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Poll: earring(s) for one, or both, his ears?

POLL: Earring for one, or both, his ears?

  • I would be content if e.g., my teen son, wore an earring in ONE ear only

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • I would be content if e.g., my teen son, wore earrings in BOTH ears

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • I would NOT be content if e.g., my teen son, wore earrings in either ear

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


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No I don't regret it.

Lewis W:

...and I guess there's no reason to regret it, either (or for anyone to guilt-manipulate young men against want to pierce their ears).

But for under 18s it IS also a matter of parental discretion, I think.
Chapter and verse please.


(Sorry, I didn't spot your question.)

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Arial,Helvetica]'For they had golden earrings, because they [were] Ishmaelites.' Judges 8.24[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Arial,Helvetica]

I'll chime in...

I think my son would look cool sporting an earring in one ear. He's black and it just looks good, I think, the diamond stud against the darker skin.

...but that's me. If he did such a thing, his daddy would paddle his heiny so bad he couldn't sit for a week! :lol Seriously, this is a non-issue in our house, my husband will NEVER give his permission for his son to get his ear pierced. He'll have to wait until he's 18 and decide for himself.
I'll chime in...

I think my son would look cool sporting an earring in one ear. He's black and it just looks good, I think, the diamond stud against the darker skin.



Thanks for your contrib. The thread didn't 'get off the ground' for a while, but now seems to have done so, more.

So you really think so? :)

Do either your son or dh know that you think it would look 'cool' and 'good', like you say?

(I see you assume it would be a diamond rather than a ring or metal stud.)

Anyway I realize that dh has reservations, too; I guess rural customs die hard. I guess, too, that in what are widespread customs for young ppl, things have moved on a lot over the years. God bless your family.
Personally, I don't understand why it should be any different if one ear is pierced or both. I also don't see any difference if it is a male or female getting the piercings either. After all, both men and women wear rings on their fingers and no one I know complain that it's effeminate for men to wear them.

Biblically, while there are references to people having ears pierced for some reasons, I don't see any prohibition of it as a matter of style or any particular command that everyone should do it. I strongly feel if it was against God, He would have told us so.

I see problems for a Christian if the piercing (much like many other things) is intended to represent something un-Biblical, including an attitude of rebellion against God or parents' preferences. But then the problem is not the piercing itself, but the attitude of glorifying or identifying with the un-Biblical thing it is intended to represent.

I don't really see any difference between this and the questions of whether women should only be allowed to wear long dresses, men must cut their hair short enough to satisfy the personal tastes of their particular pastor, no one should wear blue jeans or swim suits, and on and on and on!
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Personally, I don't understand why it should be any different if one ear is pierced or both. I also don't see any difference if it is a male or female getting the piercings either. After all, both men and women wear rings on their fingers and no one I know complain that it's effeminate for men to wear them.

Biblically, while there are references to people having ears pierced for some reasons, I don't see any prohibition of it as a matter of style or any particular command that everyone should do it. I strongly feel if it was against God, He would have told us so.

I see problems for a Christian if the piercing (much like many other things) is intended to represent something un-Biblical, including an attitude of rebellion against God or parents preferences. But then the problem is not the piercing itself, but the attitude of glorifying or identifying with the un-Biblical thing it is intended to represent.

I don't really see any difference between this and the questions of whether women should only be allowed to wear long dresses, men must cut their hair short enough to satisfy the personal tastes of their particular pastor, no one should wear blue jeans or swim suits, and on and on and on!



I know that the voters are hidden in this poll.

But so, though it might not be your personal choice, you would really feel fairly comfortable with both ears, and not just one, for say a younger family member that wanted it, then?


I know that the voters are hidden in this poll.

But so, though it might not be your personal choice, you would really feel fairly comfortable with both ears, and not just one, for say a younger family member that wanted it, then?

Yes, I am. And I am also just as comfortable with others around me that have their ears pierced as I am with those who do not. (Even though I don't personally have piercings.) That is as long as the piercings are not representative of something else in their lives that is against God. But normally those things would also manifest themselves in other things about the person as well, not just in the piercings.
Anyway I realize that dh has reservations, too; I guess rural customs die hard. I guess, too, that in what are widespread customs for young ppl, things have moved on a lot over the years. God bless your family.
The funny thing is, I grew up in an area that was even more remote and wilderness than this (at least in my early years) whereas my hubby was raised in Mesa, AZ, a city of almost 500,000 people. Go figure! :lol

Igor, I agree with you, this is an area of Christian liberty if ever there were one...there is no prohibition of the wearing of jewelry by either sex, and although there may have been a time when earrings on men were considered effeminate, there have been plenty of other times when they are not...and we are living in a time of transition I guess.

