archangel_300 said:
One thing that perplexes me is why does everyone fear a one world government?
I have a non-Christian friend who is into all sorts of conspiracy theories etc... illuminati, bush and clinton are aliens, we're all going to die by death trains. :crazy LOL
He keeps talking about a one world government too as if that's the plague or something, but why is that such a bad thing? Me thinks people fear change.
And that's just it with many self-proclaimed Christians who are busy working with globalists to form a one world government. Instead of seeing what it's going to be used for, they think it will bring world peace, feed the poorer nations, and be of great general benefit to mankind. Daniel 11 shows the "vile person" will destroy many by using peace.
If you are rounded up and imprisoned just because you're a Christian, how is that a good thing?
If a global body taxes your hard-earned money to give to other nations that hate Christianity and want to destroy Christ from among us, how is that a good thing?
If the global community says your children must be indoctrinated according to socialist/communist values, against your will, and if you disagree they will take your children from you, how is that a good thing?
If the global community says Christians can no longer claim that Christ Jesus is the only path to God and Heaven, but all Christians must recognize all religions as equal paths to God, how is that a good thing?
If you are imprisoned for exercising your 1st Ammendment right to freely express your Christian belief, how is that a good thing? (It's already been happening in some places in the U.S., like Philadelphia when a Christian group began professing Christ across the street from a pro-homosexual rally; the Christians were jailed for professing their belief).
If the police can come into your home with no suspicion of wrong doing, and without the need of obtaining a warrant, how is that a good thing? It was the British soldiers in colonial America barging into people's homes, stealing, raping, and pilaging, which became one of the main factors in favor of the American Revolution. That's why the U.S. Constituion provided protection of people's homes against that by requiring a search warrant. But now that's gone with the acts passed under Homeland Security.
How will you protect yourself and your family in your own home if you're not allowed to own a gun, how is that a good thing?
Etc., etc.