I could not agree more these are evil times, satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, if Jesus would bow down and worship him, there are those who have accepted this offer, illuminati, 33 degree 35 degree masons, and a host of other secret soceitys, who follow lucifer, and want to see lucifers will done on earth.
they think they are enlightened, Adam and Eve, the serpent, tolled Eve to eat from the tree of good and evil and she would become as God, again these men have takin this path, considering themselves to be the ruling class.
they were running europe, and from the first arrivals in America their plans were being laid, they now run goverments,put presidents into power, to look after their intrests, or remove them, by assasination if nessary.they run, fianance, oil, banks, fedral reserves, central banks, world bank,
they want central contol and power, the milatary.
top of their agenda, is the depopulation of the planet, to many people , to few resourses, the are the same soicietys that funded hitler, and refined the oil, to mobilize his war machine, mobile oil.
another global conflict would solve a few problems for more than one goverment at present,
the great depression, then a world war.
If christians are filled with the Holy spirit, what spirit are these men filled with, their front man Obama,
declaring he had come to save the world, there is only one saviour, The Lord Jesus.
so if these men are controlled and ruled by the god of this world, satan.
they think nothing of 50 million starving to death a year, its strange to that a paitent for swine flue was submitted in 2004 , when no one had heard of swine flue, aids who dropped that one in the pond,
where do you think christians are on their christmas card list.
like satan their judgement is comming. johnny