I hope I'm in the right thread.

: I lost the one I was reading this in...
1. There is one God.28 Within the Godhead there are three distinct Persons: God the Father,29 God the Son,30 and God the Holy Spirit.31
2. The Son cannot be simply a temporary manifestation of the Father, because the all things were created through the Son32 and He is eternal.33
3. A relationship with the true God of the Bible is necessary for salvation.34
A relationship with the true God of the Bible is necessary for salvation but knowing exactly what his physiological make up is not essential to that relationship. If an unknown benefactor pays your tuition for college, you will benefit without even knowing the person’s name.
While I believe that knowing the makeup of God is not essential to salvation, it is fun to exercise our minds on these mysteries. I think the concept of God’s nature is best explained by the way man is made. It seems reasonable that if we were made in God’s image, we should bear a resemblance to him. Since he is the invisible spirit and we are not just spirit but body, soul and spirit, we don’t appear to be like him in the physical realm. I suppose he could be like the invisible man with invisible arms and legs, etc. but I doubt it. Our likeness to him has to be more than that.
We have conscious self awareness. We think and form thoughts. We have the ability to make decisions. We can put our thoughts into words and actions. This is like God. Didn’t Jesus quote, “Ye are gods?†We can’t create tangible things with just our words though. Our bodies must be empowered by our thoughts to do our creating. In the beginning, God is said to speak (within himself?), let us make man in our image, after our likeness. I don’t think he was speaking to angels because later in the Bible we learn that all things were made by Jesus Christ, the Word, working through the Spirit of God.
The Spirit then, must be comparable to our bodies, the working agency of God. The Word, or pre-incarnate Christ, compares to our soul which seems to be the body with the life within. The Father seems to be the originator of God's thoughts and intents. As our living bodies respond to our thoughts and give feedback through our senses throughout our physical bodies, the Father gives direction to and receives input from the Son and the Spirit.
Our bodies themselves don’t generally have ability to act on their own but take the commands we generate in our minds and act on them. While our minds are within our physical brains and bodies, our minds are separate from the brain and body tissues. God the Father is separate from the Word and Spirit but they were in reality, one being, just as a man is one being instead of three. I say ‘were’ because when the Word of God became man, that situation may have changed. Although they are still one in spirit, they may now be two, but who’s counting? :wink: