So there is sin in God?I absolutely do believe that we who are in Christ walk in the Light. And I also know that, because we walk in the Light, the Blood CONTINUALLY cleanses us from the sins we commit knowingly or unknowingly as we live each day. Walking in the Light doesn't mean we don't, or can't, stumble. The Deceiver is alive and active, and is continually seeking those he can destroy.
That is what you are saying when you write that there are sinners in the light...which is God.
I can't agree.
What happens when we are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins? (Acts 2:38)But to say you have no sin is itself a sin, because it is a lie. Even Peter sinned when he pulled away from the Gentiles when the Jews showed up, and Paul called him out on it (Gal 2:11-13). Being in Christ doesn't mean we cannot sin. It just means that we strive to not sin with the help of the Holy Spirit, and that we have a continual cleansing of those sins.
We are cleansed of sins.
Why can't we say so?
As new creatures, we have everything we require to remain in the light without fault.
What do you think of..."Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." (1 John 3:9) ?
Can the seed of an apple bring forth the fruit of pumpkin?
Then why could God's seed bring forth the fruit of the devil?