Here is just one of the many reasons abortion is wrong, check it: ... 3083wwOreE
This is a copy of an e-mail I had typed up and sent out to everyone I could a few months ago:
Within the first page of the link I am sending you, there are many other
links to check out. I recommend that you at least read the letters by
nurses who were present during partial birth abortions as well as other
types. If you are at all wishy-washy on the abortion issue, I believe this
page will cause you to seriously think about where you stand. Just to let
you know, the only picture on the opening page is a drawn diagram on how a partial birth abortion is performed.
If what you read doesn't do it, then check out the pictures of aborted
babies that start from the 7th week of pregnancy (they are on a separate
page). You will see how perfect their little hands and feet are even though
the babies are smaller than your thumb. I reluctantly made myself view some of these so I would know what I was sending you. These are not for the squeamish but if you are pro-choice, you need to check them out, I believe these photos will change your view. If nothing else, if you are going to support such a thing, you should understand what is involved.
I have always been strongly against abortion, believing that all children
deserve a right to live. I have been recently looking for ways to be more
involved with this issue and to stand up for what is right. This is why
I send this to you.
It is odd to me how PETA wails and laments about hamburgers and fur coats, anti-war activists create a stir when our government tries to step in a help another country, the environmentalists raise their fists to protect a renewable resource (or some creature which most of them really don't know anything about) but many seem to care nothing of the slaughter of innocent babies done right here in our own country. A young girl can have her baby murdered simply because she made a mistake but we get called murderers because we eat meat , wear leather jackets, or use trees for heat and shelter. That is pretty messed up my friends!