Take for instance long hair or wigs, high heels and make-up: completely feminine attire in today's culture, but not at all during an earlier time.

Check out this guy, a prominent attorney and merchant in staid Boston of the late 1600's:
View attachment 1781

His dress is actually considered influenced by the Puritans because of the lack of color, no powdered wig and minimal adornment. In other words folks, this girlie-mon looking guy was the epitome of conservative dress back in the day.
this is an area of Christian liberty if ever there were one...there is no prohibition of the wearing of jewelry by either sex,


Well, your comments are so interesting and well thought out. Ty!

Re. the earring specifics, I think you like the idea of a diamond for your son as opposed to a ring (or metal studs) as being what you know would suit him.

You know that for black young men who so often wear them, the convention is usually for both their ears?
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I have my left ear pierced and sometimes wear a earring in it. I have had it pierced since I was about 25 years old. I wear one when I feel like wearing one. I see nothing wrong about a man with one ear pierced. Both ears I really don't like that much but its not for me to judge them. Having a pierced ear does not make one less of a man.
I have one in my left ear, had it since I was 9 yrs old. (my father was a rocker)

Now I have mixed feeling on this today, I see nothing wrong with it, but at the time I got mine 1972 my father was not saved and my mother was a new Christian.

I let my son have one at 16 but not before. That is just me.

I only keep it now because it has been in my ear off and on for over 30 + years, and in the ministry I am in my tat's and earing kind of help with my testimony.

[side bar]
In 1972 in America the left ear meant straight guy, rite ear meant gay. Opposite in the UK I think.
But we did not that I remember had anything to say about both ears.
I have one in my left ear, had it since I was 9 yrs old. (my father was a rocker)

Now I have mixed feeling on this today, I see nothing wrong with it, but at the time I got mine 1972 my father was not saved and my mother was a new Christian.

I let my son have one at 16 but not before. That is just me.

I only keep it now because it has been in my ear off and on for over 30 + years, and in the ministry I am in my tat's and earing kind of help with my testimony.

But we did not that I remember had anything to say about both ears.


Ty for the post.

So did you ever consider having the other ear done, too?
No I am happy with just the one, I do not appose anyone getting it in the other ear but Ill stick to the one ear, I have however thought about a second one in the same ear, but not sure I will. :)
No I am happy with just the one, I do not appose anyone getting it in the other ear but Ill stick to the one ear, I have however thought about a second one in the same ear, but not sure I will. :)


I see...

Like, for a ring and stud side by side? or two studs together, or maybe two little rings together?

(Anyway, it's not just the ladies that are doing the earlobe double piercing.)
Not side my side, but I actually thought to put it at the very top of the ear not sure what u call that part of it. But in the cartilage not the lobe.
Not side my side, but I actually thought to put it at the very top of the ear not sure what u call that part of it. But in the cartilage not the lobe.


Well, I see.

I think you meant that your son has just one in the lobe, right? is he considering another one, too, like you are?
My son has 3 piercings 2 in the left ear and one in his eyebrow, I thought the eyebrow one was a bit much lol. Yeah I had thought of putting a second one in the top part of my ear but I think Ill just stick to the one I got now. It is a testimony to my past and the kids I minister to feel more comfortable knowing I am not a "stuffed shirt", and they see that I had been there done that.
My son has 3 piercings 2 in the left ear and one in his eyebrow, I thought the eyebrow one was a bit much lol. Yeah I had thought of putting a second one in the top part of my ear but I think Ill just stick to the one I got now. It is a testimony to my past and the kids I minister to feel more comfortable knowing I am not a "stuffed shirt", and they see that I had been there done that.


Well, sounds like you're not at all hostile to his double rings in one ear, anyway...

Is he done getting rings put in now, maybe? because anyway many young men do both ears these days.

God bless your family.
this is an area of Christian liberty if ever there were one...there is no prohibition of the wearing of jewelry by either sex


Yes, Romans 14 has wide application, right?

So I guess the bottom line is twofold: whether your son as well as you thinks it would be a great idea ... ?

and whether dh in due course realizes that Christian liberty doesn't prohibit it?

God bless your family.
I don't think Steve is against the idea on religious least I've never hear him object to guys wearing earrings due to religion or the Bible.

He just thinks that guys wearing earrings look like they are either gay or punks...neither a look he desires for his son.


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