Secondly, what you describe seems to be the 'move' in the "churches" today. The pastor getting frustrated with the 'pew sitters' and they are starting to speak out about it. I think this is where this discussion has been born. But with all due respect, their the ones who are responsible for the people sitting. But I think that deep inside they know this, but years of tradition keeps 'muddying' the truth.
I see this as a problem too. The system is set up for people to pay the pastor to do the work for them. So if the pastor complains about pew sitters and himself having to do all the work, it is like going to a restaurant and the chef complaining about having to slave away in the hot kitchen while all the customers are out there just comfortably sitting at the tables waiting for him to cook for them. When people pay a pastor`s salary they are expecting something in return for their money. Therefore, he must wear all the hats in order to make his job a full time salaried position. If he just has a gift of preaching then that would not justify a full time salary for a 30 minute speech once a week. If he just has a gift in shepherding, then the older ladies who visit the sick would complain they do the same thing with their own time and money and never expect anything in return. If they just have a gift in teaching then the Sunday School teachers would complain they teach Sunday School each week voluntarily so why should the pastor be paid for what they do for free.
Moreover if the pastor complains too much about pew sitters people can say he is paid and has all the free time to do this work but they have to work regular jobs. Therefore, that is what he is paid to do.
On the other hand, I have known churches that do strongly push the congregation to do church work but this can have 2 negative side effects. 1) it can just be busy social/community work not necessarily church work that is building up the body of Christ. It is work to build up the world not the Body. 2) sometimes the work overloads a person. They may also be asked to wear too many hats that may not be their gifting and the result is they have to neglect themselves and their families to do the church work.
It seems the ideal would be everyone just contributing to the Body according to their gift. If everyone was contributing and allowed to contribute (this is another issue), then the burden would be light across the board. But I don`t see an ideal until Christ returns.