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Bible Study Pride


Hubris (pride) was the character flaw that caused many to fail in Greek mythology. In my counseling practice I have noticed that it is also the stumbling block for many ministers. The wisdom of Proverbs declares in verse 11:2 that "when pride comes, then comes dishonor," and in verse 16:18 "Pride goes before destruction. And a haughty spirit before stumbling."

Remember the Biblical story of Nebuchadnezzar, the king, who was made to live and eat with the beasts of the field and wild donkeys because of his pride? Daniel 5:21 declares that he was "given grass to eat like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until he recognized that the Most High God is ruler over the realm of mankind and that He sets over it whomever He wishes."

God truly places those in authority over His church as he sees fit and also removes whomever He chooses. Pride is probably the major reason for a lack of favor with God and therefore lack of success in ministry. It is also the major root issue in failure. As James 4:6 declares " . . . God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

Though this failure principle is commonly known in ministry circles, few of us readily admit to having pride and still fewer seem to actively repent. Because pride can be very subtle in its manifestations, many do not know the telltale signs of pride. Consider the following characteristics of hidden pride and see if God reveals any indications of pride in your life. Be brave. Ask those who know you well if they see any of these characteristics in your life.


1. Insecurity. Research reveals clergy as one of the most insecure of all professional groups. Insecurity is the root of many unhealthy and ungodly behaviors. It provokes us to want the lavish praise and attention of others too much. Much of pride is motivated out of one’s unmet need for self-worth. Finding one’s identity and security in Christ is a must to avoid pride.

2. The need to be right. Ever encounter someone who has a hard time being wrong? This is a symptom of pride. The need to be right prevents one from appropriately evaluating issues as well as themselves (Galatians 6:3). A person who needs to be right has an exalted investment in himself or herself and thinks that he/she knows better than others. In religious circles, the need to be right is frequently manifested through always saying ‘God told me’ or ‘God showed me’.

3. Being argumentative. Individuals, who argue their point of view, especially to those in authority over them, are allowing pride to get the best of them. At the root of their argument is a belief that they are right and the other is wrong and that their will should prevail. It is appropriate to advocate for a point of view or position but not to do so in such a manner that you are more invested in your opinion than in arriving at a mutual understanding.

4. More invested in being heard than in hearing. When someone develops a pattern of needing others to listen to them rather than first hearing others, pride is motivating the need. The need to be heard is common among clergy who are insecure. Oftentimes, the individual does not feel loved or valued unless people "hear them out." In truth, this is often just an expression of insecurity and pride.

5. Anger. Anger is a self-justifying emotion. This means that the nature of anger is to prompt us to justify our position and blame another for the wrongdoing. Justification of self leads to denial of our own complicity or wrongdoing. The scripture warns that the "anger of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God." (James 1:20). An individual who is angry a lot is suffering from pride.

6. Irritability and impatience. Even though I am a counselor, it was only recently that I learned that the root of impatience in my life is anger and therefore pride. When we are unable to be patient with another and are irritated, it demonstrates a haughty view of self. We feel that our views, time or needs are more important than the other persons. This again is more an indication of our pride than someone else’s slow movement or imperfection.

7. Lack of submissive attitude. Submission is the voluntary placement of oneself under the influence, control or authority of another. When an individual pledges their submission to you or another, yet is critical or argumentative of that authority, then pride is the hidden issue. The test of humility and submission is being able to say ‘yes’, maintain a positive attitude and trust God, especially when the decision of your authority goes against your grain or better judgment.

8. Not easily corrected. Ever work or live with someone who won’t receive any negative or corrective feedback? This too is pride. Before he died, a pastor in the East Valley was noted for being easily entreated and able to receive corrective feedback from others. He would thank the person for the negative feedback and commit to pray about it, seek counsel and get back to the person with what conclusions he came to. He was a role model for many of us.

9. Receiving correction but not changing. I worked with a man who often would receive my correction and say thank you for the feedback, but would never change. This too is a form of pride. The individual was placating me and people-pleasing me, telling me what I wanted to hear but not really taking the feedback to heart. His insecurity and fear prevented him from truly changing.

