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- #121
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1966 April; 55(4): 727–733.
PMCID: PMC224220
Spontaneous origin of an incipient species in the Drosophila paulistorum complex.
T Dobzhansky and O Pavlovsky
World English Dictionary
incipient (ɪnˈsɪpɪənt)
— adj
just starting to be or happen; beginning
It means Dobzhansky was lucky enough to be watching precisely when the new species emerged. That doesn't happen very often.
Heh heh heh!
You've fiddled it again. Think we wouldn't notice?
Your words: 'when the new species emerged' PAST TENSE.
The real meaning of incipient:
Just STARTING to happen.
In other words, it hadn't happened yet.
And in any case. 'that doesn't happen very often' completely finishes your case for how the Cambrian explosion came about.
Want to change your nonsense stories?
Or going to go down with them?
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