Learn and practice to pay off your credit cards in full each month. If you want to buy something that you have to finance, look for better terms than your CC. Last car I bought, I had an open home equity line and paid for it with that. The interest rate, at the time, was like 5% or something. But even home equity lines, unless you already have it opened and it's just sitting there with available funds left, they are expensive to open because of the costs associated with mortgage borrowing. For items less than $1000. try to get a 90 day or six month same as cash deal. I know one of the popular furniture stores offers like 3.5 years free interest.
But practice paying credit cards off every month in full. Use them for all your day to day expenditures, but just know how much cash you will have from your check to pay for them and when the bill comes, pay it off. Living with day to day expenses greater than your budget is a sure sign of trouble.
Living can be very expensive, but we all have to learn to live within our means in the long run. Borrowing money with high interest rates is a fool's gambit. However, I think everyone should try to hold at least one CC. Pay it off each month and you'll always have that 'emergency money' you need when the car needs a brake job.
Don't forget outside hose bibs. My water department called me one day to tell me that I was showing an abnormal usage and so I said ok, I'll check it out. Turned out it was an outside hose bib behind a bush and nobody ever knew it was dripping. The rubber in them can get brittle with both age and colder temperatures during the winter.