10. Needing others to take your advice. Counselors, such as myself, easily fall into the trap of having to have others take their advice. Advice should always be offered without strings attached. If you find yourself resenting the fact that your advice is not followed, look deeper at the motivating issues in your life.

11. Needing to proclaim your title or degrees. A good friend of mine requires everyone to call him ‘pastor’, saying that he has deservedly earned the title. Demanding that others call you ‘doctor’ or ‘pastor’ or ‘bishop’ is usually a way of making you ‘one up’ and them ‘one down’. Once again, pride is fueling the requirement.

12. Being stubborn. Webster’s dictionary defines stubbornness as "unduly determined to exert one’s own will, not easily persuaded and difficult to handle or work, resistant." The root issue of stubbornness is willfulness, which is ‘I want what I want when I want it’. Another name for pride.

13. Comparisons and competition. 2 Corinthians 10:12 makes it clear that comparing oneself with others is unwise. Comparison is a form of competition. It is often overt. For example, emphasizing the size of one’s church, the number of converts, etc. However, it can also be the subtle sin of heart that inwardly grieves when another is more successful or rejoices when another pastor’s ministry enters hard times. The motive of heart is pride.
I believe that pride, will keep many a minister out of heaven.

Once they have taught error to their church members, they are loath to admit their mistake. and admit they have have sinned, publicly.
I'm sure there will be people in heaven that no one thought would be there, and others in hell who thought they would be in heaven.
Your very welcome brother.. Thanks for the link. It serves a good purpose to those with questions.. Thanks again.. God Bless
Atonement said:
Your very welcome brother.. Thanks for the link. It serves a good purpose to those with questions.. Thanks again.. God Bless

Actually after reading your post this morning, God revealed somethings to me in my prayer time, that I had to take care of. A sin that had been lingering for about 5 years and it was pride that was holding me back. There were three people who had wronged me and so today I really forgave them and we were all set free. Those three emails I sent were so tuff, but then the responses back were very cool :)
Praise God..
Thanks javier
Well God Bless my friend. It's good to hear good news on here. I like praise reports in the middle of all this heat here. I'm glad that you were able to humble yourself and start fresh with these people who have wronged you.

You know, I will get alot of 'turning heads for this' but I'm also seeking out an ol' someone who wronged me and my family, just to say I'm truly sorry and forgive him. But there is apart of me that does not want to forgive.. Maybe I'll never find him so I'll just mention it here. You see about 6yrs ago, I came home late after work one night after working a 12 hour shift and walked in to find my ex 'friend' raping my fiancee at the time who was 5 months pregnant with my child.

I lost it....... I found myself with no self control. I beat this man until he was nothing but a bloody lifeless body. When I came home I came in through the sliding glass door, it was summer time and we usally left the door open. After beating this man, I threw him through the glass door which I thought was open. He was rushed to the hospital where he remained for 14 weeks, two of those 3 1/2 months was in ICU.

I never got to forgive the man. I did attempt to see him in the hospital, but his family would not allow it. I prayed days, weeks and still to this day I find myself at times praying for this man. Whatever happened to him? Why did I loose it in a way I never had before? Why did he rape my fiancee? How could my friend do this to me? I still live with these questions, but many who know me including my fiancee belive it was out of rage, and I was defending my family. I like to believe that... But still I ask WHY?
Atone, By confessing the sin of unforgiveness, as did I publically, there was a healing that took place for both of us..... james 5

Some will look at the beat down as the sin... That is NOT a sin
The sin would have been in not doing anything.
I would have done the very same thing. A part of being the priest in your home, is to protect the family God gave you.

Praise God for the healing that took place though this thread. I pray that more would get healed... I pray in Jesus name....amen
Jon-Marc said:
I'm sure there will be people in heaven that no one thought would be there, and others in hell who thought they would be in heaven.
This statement of yours is truer than the majority in the Christian world will admit.

It is easy to start out as a Christian.
Accepting Jesus Christ, as ones personal Savior, is easy.

BUT....the hard part, is staying a Christian !

I can almost guarantee that NO ONE have followed this Bible text: Psalms 19:7 "The law of the LORD [is] perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD [is] sure, making wise the simple".

This Bible text tells of the Law of God (Exodus 20:3-17), plays a part, in ones conversion process.

