- Oct 23, 2010
- 14,239
- 10,721
wise as serpents, innocent as doves. in the world, but not of it.
OK. If you're reading this, odds are pretty good that you've read any number of my (many, many, many) previous posts about...everything. God is good! At this point, I'm remarkably healthy, intelligent enough, bright eyed, normal in ways that matter, reconciled to my (loving, kind, long-suffering) parents, receiving disability, and...above all else: forgiven. Washed+made clean. A New Creation in Christ Jesus.
I just...well, I get confused. The Mental Health, Inc. people now say I have either "Bipolar I" (w/ psychosis at times) or "Schizophrenia" (w/mood problems). Keep in mind; for a long, long time there, I was labeled as hopelessly, incurably, impossibly, --severely-- narcissistic (NPD), and basically punished for my very existence. My records from back then apparently contain a lot of glaring inaccuracies, there have been confidentiality violations, questionable billing (from when I was on my parents' insurance...), all kindsa stuff. Not cool...but, from what I've read and heard, this sort of thing happens in the wild world of Mental Health (Inc).
OK. So, clearly, I'm skeptical, now about the whole "mental illness" thing. I --am-- blessed to be on disability. No one will hire me around here. I strongly suspect that some of my psych info. followed me (somehow...) when I briefly lived in another state. Fun times. seems as if I'm expected to "know my place," etc., and even when I've moved...the stigma follows me. Awesome.
Skeptical, yes...and yet: at times, I do better --on-- my tranquilizer than I do not on a tranquilizer. I'm blessed. I respond to and tolerate a newer tranquilizer ("atypical") that may actually be different enough from many other drugs to have some benefits...fewer problems over the long haul, less weight gain, etc. I'm also blessed because I was given disability once a doctor at the clinic found out I'd been ordering a foreign generic version of this drug w/o a prescription and importing it.
So...yeah. "Play the hand you're dealt." At a bigger level, its also about accepting the world around me as it is, even when I'd rather retreat into some kind of Pollyanna-vision. Am I "really" Schizophrenic? I dunno. Honestly, I don't know if there is such a thing in the sense of an actual, biologically-rooted entity. And yet...
...I took a tranquilizer today, and I felt significantly calmer, less moody and such within about 45 minutes. Boom. Those babies work fast. Again, I'm blessed; even when multiple "experts" agree that a given person has a diagnosis that should respond to tranquilizers, a --lot-- of people do not experience much, if any, benefit from tranquilizers. Some do, but the adverse effects outweigh the benefits, especially when dealing with the older drugs and/or the more sedating ones.
OK. So, psych horror stories aside (and I had plenty of them, LOL), I do --now-- benefit from "standard treatment" for...this "malady." My other "issue" is that now that my parents talk about my "mental illness" and "Schizophrenia," etc., they're a lot more tolerant of me and kind to me. That's great--I need some warmth, some tolerance, some leeway, some I really need such a horrible label to get some compassion? Ugh. Bothers me...
I know...yet --another-- prayer request. Ugh. This is just kinda weighing on my mind, that's all. It gets extra rough w/ the rednecks in my neighborhood forever taunting me, on top of the "symptoms" or what have you.
Thanks for your prayers+support+replies.
OK. If you're reading this, odds are pretty good that you've read any number of my (many, many, many) previous posts about...everything. God is good! At this point, I'm remarkably healthy, intelligent enough, bright eyed, normal in ways that matter, reconciled to my (loving, kind, long-suffering) parents, receiving disability, and...above all else: forgiven. Washed+made clean. A New Creation in Christ Jesus.
I just...well, I get confused. The Mental Health, Inc. people now say I have either "Bipolar I" (w/ psychosis at times) or "Schizophrenia" (w/mood problems). Keep in mind; for a long, long time there, I was labeled as hopelessly, incurably, impossibly, --severely-- narcissistic (NPD), and basically punished for my very existence. My records from back then apparently contain a lot of glaring inaccuracies, there have been confidentiality violations, questionable billing (from when I was on my parents' insurance...), all kindsa stuff. Not cool...but, from what I've read and heard, this sort of thing happens in the wild world of Mental Health (Inc).
OK. So, clearly, I'm skeptical, now about the whole "mental illness" thing. I --am-- blessed to be on disability. No one will hire me around here. I strongly suspect that some of my psych info. followed me (somehow...) when I briefly lived in another state. Fun times. seems as if I'm expected to "know my place," etc., and even when I've moved...the stigma follows me. Awesome.
Skeptical, yes...and yet: at times, I do better --on-- my tranquilizer than I do not on a tranquilizer. I'm blessed. I respond to and tolerate a newer tranquilizer ("atypical") that may actually be different enough from many other drugs to have some benefits...fewer problems over the long haul, less weight gain, etc. I'm also blessed because I was given disability once a doctor at the clinic found out I'd been ordering a foreign generic version of this drug w/o a prescription and importing it.
So...yeah. "Play the hand you're dealt." At a bigger level, its also about accepting the world around me as it is, even when I'd rather retreat into some kind of Pollyanna-vision. Am I "really" Schizophrenic? I dunno. Honestly, I don't know if there is such a thing in the sense of an actual, biologically-rooted entity. And yet...
...I took a tranquilizer today, and I felt significantly calmer, less moody and such within about 45 minutes. Boom. Those babies work fast. Again, I'm blessed; even when multiple "experts" agree that a given person has a diagnosis that should respond to tranquilizers, a --lot-- of people do not experience much, if any, benefit from tranquilizers. Some do, but the adverse effects outweigh the benefits, especially when dealing with the older drugs and/or the more sedating ones.
OK. So, psych horror stories aside (and I had plenty of them, LOL), I do --now-- benefit from "standard treatment" for...this "malady." My other "issue" is that now that my parents talk about my "mental illness" and "Schizophrenia," etc., they're a lot more tolerant of me and kind to me. That's great--I need some warmth, some tolerance, some leeway, some I really need such a horrible label to get some compassion? Ugh. Bothers me...
I know...yet --another-- prayer request. Ugh. This is just kinda weighing on my mind, that's all. It gets extra rough w/ the rednecks in my neighborhood forever taunting me, on top of the "symptoms" or what have you.
Thanks for your prayers+support+replies.