating, so everyone is as guilty for its circulation, not just those who issue it.
Stocking up on food and water and necessities and having a house and having what you need to exit the financial system is not a sin. It is smart. Even the believers in the book of Acts continued to live in their houses where they assembled and broke bread and drank wine, whereas the disciples of Yeshua had a higher calling and were instructed to sell everything to be apostles going house to house to preach the new gospel of Yeshua, as special envoys of Yeshua. Not everyone had that same calling. Whereas refusing to exit the financial system today, while even having just 1 penny to your pocket is indeed a sin, because you haven't renounced fiat currency. This is why the prophecy regarding the mark of the beast says that all humanity would receive the mark, the rich and the poor, the great and the small, which has already happened, because all humanity has accepted an evil form of money to buy and sell with. Which is paper money and fiat currency, that even the homeless today have it.

Hi again ratoncillopaisa1986

Then you're going to have to go with that, aren't you?

"Even the believers in the book of Acts continued to live in their houses where they assembled and broke bread and drank wine,..."

Right! And removed themselves from the financial system of Rome. Right! I remember that teaching. I can't quite put my finger on it chapter and verse, but yeah! That's what God told us to do. Go and get ourselves to a place where we could put all of our wealth in our home and vats and don't ever use money unless it's tied to some other value than what the people and the government say it's worth. "Yeah. That's right, Suzy. Every time a bell rings an angel gets it's wings."

God bless,
This is where most Gentile believers fall short, they think the "word of God" does not include the Torah of Moses. In the Torah of Moses are all the commands of God, and it definitely also includes money. "You shall not have false weights and false balances" is about money, because weights and balances were used to buy and sell with. The equivalent of a false weight and false balance today is paper money and fiat currency. It is forbidden currency, because through it humanity is robbed and impoverished. And it is the approval of everyone that keeps it circulating, so everyone is as guilty for its circulation, not just those who issue it.
I'm sorry, my friend, but that just isn't any more true in the Torah, than it is in the whole of the Scriptures.

Yes, God does command us to be fair in trade. We don't want to be like a Bernie Madoff and steal from people. We don't want to take advantage of people in trade. If a Jew were to offer a pound of fruit for a price, than for that price the customer was to receive a pound of fruit. God's command here is that the Jews be fair with their brethren. Just as God told them not to charge one another usurious interest and even not charge any interest at all to a brother.

Look, if this is what you believe in your heart is going to save people, then that's what you should be proclaiming.

God bless,
Hi again ratoncillopaisa1986

Then you're going to have to go with that, aren't you?

"Even the believers in the book of Acts continued to live in their houses where they assembled and broke bread and drank wine,..."

Right! And removed themselves from the financial system of Rome. Right! I remember that teaching. I can't quite put my finger on it chapter and verse, but yeah! That's what God told us to do. Go and get ourselves to a place where we could put all of our wealth in our home and vats and don't ever use money unless it's tied to some other value than what the people and the government say it's worth. "Yeah. That's right, Suzy. Every time a bell rings an angel gets it's wings."

God bless,

Money was gold and silver back then. So they didn't have to get rid of money back then, because gold and silver is not forbidden currency. It is good and righteous money. It is the money of God. Whereas today paper money and fiat currency is indeed forbidden currency, and we are required to get rid of every single penny of it. More is required of us than them. Which is a good thing, because it puts all humanity to the test, whether they love God more than money. Whoever does not renounce money today will be thrown over the lake of lava at the return of Yeshua, in 2 years from now, as they rightfully deserve. Even many believers have heard this message, telling them plainly what the mark of the beast is, and they refused to get rid of it because they preferred convenience over obedience. But they will soon pay the consequences for their bad decision. And not only will they suffer through hyperinflation and famine when it all collapses, but then they will be judged and condemned at the return of Yeshua.
Oh, and for the record, I've always, since becoming a believer, considered the Torah to be the very foundation of the Scriptures. Those writings, much as Jesus proclaimed, embody the whole of the law on which we come to understand our sin and the condemnation thereby created.

I honestly don't see how you could even understand what Jesus has done without knowing what Torah teaches us. That's even what the new covenant writers used to prove that he was who he claimed to be.

God bless,
Hi again ratoncillopaisa1986
And not only will they suffer through hyperinflation and famine when it all collapses, but then they will be judged and condemned at the return of Yeshua.
Oh, you read that part, too. And you think that going around preaching about the sins of money is going to keep that from happening? And that when those days come and the whole world of 8 billion people will be clamoring and searching for food and water that you're going to be safe in your little castle set aside by the sea?

OK. Go with that.

God bless,
Hi again ratoncillopaisa1986
Oh, you read that part, too. And you think that going around preaching about the sins of money is going to keep that from happening? And that when those days come and the whole world of 8 billion people will be clamoring and searching for food and water that you're going to be safe in your little castle set aside by the sea?