Is there anyone in the Christian world.....who has ever looked at what the 10 commandments become 'saved' ?

NO ?


The Bible plainly states, that the law plays a part in one conversion, does it not ?

Salvation, is from what ?
Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

If one continues to sin, how can it be said that one is 'saved' ...FROM....their sin(s), if one is still sinning ?

Romans Chapter 6, tells us that sin, is to be divorced, from the sinner, that it is to have no more control of them.

It is the responsibility of the Christian, to learn what the Bible defines as sin......and, STOP DOIN IT !
When Jesus Christ told people to....'go and sin no more' (John 5:14 & 8:11)....THAT IS WHAT HE MEANT !


The following Bible scriptures tells us of those who truely believed that they were Christians.....BUT, they were continuing to sin, and because of that....they were LOST.....
Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (SIN).
To me, being saved and being a Christian are not necessarily the same thing. I am ALWAY saved, but I don't ALWAYS act like a Christian. I've been ashamed of things I've said and done. However, I can't think of anything I'm doing in my life that would be displeasing to God. I won't and can't say I've reached perfection, but I don't have any of what anyone would call a "vice". This is not because of any goodness in me since "All of our righteousnesses are as filthy rags." However, the grace of God has brought me to the point submission (after 43 years of being His) to God's will so that sin is not the desire in me that it once was.

The question for me is: Does a person who claims to be a Christian show a Christlike spirit by rejecting sin, being kind and loving like Christ, and desiring the Father's will in all things? Jesus said, "Thy will be done." Are we willing to say that and mean it? I've said it many times and mean it. However, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." I still fail at times, but I have an Advocate Who intercedes between the Father and myself to remind Him that "This one is mine. I paid for his redemption, and he has been forgiven. I'm still working in him to make him holy and righteous, but when he stand before You, Father, he will be perfect because of My righteousness."
Jon-Marc said:
The question for me is: Does a person who claims to be a Christian show a Christlike spirit by rejecting sin, being kind and loving like Christ, and desiring the Father's will in all things? Jesus said, "Thy will be done." Are we willing to say that and mean it? I've said it many times and mean it. However, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." I still fail at times, but I have an Advocate Who intercedes between the Father and myself to remind Him that "This one is mine. I paid for his redemption, and he has been forgiven. I'm still working in him to make him holy and righteous, but when he stand before You, Father, he will be perfect because of My righteousness."

Everytime the word ...'Righteousness', is used.....REMEMBER that Righteousness is defined HIS Commandments...... Psalms 119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments [are] righteousness.

So then.....a person, who has the Righteousness of Jesus Christ is....following the commandments of Christ, which are found in (Exodus 20:3-17...ect...ect)
Jay T said:
Everytime the word ...'Righteousness', is used.....REMEMBER that Righteousness is defined HIS Commandments...... Psalms 119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments [are] righteousness.

So then.....a person, who has the Righteousness of Jesus Christ is....following the commandments of Christ, which are found in (Exodus 20:3-17...ect...ect)

Jay T
What happened to being saved By Grace alone?
Why are you saying Grace + works?
Are you a 7th day adventist?
Ha, Thats what it is, You are a 7th day adventist. No wonder you believe in the way you do. I i am wrong let me know.
There's a good lesson to be learned of pride concerning Abraham and Sarah. Abraham took matters into his own hands with Sarah's prompting to take Hagar to wife. Hagar begat Ishmael. Following this God's promise to Sarah was fulfilled through Isaac. God said the second would have dominion over the firstborn and it was so.
Abraham and Sarah didn't believe God so pride taking the opportunity worked in Abraham and Sarah to do things their way, the way that made better sense to them and not believing the promise of God.

We don't really consider pride as an element of sin since we focus a lot more on the temptation and acting upon it. But pride paves the way for us to be tempted in the first place. It's our pride through which Satan works his wiles. It's through our pride that rebellion is born. It's pride that makes us question God and His ways when we, through pride, want things done our way.
PotLuck said:
Abraham and Sarah didn't believe God so pride taking the opportunity worked in Abraham and Sarah to do things their way, the way that made better sense to them and not believing the promise of God.

Abraham did not believe the promise of God? :-? Hang on a minute.

