I am concerned that this thread and the OP is a promotion for Mormonism.
Permit me to explain further using some things that many may not know about Mormonism
Mormonism is polytheistic at heart, and the opening of the discussion is a back-door establishment of Mormonism to be "just like Christianity". that is why many Mormons want to try to tell you things that "everything that the Bible says about Jesus Christ can be found in the BoM". That is true, as far as it goes, but it does not go far enough.
What they do not tell you is that the jesus christ, which they believe in is a modalistic jesus. He is a human who "obeyed the Father so much", that god the father exalted him into godhood. And just like what happened to jesus, so also being exalted into god hood may happen to "worthy Mormons"
Mormon Research Ministry has a good and accurate article about this
HERE. Below is a snippet:.
Although it is not found in any of Mormonism's Standard Works ,[there are %: the KJV Bible, BoM.Pearl of Great Price, Doctrines and Covenants and the Book of
Abraham] an expression that precisely defines the LDS teaching that men can become Gods was coined by fifth LDS President Lorenzo Snow. In June of 1840, Snow declared, "As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become." Besides correctly illustrating the Latter-day Saint teaching that God was once a mere mortal man, this couplet also declares that man has the potential to become God.
So what the poster is attempting to do in this thread, and the thread on deification is to have the camel succeed in getting his nose under the tent during a sand storm. If that is permitted, soon the whole camel will be in the tent, and the Bedouin will not have a place for himself to ride out the sand storm.
So while they may say some things about Jesus Christ, and hijack the Christian meanings to make an entirely different jesus than is in the Bible. The jesus they teach about is a modalistic jesus, and this was soundly condemned bt Tertullian c. 213 and by Dionysius, then Bishop of Rome in 282. (The usage of the term "Pope" is anachronistic here.) The term, "Modalism" means that jesus allegedly had different modes of living. Modalism is also called "Sabellianism, after the originator of the idea, Sabellius.
So now that the background is established, the method used to ensnare the Bible-illiterate Christians is to walk down the primrose lane with the Mormon falsely claiming (in reality a lie) that "Mormons are really no different than Christians". Then the unsuspecting Christian responds with, "Gee I guess that Mormons are just like Christians, and the Mormon missionary then sets the hook as a fisherman does when casting a fly to a hungry trout.
That is why the Christian can NEVER state to any Mormon that any part of Christianity is the same as what Mormons teach. Through the usage of "convertible language" the skilled Mormon apologist will use Christian words to lull the Christian into a stupor, and when the Christian is vulnerable, the Mormon will interject the Mormon meanings into those Christian terms, and the Christian is then placed into a false dilemma, designed for him to renounce Christianity, pray that he gets a "burning bosom" which is supposed to validate the truth of Mormonism.
That is why this thread and the other are "camel noses under the tent of Christianity". Mormons are well-trained in Missionary Training School in Provo Utah, and it is my guess that Prove all Things may be a faculty member due to his demeanor, and traps-laying.
Therefore, the purposes of this post, and the previous is to expose the methodology and the "harmless front" that is produced.
I would have posted this privately to the mods, but I thought that more would see it if I posted it openly.