Sorry Reba. I thought about that much earlier, but I felt compelled to answer each charge (except the very last).
Okay, so the link really has little to do with Kenneth Hagin. He just compiled a list of promise passages in the Bible. He only included the Bible locations in the list, excluding the actual texts. So rather than look up each passage once, I decided to write a script that grabs all the texts and lets you navigate them. All you'll see initially is a list of phrases like, "In Christ," "In Him," etc. Well, if you click any of the links, another list of Books from the Bible will appear. These contain one or more passages of Scripture, promises from the Bible. You can click the books and view the texts. Try it. Let me know if you find it useful:
(The phrases such as "In Him," etc., are included in the King James texts. If you want you can switch from the NLT to the King James.)