Scripture says, 'that which is without faith is sin' and yet Abraham was accounted as righteous BECAUSE he believed God. He was made righteous BECAUSE of his faith in God's promises toward him.
He did stumble, yes. He wanted a son to continue his line not believing Sarah would indeed conceive. So he took Hagar to bear a son for him. He tried to make God's promise happen not allowing God to do it Himself not believing God would make Sarah conceieve at her age. Abraham took matters into his own hands. David also stumbled, the apple of God's eye. Even Elijah hid in a cave not believing God would protect him. Moses did not enter the promised land because he didn't believe God at his word to just speak to the rock. Instead he struck it three times. And on and on.
Yet, these are patriarchs of biblical text, God's chosen. And each was righteous in God's eye by faith. Very true. Look at the faith Abraham had to attempt sacrifice of Isaac. Faith, yes of course. But in each was a weakness. But God is longsuffering and slow to anger, merciful and wise.
No man can or will do the entire will of God. That's the point. Nobody. Not Abraham, not Moses, not David, no man. Yet they displayed unequaled faith in God while at the same time showing the traits of the flesh. Moses had faith to follow God, yes, he believed God. But he wasn't allowed into the promised land for an error he committed... not doing ALL of the will of God. Abraham couldn't wait on God. So he did things himself by Hagar.
No man can fulfill the law... God's will. It is imperative this is shown for if man could then there would be no need for Christ. IF Abraham could do the entire will of God then that's evidence man can be saved on his own merit. However, by faith they were accounted as righteous. As we are today.
Only Christ did the entire will of God.
PotLuck said:
He did stumble, yes. He wanted a son to continue his line not believing Sarah would indeed conceive. So he took Hagar to bear a son for him. He tried to make God's promise happen not allowing God to do it Himself not believing God would make Sarah conceieve at her age. Abraham took things into his own hands. David also stumbled, the apple of God's eye. Even Elijah hid in a cave not believing God would protect him. Moses did not enter the promised land because he didn't believe God at his word to just speak to the rock. Instead he struck it three times. And on and on.
Yet, these are patriarchs of biblical text, God's chosen. And each was righteous in God's eye by faith. Very true. Look at the faith Abraham had to attempt sacrifice of Isaac. Faith, yes of course.

This is the account of God's promise to Abraham:

After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward."
But Abram said, "O Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?" And Abram said, "You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir." Then the word of the LORD came to him: "This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir." He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the starsâ€â€if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be."

Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.

Where does it say that Abram did not believe God and therefore sinned by taking Hagar? It was not until AFTER Hagar had borne his child that God told Abram that Sarai would bear him a child.

I believe it is man's theological distortions that would have us believe Abram sinned. Abram DID NOT disbelieve God OR sin on account of the promises of God made to him.

Some of these other people that you mention knew that what they did was against what God had directed. Not so, Abraham.
oscar3 said:
Jay T
What happened to being saved By Grace alone?
Grace, is God's power, to obey, (Romans 1:5)

Grace, is God's power to overcome any and all sinfull habits (Romans 6).

Grace, is far, far more powerful than the power of sin in our lives, which God has freely given to every human being to use, to develope perfect characters, fit for heaven (Tituis 2:11-15).

AND...if grace is not used, properly, that person ..WILL NOT...get into heaven (2 Corinthians 6:1 & Revelation 22:14).
Why are you saying Grace + works?
Grace, produces the works, God wants done.

If the born-again person understands what Grace is for, they will use the God-given gift to perfect a Christ-like life, in this present world.
Are you a 7th day adventist?
Yes, Just as Jesus Christ was.
Ha, Thats what it is, You are a 7th day adventist. No wonder you believe in the way you do. I i am wrong let me know.
SDA's are suppose to teach, exactly what Jesus Christ taught.
It is the only people of God which the Bible describes....
Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

REMEMBER....not all SDA's, are true SDA's.
There is always the tares among the wheat.....just as in Christ's group of disciples, there were the bad, among the good.
Jay T said:
Oscar3 wrote:Are you a 7th day adventist?

Yes, Just as Jesus Christ was.

So Jay T
You say that Jesus was a 7th day adventist. Explain this to me please.
Did he also study under Ellen G white?