unred typo
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- #181
quote by aLoneVoice :
God is not bound by time - to God, the past exists. He operates outside of time.
You actually believe that ‘the past’ is going on right now? So Jesus is still on the cross out there in ‘the past’ somewhere? Why did he say, “It is finished?†Nothing is finished for God according to your paradigm.
quote by aLoneVoice :
God knowing Jeremiah was not about knowing his DNA, or reading his "genes". God KNEW Him before he was born, before he was formed, before he even existed.
That would be one way to look it at. An asinine way, but whatever floats your boat. It certainly is a popular way. Most people accept that without thinking about it. Cool. Go with that. It’s easier. He knew Jeremiah before he existed. It even sounds cool. Like “Before I had a father, I had a son.†Can’t argue with that reasoning. In fact, I’m getting to where I don’t even want to try.
quote by aLoneVoice :
God does not change - He is the same today, yeterday, and tomorrow. His plans do not change.
His plans do change. He tells us that if we repent, he won’t send us to hell, but will receive us into everlasting habitations. That’s a pretty radical change. He was planning to send me to hell and then, I repented and now he plans instead to bring me to heaven. What doesn’t change is his promise that if the sinner repents and turns from his sin, he will turn away from the judgment that he thought to do to him.
quote by aLoneVoice :
He is omniscience and omnipotent.