Hello Children of God,
My name is Brandon and I found God maybe 6 months ago, and I felt really good about life through my love for Jesus. These last few weeks I feel I've fallen away because I work all the time and just have been very busy with life. I know this is not a excuse but I haven't prayed, read the Bible much, and I just feel like sometimes I sell my self short, and feel like Im going to be left behind at the rapture because I feel like I might be unworthy. I have been at work cussing and swearing trying to fit in with my co-workers because that is what they do all day, and I get caught up in it. Please pray that God finds me worthy of going to Heaven when he comes for this Bride, Amen. God Bless.
My name is Brandon and I found God maybe 6 months ago, and I felt really good about life through my love for Jesus. These last few weeks I feel I've fallen away because I work all the time and just have been very busy with life. I know this is not a excuse but I haven't prayed, read the Bible much, and I just feel like sometimes I sell my self short, and feel like Im going to be left behind at the rapture because I feel like I might be unworthy. I have been at work cussing and swearing trying to fit in with my co-workers because that is what they do all day, and I get caught up in it. Please pray that God finds me worthy of going to Heaven when he comes for this Bride, Amen. God Bless.