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Well maybe not necessarly other beliefs. Not promoting these but anywho, I have studied and still do, Wicca, Paganism, Dark Paganism and Satanism. Wicca and Paganism as well as Dark Paganism has its own teachings and is to me a lovely belief, Satanism has the logical feel to it. Most of those religions say they pre date Christianity and say that Christians taken over some of their things. My questiion is, is that true? Again, I am not promoting their beliefs or anything.

I'd like to engage you on this, but it's painting with too broad a brush. If you'd like to focus on one in particular, it would be easier. I'd like to know what feels "lovely" about "dark paganism", whatever that is and what seems logical about satanism, but to tackle those together along with the others is a bit much.

Here I'll focus on satanism. I'm not sure if you know about the poison you're dealing with. This isn't a trivial matter of preference. This is something deep; worth contemplating in it's danger.

Luke 10 tells us that Jesus saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven.

John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Ephesians 2
1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient."

We are told of what the Lord has done to rescue us from Satan's purpose.

Colossians 1
"13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

I realize Satan has captured the fascination of people because of his dark ways, and that's sad and alarming. People get caught up in movies revolving around his powers, and they usually portray God as being powerless against his ways. But God is in control and Knows the plan. This isn't something to take lightly, because it Truly has eternal consequences. They might seems interesting now, but they will be terrifying when you are standing before the Lord.
Satanism, no doesn't make such claims. Why Wicca, Paganism and Dark Paganism is lovely to me is because they teach love, disciplane of the mind, healing, and just so much I can't possibly mention on here. Why Satanism is logical to me is because one of its teachings is to take responsibilty for ones actions, not to put up with anyones insults and the like. Satanists don't worship Satan or believe he is real, then there are the ones that do.
Well maybe not necessarly other beliefs. Not promoting these but any who, I have studied and still do, Wicca, Paganism, Dark Paganism and Satanism. Wicca and Paganism as well as Dark Paganism has its own teachings and is to me a lovely belief, Satanism has the logical feel to it. Most of those religions say they pre date Christianity and say that Christians taken over some of their things. My questiion is, is that true? Again, I am not promoting their beliefs or anything.
I dont know a lot about satanism except we often help clean up its mess when people come to us after they get out and thier minds remain tortured from the fear they live in.

Theres no doubt about pagan festivals being incorporated into Christianity Easter is one Christmas is another. The worship of the virgin mary is Romes response at the time to similar themes in the roman culture of thier other gods Isis I think.
One thing I have learned from the wicca dudes and pagans while many are very nice people, (I dont mind them) the idea of conjouring up fairys isa grin. Thier belief systems are very disjointed and they believe a bit of this and a bit of that.

Now what about christainity? why Am I following it?

One time in history A man died and rose again after he raised other men from death. Jesus is still alive today,
But you know Jesus changed the world forever in his 30 years alive, He didn't live for himself it was for everyone else, he spread hope and love and salvation from the sin that can eternally separate us from god.

When you weigh up who you throw your what in with think about this thing. What religious group expedited education in Europe through the spread of the gospel and the education that came with it.. christainity!

The world before Christ was a world without hospitals, a world without charity, a world without respect for the sanctity of life. Hospitals were an innovation of Christianity. Hence the healing symbol of a cross represents hospitals. The nursing profession was founded by Christians such as Florence Nightingale out of devotion for Christ. One of history's greatest humanitarian movements, the International Red Cross, was founded by Christians in response to the Scriptural injunctions to care for the sick and the suffering. Christians such as Dr. Louis Pasteur have fuelled some of the greatest practical advances in medicine. Pasteur has probably saved more lives than any other individual in history through his inventions.
reference- Man.htm

now what of those other groups you mentioned what do they do as an organised group to better humanity? Where is the Atheist charities or the boat loads of satanists and wiccans that sold thier homes to devote thier lives to raising living standards for poor people. The ones who died doing it?

Try finding an atheist charity then try finding a christian one in google.

what some of them do do well.. Whinge how bad Christianity is and how it made the world worse.

