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Pregnancy Control Pills

Interestingly enough it was Christians that played a huge part in trying to retain slavery, based directly on what the Bible says. I am happy to quote the relative parts if you wish.

The American Civil war just happens to be the most recent big war of Christian against Christian based largely on differing beliefs and interpretation of the Bible. Even today many Christians believe in white supremacy and that slavery and racial discrimination is acceptable!
Such beliefs are contrary to Jesus' message and Christianity so it begs the question of whether or not such people are even Christians. I tend to think not. This is not the topic so I will end the discussion on that.

Aardverk said:
As for following the leadership of the church, you have first to agree with the leadership!
Why? Why not trust leadership? And agree on what? How much? This is a significant problem in the church, which the Bible addresses:

2 Tim 4:2-4, 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. (NKJV)

Aardverk said:
Not so very long ago a woman would have been called a harlot for wearing a lace collar in church instead of a 'Godly' plain collar!
Which is, of course, absurd. The manner of a collar isn't mentioned in Scripture. Sex and the marriage bed is.

Aardverk said:
I certainly have issues with some of 'highlife's' beliefs but his caution in blindly following 'leadership' is to be applauded.
Not one single person has suggested that anyone blindly follow leadership. If one person has all the Christians they know saying that what they are doing isn't right, then chances are it isn't right.
Why not trust leadership? And agree on what? How much? This is a significant problem in the church…
I barely understand why you are even asking such a question. If we do not question leadership and teachers, we are stuck with whatever they want to tell us. Only by questioning conventional wisdom do we make any advances. We would still have slavery, the USA would be a colony of the King of England, the Earth would still be flat and the sun would go around the Earth, women would be subservient to men AND we would only have one Christian church – more than likely the Catholic church.

Because men have always questioned their leaders and teachers we now have over 200 major Christian denominations and thousands of minor sects. Whichever denomination you choose to follow has arrived at its particular beliefs by questioning the leaders and teachers that came before it. If Jesus had not questioned the teaching in the synagogues, we may well all be Jews by now. Jesus showed the way. Questioning is good, healthy and sensible. Unquestioning acceptance of what you are told is the opposite.

It would be wise for highlife to listen to all the advice that he can get but it is then his decision whether to accept that advice or trust his own judgement. Even if ‘everyone’ disagrees with him, it does not mean that he is wrong. Ask Galileo!
Which is, of course, absurd. The manner of a collar isn't mentioned……
My point exactly. Just because women were and still are expected to dress, behave and think in a certain way by their husbands and leaders, that does not mean that they should. Even today we still have conventions in some churches that are entirely man made and nothing to do with Scripture.
Not one single person has suggested that anyone blindly follow leadership.
I presume you mean no one single person except ‘highlife’ who has mentioned it several times. You may also want to ignore your own words, “To shun the advice of Christian leaders and prefer one's own feelings on a matter is to do so at great peril…….. The Bible clearly shows a leadership structure and the purpose of leadership. It also clearly shows that we are to correct those of the church who are in error.†I do accept that you did not say 'blindly' but you know that was just a figure of speech.

One does not become wise and all-knowing just because one is a pastor, vicar, teacher, preacher, bishop, priest, moderator, elder, etc. The fragmentation of the Christian church is testament to the fact that some ‘Christian’ teaching has been constantly rejected for the last two thousand years. Roughly half of Christians believe that the other half aren’t even Christians!

If one person has all the Christians they know saying that what they are doing isn't right, then chances are it isn't right.
See above. He should most certainly listen, consider and then make up his own mind – just like you do. Just like any intelligent person does.
After intercourse some people use certain pills to control pregnancy. Is it not abortion? A female takes some pills after some hours, after having sex.

(Sorry for yet another abortion thread). I'm curious

Yes, I would call this abortion.
Thousands of embryos die in the IVF and artificial insemination process, and Christians don't complain about it.

I just don't think a couple cells is a person.
Thousands of embryos die in the IVF and artificial insemination process, and Christians don't complain about it.

I just don't think a couple cells is a person.

No? How about 4 cells?

How about 8 or 16 cells?

How about 32 or 64 or 128 or 256 or 512 or 1024?

How about 50,000 cells or 250,000 cells or a 25,000,000 cells?

The issue is not whether an early stage zygote, blastocyst or even an embryo is 'a person' because it is not. It is however a life and potentially a person. It may not be a life that you would recognize and it would not be sentient but nevertheless it is a life. Would you end that life if it was 2 cells but not if it was 50 million cells? Where is your cut-off point?............. And why?
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It is well known that any kind of birth control is risky and dangerous for health. Also we should remember that we should not try to go against God's wish.
It is well known that any kind of birth control is risky and dangerous for health.

Except perhaps.
1. Condoms.
2. Spermicide.
3. Dutch caps.
4. Rhythm method.
5. Coitus Interuptus.
6. Chastity belts.:lol
Except perhaps.
1. Condoms.
2. Spermicide.
3. Dutch caps.
4. Rhythm method.
5. Coitus Interuptus.
6. Chastity belts.:lol

seguidors :biglol
I think most spermicide stuff are dangerous to health.

How about chastity over a given period of time