OK. Go with that.

God bless,

I'm not trying to prevent the collapse from happening. it is destined to happen. I am merely warning about it because I love sharing the truth and helping other people. If just one person listened and prepared and was saved through my message, it was worth it.
Everything I have is paid for outright, and my house is self sustaining with a powerful solar system, and I have over a decade worth of food and water and medicines. I do not need money. Just a few years ago I had very little, but because I knew the timeline of God and regarding fiat currency I decided to work hard to have everything I need, and so I prepared.


In another words .you don't need God or anyone .

If you blow a tire .you can mine and make a tire ?
When you cars parts break you can make it by hand ?
When you need surgery ,you fix yourself

That's wips point . Don't think those useless Haynes and Chilton's actually have enough on wiring diagrams or even diagnosis especially with modern can system cars where a simple broken tail light will brick the car if not fixed fast .

I turned wrenches and also sell parts .I also read net meters in Florida .you loose that power from the utilities,solar goes offline .even with a battery system as backfeed will happen .

I'm not against canning ,gardening but we'll try that I Florida where it's about impossible to grow without fertilizer and pesticides .soil sucks where I live and on larger scale it's cost wife is too old .she once butchered chickens ,cows ,picked fruit .

You gonna tell us ,to make meds ? Too .my wife has conditions that get real hard on her if ignored.

I don't see your case to be a survalists when the prophecy says and the dragon made war with the saints and prevailed ..

I'm not against reasonable preparations but well no is an island . When parts are made anymore for these old cars you fabricate . Not all bil has made parking brakes and also cars to look old but aren't .few model a or t have original engines as they wouldn't be driveable faster then 35 and yet I have seen them hit 50.

That's money there .
Hi ratoncillopaisa1986

Listen, I hear ya! I am in complete agreement with you that the last days are going to be fraught with all sorts of perils that will seem insurmountable to us. Gas overnight go to $50 a gallon or something and the nation revolt, but I'm not an Americanized christian. I think the warnings of these things will be global. I therefore, find it difficult to see the correlation that the U.S. changing how it values its money supply as being the cause of all that is written to us in what's going on in the days of great tribulation and then the days of the wrath of God to follow.

I mean, I look at the lives of men/people that I know are born again and have trusted Jesus for it all. Paul, Peter, Matthew. I look at all of the instructions that we find in the book of Acts and the following letters of Paul in instructing the various parts of the church how we are to live. I look at the reality of Paul and Peter's living and have some understanding as to how their lives ended and what they were seeking. I don't see this gather up all your stuff and pull the door shut as you hunker in as being the way they were teaching us to live our lives. Why? Well, because money as we know it today is going to destroy us. It's going to bring on a time of great struggle for all of you guys! NA-na--na-na-na-na

And you think you're going to be safe here on the earth and that's what God wants you to do.

Ok. Jesus said no greater love hath any man than that he would lay down his life for his friend.

God bless,
Hi ratoncillopaisa1986

Listen, I hear ya! I am in complete agreement with you that the last days are going to be fraught with all sorts of perils that will seem insurmountable to us. Gas overnight go to $50 a gallon or something and the nation revolt, but I'm not an Americanized christian. I think the warnings of these things will be global. I therefore, find it difficult to see the correlation that the U.S. changing how it values its money supply as being the cause of all that is written to us in what's going on in the days of great tribulation and then the days of the wrath of God to follow.

I mean, I look at the lives of men/people that I know are born again and have trusted Jesus for it all. Paul, Peter, Matthew. I look at all of the instructions that we find in the book of Acts and the following letters of Paul in instructing the various parts of the church how we are to live. I look at the reality of Paul and Peter's living and have some understanding as to how their lives ended and what they were seeking. I don't see this gather up all your stuff and pull the door shut as you hunker in as being the way they were teaching us to live our lives. Why? Well, because money as we know it today is going to destroy us. It's going to bring on a time of great struggle for all of you guys! NA-na--na-na-na-na

And you think you're going to be safe here on the earth and that's what God wants you to do.

Ok. Jesus said no greater love hath any man than that he would lay down his life for his friend.

God bless,

When Joseph knew famine was coming he stocked up in the years of plenty, and through his preparations all of Egypt and Israel was saved. When Noah knew a global flood was coming, he built an ark in preparation. And today we have knowledge of the year 6,000 that is now approaching in 2 years and whats going to happen in these final years. Foreknowledge of prophecy and preparation of what you know is going to happen is a good thing, because thats the very reason God gave us his prophecies, so that we who study his word can prepare. And it's actually quite the opposite, someone who refuses to prepare does so because of lack of belief, and someone who prepares does so because he believes. I've been in preparation for almost a decade, and even now it is paying off because prices are increasing severely and the global economy is about to collapse, and I no longer need to rely on paper money and fiat currency, which is the mark of the beast of Revelation.
In another words .you don't need God or anyone .