I follow Christ because it is a better path.

sorry for the long post
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Wiccans and Pagans also have their ways of healing, be it through herbs or other means. (not promoting this). I personally think that before hospitals came about people used herbs for healing. What's so bad about meditation? Why are these other religions\beliefs so bad? Why are most religions considered an orginized religion even christianity (no disrespect intended)? Sorry for all the questions in one reply.
Wiccans and Pagans also have their ways of healing, be it through herbs or other means. (not promoting this). I personally think that before hospitals came about people used herbs for healing. What's so bad about meditation? Why are these other religions\beliefs so bad? Why are most religions considered an organized religion even Christianity (no disrespect intended)? Sorry for all the questions in one reply.
to tell you the truth I havn't got a problem with meditation or the people you said ( long as there is nowitchcraft) I have spoken to some of both of those over the last 6 months, they are very nature orientated nice people. What I was trying to show you is Christianity involves a community that looks after its own but is also very outwards focused. My friend at church lives a life of reduced luxury in order to fund his desire to help poor people in Russia live a better one. this also is helped paid for by people in that community of believers who give of their earnings also. That is one of many things like that they do. Because I am used to that the other seem more of a solo venture.

with christians if one falls on hard times it is often the case the others join in to help them, however they can.

The combined churches in my city put on a big community event and encouraged local businesses to join forces to raise money for homeless people in our town.

I just don't see that from the others as a combined force. I want to be a part of something that cares for other people.

P.s I know God is real
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Wiccans and Pagans also have their ways of healing, be it through herbs or other means. (not promoting this). I personally think that before hospitals came about people used herbs for healing. What's so bad about meditation? Why are these other religions\beliefs so bad? Why are most religions considered an orginized religion even christianity (no disrespect intended)? Sorry for all the questions in one reply.

John 14:6
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.

Deuteronomy 4:35
He showed you these things so you would know that the Lord is God and there is no other.

Isaiah 45:6
so all the world from east to west
will know there is no other God.
I am the Lord, and there is no other.

Isaiah 45:21
Consult together, argue your case.
Get together and decide what to say.
Who made these things known so long ago?
What idol ever told you they would happen?
Was it not I, the Lord?
For there is no other God but me,
a righteous God and Savior.
There is none but me.

Isaiah 46:9
Remember the things I have done in the past.
For I alone am God!
I am God, and there is none like me.
Sorry for misreading your reply. I googled wiccan charities and I think I found one. Anyway, if the christian god is the only god, then why the other religions, other than the obvious denial of the christian god?
Sorry for misreading your reply. I googled wiccan charities and I think I found one. Anyway, if the christian god is the only god, then why the other religions, other than the obvious denial of the christian god?

Other religions have been founded based on ideas and doctrines of demons. Satan will stop at nothing to undermine the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Thats what the other religions said too - how funny.

I don't believe that. Most other religions don't even acknowledge the existence of Satan, for the most part.

Besides, Christianity isn't a religion, except that man has made it that way. Certainly Jesus didn't come to establish one. He came to free us from the bondage of sin and have a relationship with us because He loves us profoundly.
I don't believe that. Most other religions don't even acknowledge the existence of Satan, for the most part.

Besides, Christianity isn't a religion, except that man has made it that way. Certainly Jesus didn't come to establish one. He came to free us from the bondage of sin and have a relationship with us because He loves us profoundly.


If there is one thing that I hate! It is the spirit of religion. The cause of so much drama in this world.

It's good to be free! :yes

If there is one thing that I hate! It is the spirit of religion. The cause of so much drama in this world.

It's good to be free! :yes

Amen! The spirit of religion is a major evil spirit who wreaks a lot of havoc on the Church of Jesus Christ.
Sorry for misreading your reply. I googled wiccan charities and I think I found one. Anyway, if the christian god is the only god, then why the other religions, other than the obvious denial of the christian god?
friend I will tell you this regarding your seeking answers. the best I can do is tell you and hope you believe my word. One day I was guilt ridden and lonely empty inside there was a weight of burden on my shoulders of things I did. but most of all a void inside and an emptiness and loneliness.

