Which is the point of the inquiry. If someone else's disposition is unknown then how can anything be apresumed one way or another?
But that is what you are doing, is it not? You have assumed the OP was posting his post towards other Christians, but that is nowhere indicated.
No, I am exploiting the assumptions of ops presuppositionally presuming conditions of the theology and the op's readers. In order for ANY author to imply "believe my post our you'll burn in hell" that author must first assume the reader is not Christian OR the Christian reader could burn in hell if not subscribing to the op's assertions (whatever that content and its motives and intent might be.
Yes, and you seem to have assumed the latter, without basis for doing so. It seems to me that the OP clearly wrote such a post for unbelievers. Why should we assume otherwise?
That's incorrect (as I described above) but even if that were the case..... do you see any of the authors in this board showing up to explain themselves?
If you want to know why someone wrote what they wrote or to whom they wrote, because nothing clearly indicates either of those, then you must ask them. None of us are mind readers.
Ah, yes, I see. Aimless posting is better than prejudiced posting, or theologically untenable posting.
I'm not sure what your point is, but just read the OP and how they couldn't post in the comments on YouTube.
That brings us back to the underlying fundamental question of who are the unbelievers reading Christian posts about Christian end times doctrines written by a Christian author in a Christian board? and Why would any Christian presume there are unbeliever's in that board?
I've already pointed this out, even based on what you had already stated:
"Yes, and Jesus explicitly states he did not know any of those people. They think they are Christians, but they are not Christians. As Paul put it, they neither
know or are known."
There are clearly those who think they're Christian but are not, right? Maybe something in that OP will get someone to reconsider, although not likely since they believe themselves to be Christian.
There are no unbelievers in this board!
That is an assumption, based on the reasons already given.
Everyone has been asked who those supposed unbelievers presumed to exist might be and the response is silence. There's zero evidence any such readers exist in this board.
No, the response hasn't been silence.
The point is the "reading into it" has already occurred on the part of the author who tells people they'll burn in hell if they do not subscribe to the assertions of his op. Try for a minute to be as critical of those ops as you've tried to be with me because every point your making is applicable to them, not me.
- There are no unbelievers here.
This is an assumption, again, for the reasons given. Besides, there are unbelievers on these forums who can still read was written, never mind those who aren't members but just peruse the site.
- Christians cannot lose their salvation because they do not subscribe to an op's eschatological assertions.
Of course, but you're assuming that that was his point and it doesn't seem like it is.
Since salvation is by grace through faith and NOT by eschatology,
Of course, and no one has stated otherwise.
how is it one Christian can even remotely imply his siblings in the body of Christ might burn if there is any disagreement with that op?
- How can a Christian preach to other Christians and threaten them with divine judgment culminating with their burning in hell if they, the Christian readers, do not subscribe to the op's assertions?
- Does this make sense to anyone?
Again, you're assuming the intent of the author. I think you need to read the OP's first paragraph a little more closely and also see that it is their only post.
- Is this practice something anyone here thinks should be ignored?
Of course not, but is that actually what was done? It doesn't appear so to me.
What is the better, more whole-scripture alternative?
Go to the OP and ask what his intentions were, since he seems to have cause you offense.
No, I can't; I'm not a mind reader.