If you blow a tire .you can mine and make a tire ?
When you cars parts break you can make it by hand ?
When you need surgery ,you fix yourself

That's wips point . Don't think those useless Haynes and Chilton's actually have enough on wiring diagrams or even diagnosis especially with modern can system cars where a simple broken tail light will brick the car if not fixed fast .

I turned wrenches and also sell parts .I also read net meters in Florida .you loose that power from the utilities,solar goes offline .even with a battery system as backfeed will happen .

I'm not against canning ,gardening but we'll try that I Florida where it's about impossible to grow without fertilizer and pesticides .soil sucks where I live and on larger scale it's cost wife is too old .she once butchered chickens ,cows ,picked fruit .

You gonna tell us ,to make meds ? Too .my wife has conditions that get real hard on her if ignored.

I don't see your case to be a survalists when the prophecy says and the dragon made war with the saints and prevailed ..

I'm not against reasonable preparations but well no is an island . When parts are made anymore for these old cars you fabricate . Not all bil has made parking brakes and also cars to look old but aren't .few model a or t have original engines as they wouldn't be driveable faster then 35 and yet I have seen them hit 50.

That's money there .

Just because I've stocked up on food and necessities doesn't mean I don't need God. We are all mortal, and need God for immortality, and for his favor more importantly, because things can go wrong very quickly. We always need God, even the richest person on the earth.
Just because I've stocked up on food and necessities doesn't mean I don't need God. We are all mortal, and need God for immortality, and for his favor more importantly, because things can go wrong very quickly. We always need God, even the richest person on the earth.
You missed my point .so you have ten years worth of water ?

You don't not pay ad valorem?
You have a well.

If the govt doesn't allow your gold what then ?
I noticed you avoided my statements on necessities completely.

My wife would be bedridden without meds
Can't run ac or lights when a hurricane rips those panels off and you can't find a roof company to reinstall them let alone an insurance company who will write that policy .

They drop owners here for owning solar here because of the cost .

Wip here has a small farm and sells his products . I believe he has ten or more acres . Seriously you think that isn't gonna be enough for him .you ignore weather ,the age of people .buying a house and owning it requires one to decide to risk once you decide not to insure .good luck with dying and borrowing money at 85 and not loosing that house if you don't have a policy big enough .

I have watched homes sit for years after a major storm to get a re shingle and roof repair .now you gonna argue that a solar system will work with that ?

Here is always tied in to a utility .they would have to accept your money .they don't have to if the state doesn't .
You missed my point .so you have ten years worth of water ?

You don't not pay ad valorem?
You have a well.

If the govt doesn't allow your gold what then ?
I noticed you avoided my statements on necessities completely.

My wife would be bedridden without meds
Can't run ac or lights when a hurricane rips those panels off and you can't find a roof company to reinstall them let alone an insurance company who will write that policy .

They drop owners here for owning solar here because of the cost .

Wip here has a small farm and sells his products . I believe he has ten or more acres . Seriously you think that isn't gonna be enough for him .you ignore weather ,the age of people .buying a house and owning it requires one to decide to risk once you decide not to insure .good luck with dying and borrowing money at 85 and not loosing that house if you don't have a policy big enough .

I have watched homes sit for years after a major storm to get a re shingle and roof repair .now you gonna argue that a solar system will work with that ?

Here is always tied in to a utility .they would have to accept your money .they don't have to if the state doesn't .

I have a decade worth of water yes, in large sealed jugs to prevent contamination. And I also have spring water as a backup. And also my solar system is designed to produce excess electricity, which is given to the city in exchange for water and gas, as a third backup source of water. And I have large industrial freezer in the house with frozen food, and also dehydrated food.

Aside from this, I don't need gold either. It's a good to have, but not a necessity if you have everything you need. The point of my post what to state that paper money and fiat currency is bad money, and that gold and silver is good money, but not that everyone should then exchange everything they have for gold. Gold is going to be useless when the entire global economy crashes, because there won't be any food. Therefore having food is more important.

Medications can be purchased cheaply from India. I also have a medical condition that requires daily medication, and it is very expensive. I stockpiled on my medications purchasing them from India, at a fraction of the cost it would cost in the USA. This is wise to do because there are going to be a shortage of medicines, and its already beginning to happen. Many medicines are already in short supply all over the world.

Aside from that, many things can go wrong, and even those who prepared beforehand can run into problems. But that's why its important to be in obedience to the commands of God to find favor with him, and even bad situations can be turned around by God for the good of those who love and obey him.