When I met jesus i met with a sense of love and acceptance I had never known. when i believed in Jesus as savior, My sins and the guilt and loneliness were removed forever. It really is a life changing experience and it is not all imagined in your head. There is something else external to us involved in it. It will happen only if you accept you are sinner and have, sinned and believe Jesus died that you may have your sins dealt with by his blood on the cross shed for us.

there is an really big transformation in your life and hapiness, try listening to a song called "Amazing Grace"

Jesus wants to fill that emptiness in every person who has only to believe and turn from their old ways. It is a better life or I wouldn't have enjoyed it for the last 20 years.

I have not been alone since and am a much happier person. Thought I would share that with you.
@Chris: I can see what you're saying. I know I am what christians would call an sinner, and I'm at peace with that. I accept it. And what you shared is basically what I feel everyday and then some. I would like to share this with you: I have so much anger inside, saddness, worthlessness, emptyness, numbness, and much more inside. But somehow I have love there. I have been through a lot of bad things in my life. And honestly I can't think of more questions at the moment. But if some force can take away my pain, then that force can have it...
@Chris: I can see what you're saying. I know I am what christians would call an sinner, and I'm at peace with that. I accept it. And what you shared is basically what I feel everyday and then some. I would like to share this with you: I have so much anger inside, saddness, worthlessness, emptyness, numbness, and much more inside. But somehow I have love there. I have been through a lot of bad things in my life. And honestly I can't think of more questions at the moment. But if some force can take away my pain, then that force can have it...

Raven, it is only Jesus the Messiah who loves you that can literally replace:

anger with peace
sadness with joy
worthlessness with purpose
emptiness with fulfillment
numbness with vitality

Only Jesus!
Ask Him to come in and make His home in you and He will come in and do a housecleaning you'll never regret! I have done it and many of us here have as well---it is a life-changing experience and one you will never forget!

Revelation 3:20---Jesus speaking:
Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.
Is he capable of healing an soul that has died a long time ago and take thoughts of self harm? Even if the last time one tried him out somehow and felt like they got nothing from the exp?... Sorry for that but yea...
Is he capable of healing an soul that has died a long time ago and take thoughts of self harm? Even if the last time one tried him out somehow and felt like they got nothing from the exp?... Sorry for that but yea...

Yes, more than capable.

Have you ever heard of Richard Wurmbrand? He is the founder of Voice of the Martyers. He wrote a book called "Tortured for Christ." You can get it for free if you search online. His book is riddled with the cruel torture that the Communist government committed against Christians. He came out of prison and remained a Christian, working for Christ, afterwards. Most people would have given up and left after enduring such torture. Many Christians seem to do the opposite, and sing God's praises while they are murdered.

There is a reason for this. I pray to the Most Merciful Lord Jesus that you find His love and He heals your heart and take away your pain, regardless of if you become His follower or not.

If you like, you can keep trying. Don't give up. Talk to Jesus and tell Him all about your pain. Tell Him all about the pain you have endured and tell Him all about your life. Tell Him all about how much pain you are in that the only things that take this pain away are your involvements in Wicca and Dark Paganism. Tell Him all about the beauty you see in them and the love they give you. Then if you want, you can ask Him to show you what His beauty is like and what His love is like. He wants to hear all about you. He will listen. If you want you can even ask Him to reveal Himself to you. You can tell Him you'd like to give Him another try, but before you can become His follower He needs to make you a believer doesn't He? If you'd like you can ask Him to make you a believer.

You break my heart, Raven. I pray blessings of peace, love, understanding, and hope over you and your precious heart in Jesus' name. Amen.
I didn't mean to yours and anyones heart..and for that I am sorry. I haven't heard of him before, I'll consider looking him up. Yes I think that before I can believe in god I will need some good solid evidence, and if he can reveal himself to me that would be perfect. To answer a question if I've heard the song Amazing Grace, yes I have, Ashton Nytes version of it. Sorry but I love that mans music it helps me when I'm depressed because I can relate to some his stuff.. Some part of me wants to believe in god and what he can do but at the same time I don't know..


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