Originally Posted by Barbarian View Post
Barbarian chuckles:
BTW, Async is indeed up to his usual stuff. In this video, John Lennox tells Richard Dawkins that he accepts evolution as Darwin saw it.
It works. Anyone who wants to see it can see Lennox claim to accept evolution as Darwin did.
Barbarian chuckles:
Letting Lennox speak for himself, Async argues is "deceptive." Fact is Lennox not only didn't "demolish evolution", he agrees with Darwinian theory. Did you really think we wouldn't check your claims?
No, I thought you could read. You clearly have a problem with either reading ability or comprehension or both.
I do think that anyone who interprets "I accept evolution as Darwin did" as "demolishing evolution" does have a problem with English.
Barbarian chuckles:
What he did was tell Dawkins that he accepts evolution as Darwin saw it. Why pretend otherwise? It's right there in the video.
This fake video that won't work?
Anyone can check it and see.
Barbarian observes:
Actually, mutation by itself produces biological information. Would you like to see the numbers again?
So now the mathematicians are "fakes?" Your circle of deception grows.
Barbarian admits:
Not familiar with your high priest's weasel,
Sorry, that's YOUR high priest
You gave him the title. You keep bringing him up. He's your high priest, by your own admission.
Barbarian continues:
but it sounds to me that it merely copies natural selection the way engineers do when they have a problem too difficult for design. They let evolution do it. Want to learn how?
You clearly have no idea how that works, or you wouldn't be bringing it up.
It's very simple. It begins (as evolutionary theory does) with an initial feasible solution, which is not optimal. It then simulates natural selection by favoring certain outcomes, after which the solution undergoes mutations. The favorable ones are retained, and the others removed from the gene pool. After a time, the solution converges on an optimum.
Just like it does in biology.
Barbarian observes:
If he actually wrote that (and given his statement that he supports Darwinian evolution, it seems unlikely)
Free, kindly note that this man is calling me a liar.
You have a history here. A lot of things you claimed that people said, you couldn't substantiate. After a while, people notice. Whether you were fooled by someone else, or just made it up, that's between you and God.
I shall feel free to respond in kind, and I trust you won't be bringing down the roof on me for doing so.
Feel free. I don't quote people unless I know what they said.
Barbarian continues:
then he's made a major goof. As you learned, even making very strict creationist assumptions about mutations, there's still more than enough in a population for observed variation. Would you like to see the numbers again?
Which part of the above citation - which I have here in print, black and white, and so could you if you were willing to buy a copy on eBay if you don't want to pay the full price) don't you understand/grasp/comprehend? I'll try to help you.
Doesn't matter. You've been embarrassed again. Your "anti-evolution" professor turns out to be an evolutionist. Don't you get tired of people laughing at you?
Don't you get tired of manufacturing false claims?
The video clearly shows the professor claiming to accept evolution as Darwin did.
Barbarian chuckles:
Feel free to challenge the math or the science. You'll be embarrassed yet again.
It's up to you to challenge Lennox's maths and science. Please do so without too much arm waving and deceit.
I already showed you the math involved for a population of modest size and very low mutation rates. And it works as evolution predicts.
The argument that you presented as Lennox's is that all probabilities are 50%, an old statistician's joke. I doubt if he was naive enough to take it for real.
Barbarian observes:
As you know, gravity is almost as certain as evolution.
It's very true. We know why evolution works. But we don't know for sure why gravity works.
Show us a reputable physicist saying so.
Even today, gravity is still a mysterious force, if it is a force at all. We all know the effects of gravity and how difficult it is to work against it. Think about climbing a long staircase. What is it that tries to pull you down? Obviously it is the mass of Earth, but how does mass accomplish this pulling down? This article gives an overview of the mainstream development of the theory of gravity over the last few centuries.
More later